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1、Hou Xianguang, Clarkson, E. N. K., Yang Jie, Zhang Xiguang, Wu Guangqing & Yuan Zibo, 2009: Appendages of early Cambrian Eoredlichia (Trilobita) from the Chengjiang biota, Yunnan, China. In Smith M., O’Brien L. & Caron J., International Conference on the Cambrian Explosion, Abstract volume, 77.
2、Hou Xianguang, Clarkson, E. N. K., Yang Jie, Zhang Xiguang, Wu Guangqing & Yuan Zibo, 2009: Appendages of early Cambrian Eoredlichia (Trilobita) from the Chengjiang biota, Yunnan, China. In Smith M., O’Brien L. & Caron J., International Conference on the Cambrian Explosion, Abstract volume, 77.
3、Hou Xianguang, Arthropods of the Chengjiang fauna, 1989, The early evolution of Metazoa and the significance of problematic taxa, Camerino University, Italy.
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5、Hou Xianuang Bergström, J., 1995. The Chengjiang Fauna: A clear window to Early Metazoan Structure,International Cambrian Explosion Symposium, Nanjing.
6、Hou Xianguang, Bergström, J. Ahlberg. P. 1995. Anomalocaridids from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Fauna of southwest China, International Cambrian Explosion Symposium, Nanjing.
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9、Stanley G. D., Haddock S. H. D., Hou Xianguang & Chen Ailin, 2009: Soft-bodied gelatinous fossils (Cnidaria/Ctenophora) from the Lower Cambrian, Chengjiang biota, Yunnan Province, China. In Smith M., O’Brien L. & Caron J., International Conference on the Cambrian Explosion, Abstract volume, 57-58.
10、CONG Peiyun, Hou Xianguang, LI Yizhen and YANG Jie, 2010. The segmentation of yunnanozoans. The Third International Palaeontological Congress (Abstract volume). 71.
11、Ma Xiaoya, Hou Xianguang, Aldridge, Richard, Siveter, David and Siveter, Derek,2010. Evidence of Possible Parasitic Worms from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstäte. The Third International Palaeontological Congress (Abstract volume). 257.
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