1. Eco-economic model linkages toward timber and non-timber production (芬蘭教育部,GSForest研究生院,2007-2010,主持) 。
2. PURO - Optimization of the quantity and quality of wood raw material in forest management and industrial processes (Foundation of Natural Resources in Finland 芬蘭自然基金,2005 –2006,參與) 。
3. SENSOR - Sustainability impact assessment: tools for environmental, social and economic effects of multifunctional land use in European regions (European Forest Institute 歐洲森林研究所,2005,參與) 。
4. Economic-ecological interactions in sustainable use of forest resources (Academy of Finland芬蘭科學院,2002-2004,參與) 。
5. FOBICS - Utilization of forest bioenergy and its effects on carbon sequestration (西北農林科技大學,2010-2013,主持)。
6. VACCIA - Vulnerability assessment of ecosystem services for climate change impacts and adaptation (Finnish Enviroment Institute 芬蘭環境研究院,2010-2011,參與)。
1. Cao, T., Valsta, L., Mäkelä, A., 2010. A comparison of carbon assessment methods for optimizing timber production and carbon sequestration in Scots pine stands. Forest Ecology and Management. 260, 1726-1734.
2. Cao, T. 2010. Silvicultural decisions based on simulation-optimization systems. Dissertationes Forestales 103. 48 + 53 pp. ISBN 978-951-651-296-2, ISSN 1795-7389.
3. Cao, T., Valsta, L., Härkönen, S., Saranpää, P., Mäkelä, A., 2008. Effects of thinning and fertilization on wood properties and economic returns for Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management. 256, 1280-1289.
4. Cao, T., Hyytiäinen, K., Tahvonen, O., Valsta, L., 2006. Effects of initial stand states on optimal thinning and rotation of Picea abies stands. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 21, 388-398.
5. Cao, T. 2003. Optimal harvesting for even-aged Norway spruce using an individual-tree model. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Research Papers 897. 44 pp. ISBN 951-40-1886-9, ISSN 0358-4283.