
在國際一流雜志Nature Struc.Mol.Biol, PNAS, FASEB J, JMB等發表論文10余篇。
1. “Molecular Mechanism of Inward Rectifier Potassium Channel 2.3 Regulation by Tax-interacting Protein-1”, Yan, X., Zhou, H., Zhang, J., Shi, C., Xie, X., Wu, Y., Tian, C., Shen, Y. *, long, J.*, J. Mol. Biol., 392(4): 967-976 (2009).
2. “Structural basis of beta-catenin Recognition by Tax-interaction Protein-1”, Zhang, J., Yan, X., Shi, C., Yang, X., Guo, Y., Tian, C., long, J.*, Shen, Y.*, J. Mol. Biol., 384(1): 255-263 (2008). (*: Corresponding author).
3. “Supramodular nature of GRIP1 revealed by the structure of its PDZ12 tandem in complex with the carboxyl tail of Fras1”, long, J., Wei, Z., Feng, W., Yu, C., Zhao, Y. –X., Zhang, M., J. Mol. Biol., 375(5):1457-1468 (2008).
4. “Renal cysts and fibrosis caused by epithelial cell polarity defects in mice lacking mammalian Lin-7c (MALS-3)”, Olsen, O., Funke, L., long, J., Fukata, M., Kazuta, T., Trinidad, J. C., Moore, K. A., Misawa, H., Welling, P. A., Burlingame, A. L., Zhang, M., Bredt, D. S., J. Cell, Biol. 179(1):151-64 (2007).
5.“Autoinhibition of X11/Mint Scaffold Proteins Revealed by the Closed Conformation of the PDZ Tandem”, long, J., Feng, W., Wang, R., Chan, L.-N., Fanny, Ip. Xia, J., Nancy, Ip. Zhang, M., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 12(8), 722-728 (2005).
6. “A unified assembly mode revealed by the structures of tetrameric L27 domain complexes formed by mLin-2/mLin-7 and Patj/Pals1 scaffold proteins”, Feng, W.&, long, J.& (equal contribution), Zhang, M., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102(19), 6861-6866 (2005).
7. “Structure of the Split PH domain and Distinct Lipid Binding Properties of the Split PH-PDZ Supramodule of alpha1-Syntrophin”, Yan, J., Wen, W.-Y., Xu, W.-G., long, J., Stanley, C. Froehner., Zhang, M., EMBO J, 24(23), 3985-3995 (2005).
8. “The tetrameric L27 domain complex as an organization platform for supramolecular assemblies”, Feng, W.&, long, J.& (equal contribution), Fan, J,-S., Suetake, T., Zhang, M., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 11(5), 475-480 (2004).
9. “p150 (Glued), dynein and microtubules are specifically required for activation of MKK3/6 and p38 MAPKs”, Cheung, P.Y., Zhang, Y., long, J., Lin, S., Zhang, M., Jiang, Y., Wu, Z., J. Biol. Chem., 279(44), 45308-45311 (2004).
10. “Supramodular structure and synergistic target binding of the N-terminal tandem PDZ domains of PSD-95”, long, J., Tochio, H., Wang, P., Fan J.-S,. Sala, C., niethammer, M., Sheng, M. and Zhang, M., J. Mol. Biol., 327(1), 203-214 (2003).
11. Yan X, Zhou H, Zhang J, Shi C, Xie X, Wu Y, Tian C, Shen Y*, Long J* (2009). Molecular mechanism of inward rectifier potassium channel 2.3 regulation by tax-interacting protein-. Journal of Molecular Biology 392-4-967-76. 2009-10-2
12. Zhang J, Yan X, Shi C, Yang X, Guo Y, Tian C, Long J*, Shen Y* (2008). Structural basis of beta-catenin recognition by tax-interaction protein-1. Journal of Molecular Biology 384-1-255-263. 2008-12-5
13. Jiafu Long., Wei, Z., Feng, W., Yu, C., Zhang, Y.-X., Zhang, M.(2008). Supramodular Nature of GRIP1 Revealed by the Structure of Its PDZ12 Tandem in Complex with the Car. Journal of Molecuar Biology 375--1457-1468. 2008-2-1
14. Xue Yang, Xingqiao Xie, Liu Chen, Hao Zhou, Zheng Wang, Weijing Zhao, Ran Tian, Rongguang Zhang, Changlin Tian, Jiafu Long*, and Yuequan Shen* (2010). Structural basis for tandem L27 domain-mediated polymerization . FASEB J 24-12-4668-4677. 2010-12-1