
1.IgY-Technology: Production and Application of Egg Yolk Antibodies. Xiaoying ZHANG,Ricardo S. Vieira-Pires ,Ricardo S. Vieira-Pires,Rüdiger Schade。 Springer,2021.
近日,IgY抗體技術專著(IgY-Technology: Production and Application of Egg Yolk Antibodies: Basic Knowledge for a Successful Practice, Springer Nature Group, Switzerland. 2021. ISBN: 978-3-030-72686-7. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030726867#aboutBook)在Springer出版社出版,該書是全球范圍內第一部針對IgY抗體技術的系統(tǒng)性英文學術專著,由張小鶯教授領銜主編,聯(lián)合近二十個國家的四十多位學者歷時多年編撰而成。
This first edited Volume on IgY-Technology, addresses the historical and dynamic development of IgY-applications. The authors cover the biological basis and theoretical context, methodological guidance, and applications of IgY-Technology. A focus is laid on the use of IgY-antibodies for prophylactic/therapeutic purposes in human and veterinary medicine.
Aside from applications, the chapters also offer an evolutionary understanding of the IgY molecule, IgY receptors and practical prerequisites to produce IgY-antibodies. Guidance is given for every step of the process. Starting with an introduction to hens as a model species and including hen husbandry, hen egg-laying capacity and total IgY outcomes. Readers will also learn about immunization techniques, the advantages and limitations of different IgY extraction methods, as well as storage stability of the final product.
The last part of the volume highlights hands-on aspects of applications, such as IgY delivery strategies, new methods to produce monoclonal IgY-antibodies or production of functional IgY fragments by phage-display as well as commercial exploitation of the technology. Thus, this book is a valuable resource and guide for Scientists, Clinicians and Health Product Developers in both human and veterinary medicine.
Prof. Dr. Xiaoying ZHANG, PhD in Pharmacology (Charité Medical University Berlin), Distinguished Professor at Shaanxi Univ. of Technology (2019-present); Senior Researcher at CBMA, Univ. of Minho, Portugal (2016-present); Professor (Adjunct) at Univ. of Guelph, Canada (2017-present); Professor at Northwest Agricultural & Forestry Univ., China (2008-2018). He has been dedicated to the development, popularisation and application of IgY Technology.
Ricardo S. Vieira-Pires is an Assistant Investigator at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), University of Coimbra, Portugal. He obtained his PhD in Structural Biology (2008) at University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France. He is head of the Structural Biotechnology Group that studies proteins and molecular assemblies involved in key processes of bacterial and viral infectious diseases. He is particularly interested in targeting microbial surface-exposed virulent factors using antibodies. He is head of the CNC – Avian Technological Unit that explores bird immune repertoires for antibody discovery. He is engaged with academic and industry partners promoting IgY Technology-based solutions for human and veterinary medicine.
Patricia M. Morgan is an Emerita Senior Lecturer at the National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway). Having been awarded a PhD in Biochemistry at NUI Galway, she undertook post-doctoral research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA in the areas of reproductive biology and endocrinology. She has held senior positions at NUI Galway as Dean of the College of Science and Dean of Graduate Studies. In these posts, she has championed research developments within the University particularly in the areas of Biotechnology and Innovation. She has served on various national committees promoting science and is an advocate for the public understanding of science and the promotion of inclusion and diversity in academia.
Rüdiger Schade started his scientific career at the Institute of Pharmacology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin in Berlin, Germany, in 1976. Since the early 1990’s, his research has been strongly focused on the development, production and application of IgY antibodies. His contributions significantly influenced the field of IgY-technology and promoted the application of this technology worldwide, particularly in Latin-America. In acknowledgement of his research efforts, he received the FISEA prize – the International Foundation for the Substitution of Animal Experimentation, Luxemburg - in 1997.
2.Bioactive Egg Compounds. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg出版社, 德國. ISBN-13:97
8-3-540-37883-9, 2007。
3.卵黃抗體技術. 科學出版社. ISBN-978-7-03-030902-0, 2011.05。
1、食品安全學.主編.科學出版社. 2012.08第一版;2017年第二版. 普通高等教育“十二五”規(guī)劃教材;中國科學院系列教材. ISBN 978-7-03-034526-5。
2、功能性食品學.主編.科學出版社.2012.08;2017年第二版,普通高等教育“十二五”規(guī)劃教材;中國科學院系列教材. ISBN 978-7-03-034529-5/TS.235。
3、獸醫(yī)藥劑學實驗指導.主編.中國農業(yè)出版社. ISBN 978-7-109-17194-72012,國家級動物科學實驗教學示范中心系列資助教材。
1、默克獸醫(yī)手冊(第十版).譯者. 中國農業(yè)出版社2015年.“十二五”國家重點圖書。
2、主審. 小動物藥物手冊(第七版)(2014-BSAVA Small Animal Formulary 7th);中國農業(yè)出版社;ISBN 978-7-109-17863-2;“十二五”國家重點圖書出版規(guī)劃項目“世界獸醫(yī)經(jīng)典著作譯叢”;2014.05. (Ian Ramsey主編;袁占奎裴增陽主譯;張小鶯主審;BSAVA:英國小動物醫(yī)師協(xié)會)。
1 Zhihui Jiang,Bo Zhou,Xinping Li,Gordon M.Kirby,Xiaoying Zhang*. Echinacoside increases sperm quantity in rats by targeting the hypothalamic androgen receptor. Scientific reports. 2018, 8:3839 (SCI, 二區(qū), IF=4.259, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22211-1).
2 Xiaoying Zhang*,Rosaleen A.Calvert,Brian J.IgY:A key isotype in antibody evolution.Biological reviews.2017,92(4):2144-2156 (SCI, 一區(qū), IF=11.615, doi: 10.1111/brv.12325).
3 Cui Li,Yaoyao Zhang,Sergei A.Eremin,Omar Yakup,Gang Yao,Xiaoying Zhang*. Detection of kanamycin and gentamicin residues in animal-derived food using IgY antibody based ic-ELISA and FPIA.Food Chemistry.2017,227:48-54 (SCI, 一區(qū), IF=4.529, doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.01.058).
4 Zehui Liu,Yangkun Liu,Yuanyuan Zhang,Yajuan Yang,Jingjing Ren,Xiaoying Zhang*,Enqi Du*.Surface displaying of swine IgG1 Fc enhances baculovirus-vectored vaccine efficacy by facilitating viral complement escape and mammalian cell transduction. Veterinary Research.2017,48(1):29 (SCI, 一區(qū), IF=2.798, doi:10.1186/s13567-017-0434-5).
5 Aili Aierken,Tina Buchholz,Chen Chen*,Xiaoying Zhang*,Matthias F.Melzig. Hypoglycemic effect of hawthorn in type II diabetes mellitus rat model.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.2017,97(13):4557-4561(SCI, 二區(qū), IF=2.463, doi:10.1002/jsfa.8323).
6 Abdul RasheedBaloch, Abdul Wahid Baloch, Brian J.Sutton, Xiaoying Zhang*. Antibody Mimetics: Promising complementary agents to animal-sourced antibodies. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 2016, 36(2): 268-275. (SCI, 一區(qū), IF="6.542)
7 Xuemei Jiang, Jianjun Hu, ThirumalaiDiraviyam, Xiaoying Zhang*. Immunoglobulin transporting receptors are potential targets for the immunity enhancement and generation of mammary gland bioreactor. Frontiers in Immunology. 2016, 7: 214. (SCI, 一區(qū), IF="6.429)"
8 Cui Li, Jinxin He, HaoRen, Enqi Du, Xiaoying Zhang*, Xinping Li. Preparation of a chicken scFv to analyze gentamicin residuein animal derived food products. Analytical chemistry, 2016, 88(7): 4092-4098. (SCI, 一區(qū), IF="6.32
9 Zhihui Jiang, Xuemei Jiang, Cui Li, HuitingXue, Xiaoying Zhang*. Development of an IgY antibody-based immunoassay for the screening of the CYP2E1 inducer/inhibitor from herbal medicines. Frontiers in Pharmacology.2017. (SCI, 一區(qū), IF= 4.400)
10 Zhihui Jiang, JianWang,Huiting Xue, Meng Wang, Hai Jiang, Yinku Liang, Alberto C.Dias, Marslin Gregory, Chen Chen, Xiaoying Zhang*. Protective effect of wild Corni Fructus methanolic extract against acute alcoholic liver injury in mice. Redox Report.2016,7:1-8. (SCI, 四區(qū), IF="2.070).
11 Meng Wang, Zhaoxiang Zhou, Jian Wang, Xiaoying Zhang*.An improved in vitro method for screening toxin and medicine target CYP2E1. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2016,47:86-91. (SCI, 三區(qū), IF="2.187).
12 Zhihui Jiang, Jian Wang, Xinping Li, Xiaoying Zhang*.Echiancoside and Cistanchetubulosa (Schenk) R. Wight ameliorates bisphenol A-induced testicular and sperm damage in rats through gonad axis regulated steroidogenic enzymes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2016, 193:321-328. (SCI,一區(qū), IF="2.981).
13 BinZhao, XiaoyingZhang *. Mathematical analysis of multi-antibiotic resistance.International Journal of Cardiology. 2016, 219:33-37.(SCI,一區(qū), IF="6.189).
14 WenyanXie, Meng Wang, Chen Chen, Xiaoying Zhang*, Matthias F Melzig. Hepatoprotective effect of isoquercitrin against acetaminophen-induced liver injury. Life Sciences. 2016, 152: 180-189. (SCI,二區(qū), IF="2.936).
15 Jinxin He, Yuan Wang, Xiaoying Zhang*. Preparation of artificial antigen and development of indirect competitive ELISA based on egg yolk-derived immunoglobulin (IgY) for the detection of Acid orange II in food samples. Food Analytical Methods. 2016, 9(2): 378-384. (SCI,二區(qū), IF="2.038).
16 Xiaoying Zhang*, ThirumalaiDiraviyama, Xiumei Li, Gang Yao & Antonysamy Michaeld. Preparation of chicken IgY against recombinant E2 protein of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and Development of ELISA and ICA for BVDV detection. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. 2016, 8(2):1-6. SCI,三區(qū), IF="1.295
17 Zhaoxiang Zhou, Meng Wang, Zengjun Guo, Xiaoying Zhang* Pharmacokinetic evaluation of the interaction between oral kaempferol and ethanol in rats. Acta Pharm. 2016,66:563-568. (SCI,四區(qū), IF="1.288).
18 TinaBuchholz, ChenChen, Xiaoying Zhang, M. F. Melzig*. Pancreatic lipaseand alpha-amylase inhibitory activities of plants used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.Pharmazie.2016,71(7):420-424. (SCI,三區(qū), IF="1.264).
19 TaoBai, ThirumalaiDiraviyam, Zhao Xiang Zhou, Zhihui Jiang, Xiaoying Zhang*.A novel method for correction of uterine torsion in Cows.Veterinarskiarhiv.2016, 86(6): 787-793. (SCI, 四區(qū), IF="0.362).
20 WangJian, Chen Chen, JiangZhihui, WangMeng, Jiang Hai,Xiaoying Zhang*.Protective effect of cordycepsmilitarisextract against bisphenolainduced reproductivedamage.Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine.2016, 62(4):249-57.(SCI, IF="1.176)
21 Xuemei Jiang, Xiumei Li, Zhi Yang, Diraviyam T, Sergei A. Eremin, XiaoyingZhang*.Evaluation and optimization of three different immunoassays for rapid detection zearalenone in fodders. Food Analytical Methods. 2016,1-7.(SCI, 二區(qū), IF="2.038).
22 BinZhao, ThirumalaiDiraviyam,Xiaoying Zhang*.Biomathematical modeling on chronobiological rhythms of antibody- exemplified through Chicken IgY. Biological Rhythm Research.2016, 47(6): 833-840.(SCI,四區(qū), IF="0.695).
23 HuitingXue, WenyanXie, Zhihui Jiang, Meng Wang, Jian Wang, Hongqiong Zhao, Xiaoying Zhang*. 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, a microbiota-derived metabolite of quercetin, attenuates acetaminophen (APAP) induced liver injury through activation of Nrf-2.Xenobiotica. 2016, 46(10):931-939.(SCI, 四區(qū), IF="1.932).
24 ThirumalaiDiraviyam, Jinxin He, Chen Chen, Bin Zhao, Antonysamy Michael, and Xiaoying Zhang*.Effect of passive immunotherapy against Clostridium difficile infection (CDI): A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.Immuno Therapy. 2016. 8(5):649-663. (SCI, 三區(qū), IF="2.083).
25 Meng Wang, Yuanguang Yu, Korbanjhon Brad, Wenyan Xie and Xiaoying Zhang*. The screening and evaluation of herbs and identification of herbal combinations with anti-viral effects on Newcastle disease virus. British poultry science. 2016, 57:34-43. (SCI, 二區(qū), IF="0.933).
26 HaoRen, Wenjing Yang, DiraviyamThirumalai, Xiaoying Zhang*,RüdigerSchade. A comparative evaluation of six principal IgY antibody extraction methods.Alternatives to laboratory animals. 2016,44(1):11-20. (SCI,三區(qū), IF="1.021).
27 Xuemei Jiang, ThirumalaiDiraviyam, Xiaoying Zhang*. Affinity purification of egg yolk immunoglobulins (IgY) using a human mycoplasma protein. Journal of Chromatography B.2016,1012-1013:37-41. (SCI,三區(qū), IF="2.687).
28 Xuemei Jiang, Yuan Wang, Xiaoying Zhang*. Data set for transcriptome analysis of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Data in Brief. 2016,6:12-14.
29 WenyanXie, Zhihui Jiang, Jian Wang, Xiaoying Zhang*, Matthias F. Melzig.Protective effect of hyperoside against acetaminophen (APAP) induced liver injury through enhancement of APAP clearance. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2016,246:11-19. (SCI,二區(qū), IF="3.143).
30 ZhihuiJiang, Chen Chen, wenyanXie, MengWang, JianWang, XiaoyingZhang *. Anthocyanins attenuate alcohol-induced hepatic injury by inhibitingpro-inflammation signalling. Natural Product Research. 2016,30(4):469-473.(SCI, 四區(qū), IF="1.828).
31 Zhihui Jiang, Chen Chen, Jian Wang, Wenyan Xie, Meng Wang, Xinsheng Li*, Xiaoying Zhang*.Purple potato (Solanumtuberosum L.) attenuate alcohol-induced hepatic injury by enhancing antioxidant defense. Journal of Natural Medicines. 2016,70(1):45-53. (SCI,四區(qū), IF="1.982).
32 Hongxiu Chen, Fan He, Yuan Sun,Yuzi Luo, HuajiQiu*, Xiaoying Zhang*, , Brian J.Sutton. Generation and characterization of chicken-sourced single-chain variable fragments against porcine interferon-gamma. Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry. 2015, 36(1): 27-44.
33 Jinxin He, Jianjun Hu, Diraviyam Thirumalal, Ruediger Schade, Eenqi Du and Xiaoying Zhang*.Development of Indirect competitive ELISA using egg yolk-derived immunoglobulin (IgY) for the detection of Gentamicin residues. Journal Environment Science Health B. 2015,51(1):8-13.(SCI,四區(qū), IF="1.247).
34 Zhihui Jiang, Pervez Ahmed Khoso, Haidong Yao, Ziwei Zhang, Xiaoying Zhang*, ShiwenXu*. SelW regulates inflammation-related cytokines in response to H2O2 in Se-deficient chicken liver. RSC Advances. 2015, 5: 37896-37905. (SCI, 一區(qū), IF="3.289)."
35 JinxinHe, YuanWang, ShiqiSun, XiaoyingZhang *. Evaluation of Chicken IgY Generated Against Canine Parvovirus Viral-Like Particles and Development of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Immunochromatographic Assay for Canine Parvovirus Detection.Viral immunology. 2015, 28(9):489-494. ( SCI,四區(qū), IF="1513).
36 Jinxin He, Yuan Wang, Xiaoying Zhang*. Preparation of artificial antigen and development of IgY based indirect competitive ELISA for the detection of kanamycin residues. Food Analytical Methods. 2015, 9(3): 744-751. (SCI,二區(qū), IF="2.167)."
37 YuanWang, XuemeiJiang, JinxinHe, ThirumalaiDiraviyam, XiaoyingZhang *.Quantitative investigation on correlation betweenIgG and FcRn during gestationand lactating periods in rat. American Journal of Reproductiv Immunology. 2016,75(2):81-85. (SCI, 三區(qū), IF="3.202).
38 WenyanXie, Chen Chen, Zhihui Jiang, Jian Wang, Matthias F. Melzig, Xiaoying Zhang*. Apocynumvenetum leaf extract attenuates acetaminophen overdose induced liver injury in mice. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2015, 43(3): 457-476. (SCI,一區(qū), IF="2.959)."
39 Meng Wang, Jianguo Sun, Zhihui Jiang, WenyanXie, Xiaoying Zhang*. Hepatoprotectiveeffect of kaempferol against alcoholic liver injury in mice. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2015, 43(2):241-254.(SCI, 一區(qū), IF="2.959).
40 Xi Yao, HaoRen, Wenjing Yang, T. Diraviyam, Furong Tang, Meng Yu, JinlianHua, Xiaoying Zhang*, Sha Peng*. Expression of goat RNA binding protein (Nanos2), development and evaluation of anti-Nanos2 IgY antibodies. Czech Journal of Animal Science.2015, 60(4): 152-163.(SCI,三區(qū), IF="0.809).
41 Zehua Tian, Fei Shi, Fagang Zhong, Dingping Bai, Xiaoying Zhang*. Analysis of Fcgrt Gene Polymorphism in Indigenous Chinese Sheep and Its Association with Colostrum IgG Concentration. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2015,14(1): 2461-70. (SCI, 四區(qū), IF="0.764).
42 Tian Wang, Chen Chen, Man Yang, Baiwan Deng, Gordon Michael Kirby&ZhangXiaoying*. Anthocyanin attenuates alcohol-induced hepatic injury by inhibiting oxidative stress and pro-inflammation signaling. Natural levels by induction of testicular steroidgenic enzymes. 2016,54(3):481-487.(SCI,四區(qū), IF="1.546).
43 Bin Zhao, DiraviyamThirumalai, Xiaoying Zhang*. A bio-mathematical approach: Speculations to construct Virtual Placenta. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2015, 256(4):344-351.(SCI, 一區(qū), IF="1.345)."
44 ChenChen, BalochAbdul Rasheed, JinxinHe, XiaoyingZhang*. A retrospective study on pet diseases and their medical interventions in Xi’an, China. Life Science Journal. 2014, 11(9): 971-975.(SCI, 三區(qū), IF="2.687).
45 XiaoshuangLiu, WenjingYang, JinxinHe, Jinzi. Zhao, Gutierrez C.E. Justo, Xiaoying Zhang*. Preparation of artificial antigen and egg yolk-derived immunoglobulin (IgY) of florfenicol amine for ELISA assay. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2014,49(2):109-115. (SCI,四區(qū),IF=1.202).
46 JinxinHe, DiraviyamThirumalai, RüdigerSchade, Xiaoying Zhang*, Chronobiological studies of chicken IgY: Monitoring of infradian, circadian and ultradian rhythms of IgY in blood and yolk of chickens. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 2014.160(3-4): 266-272. (SCI, 二區(qū), IF="1.535).
47 ThirumalaiDiraviyam, Bin Zhao, Yuan Wang, RuedigerSchade, Antonysamy Michael and Xiaoying Zhang*. Effect of chicken egg yolkantibodies (IgY) against diarrhea in domesticated animals: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Plosone. 2014, 9(5), e97716. (SCI, 一區(qū), IF="3.057).
48 Yuan Wang, ZehuaTian, ThirumalaiDiraviyam, Xiaoying Zhang*.Neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn): A novel target for therapeutic antibodies and antibody engineering. Journalof Drug Targeting. 2014, 22(4): 269-278(SCI, 三區(qū), IF="2.741)."
49 ZehuaTian; Brian Sutton; Xiaoying Zhang*. Distribution of rat neonatal Fc receptor in the principal organs of neonatal and pubertal rats. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction.2014, 34(2): 137-142.(SCI,四區(qū), IF="2.277).
50 WenyanXie, Jianguo Sun, Xiaoying Zhang, M.F. Melzig*. Necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) response in human hepatoma HepG2 cells treated with hepatotoxic agents.Die Pharmazie - An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2014,69: 379–384.
51 WenyanXie, XiaoyingZhang *, TianWang, S. Du. Pharmacokinetic analysis ofcefquinomeinhealthy chickens. British poultry science. 2013,54(1): 81-86.(SCI,三區(qū),IF=1.147).
52 WenyanXie, Chen Chen, Xiaoshuang Liu, Bo Wang, Maocang Yan, Xiaoying Zhang*. MeretrixMeretrix: Active Components and Their Bioactivities. Life ScienceJournal. 2012, 9(3):756-762. (SCI, 三區(qū), IF="2.687).
53 Tian Wang, Xiaoying Zhang*, WenyanXie. “Desert Ginseng”, Cistanchedeserticola Y. C. Ma, China. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2012,40(6):1123-1141 (SCI, 二區(qū), IF="2.959).
54 ZehuaTian, Xiaoying Zhang*. Progress on research of chicken IgY antibody- FcRY receptor combination and transfer. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. 2012:32(5): 231-237(SCI, 四區(qū), IF="1.782).
55 Shuizhong Han, Xiaoying Zhang*,Jinzi Zhao. Production of Egg Yolk Antibody (IgY) against Recombinant Canine Parvovirus VP2 Protein. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 2012: 40(2):1029. (SCI, 四區(qū), IF="0.198)."
56 WenyanXie, Xiaoying Zhang*, Tian Wang, Jianjun Hu. Apocynumvenetum L. (Luobuma) – A review on botany, traditional Uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology, China. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2012,141(1):1-8. (SCI, 二區(qū), IF="3.055)."
57 FagangZhong, Na Li, Xin Huang, Yan Guo, Xinhua Wang, Changqing Shi, Xiaoying Zhang*.Genetic typing and epidemiologic observation of bovine viral diarrhea virus in Xinjiang, China. Virus Genes. 2011, 42(2):204-207.(SCI, 四區(qū), IF="1.837).
58 Xiaoying Zhang*, Hongxiu Chen, ZehuaTian,Shulin Chen and RuedigerSchade. Chicken monoclonal IgY antibody: A novel antibody development strategy. Avian biology research. 2010.3(3):97-106. (SCI, 四區(qū), IF="0.808).
59 Jianjun Hu, Zhang Xiaoying﹡, Han Shuizhong, Zhao Jinzi, Tian Zehua. A survey of diagnosis and treatment of pet canine parvovirus disease in China. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances (SCI) 10(16):2058-2060.
60 Shuizhong Han, Baozhu Qi, Xiaoying Zhang﹡. A Retrospective Analysis on Phylogeny and Evolution of CPV Isolates in China, Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances(SCI). 2011: 6: 1204-1213
61 Xiaoying Zhang﹡, Hongxiu Chen, Zehua Tian,Shulin Chen and Ruediger Schade. Chicken monoclonal IgY antibody: A novel antibody development strategy. Avian biology research (SCI). 2010.3(3):97-106.
62 Yinqian Li, Wenyan Xie, Xiaoying Zhang﹡, Zehua Tian, Caiju Hao. Pharmacokinetics of mequindox after intravenous and intramuscular administration to goat. Journal of African biotechnology (SCI) 2010.9(49):8472-8476.
63 Si Li-Fang, Chen Shu-Lin, Cheng Xiang-Chao, Qing Su-Zhu, Si Xian-Li, Zhang Xiao-Ying, Wang Jin-Yi, Xu Yong-Ping and Fan Guang-Li, The Effects of IFN-γ on Expression of IL-18 in Uterus and Ovaries and IL-18 Levels in Peripheral Blood of Abortion Rats. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances(SCI), 2010.9(16):2194-2199
64 Shu-Shan Zhang, Jian-Hong Hu, Qing-Wang Li, Zhong-Liang Jiang, Xiao-Ying Zhang. The cryoprotective effects of soybean lecithin on boar spermatozoa quality. African Journal of Biotechnology(SCI). 2009.8 (22): 6476-6480.
65 Pauly D, Dorner M, Zhang X, Hlinak A, Dorner B, Schade R. Immunization of chickens with toxins during two years. Monitoring of laying capacity, IgY-concentration and antibody titer development in chickens immunized with ricin and botulinum toxins over a two years period. Poult Sci(SCI). 2009 Feb;88(2):281-90.
66 ZHAG Xiao-Ying﹡, Rüdiger Schade, Heinz Ellerbrok. Apparent dose dependent antibody response in chickens immunized with orthopox virus antigens. J of China pharmaceutical sciences(EI), 2008 17(4). 337-339.
67 ZHANG Xiao-Ying﹡, Andreas Kurth, Diana Pauly, Georg Pauli, Rüdiger Schade, Heinz Ellerbrok. Application of high-titred IgY antibodies in orthopox virus diagnostics. J of China pharmaceutical sciences(EI). 2008 17 (3).183-192.
68 Zhang X﹡, Kurth A, Ellerbrok H, Schade R. Production of poxvirus neutralising antibody in Hen's Eggs and evaluation of antibody effect. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica(SCI). 2006, 27: 52-55.
1 兩類教學新方法與多元化考核的提出及其實踐意義 趙斌; 曹津銘; 李璦冰; 張小鶯 大學教育 2018-05-01
2 菊苣醇提物對對乙酰氨基酚誘導小鼠肝損傷的保護作用 迪力穆拉提·玉蘇普; 周博; 艾力·艾爾肯; 吾買爾江·牙合甫; 張小鶯 食品安全質量檢測學報 2018-04-15
3 12種植物粗多糖的體外抗肥胖及抗氧化活性研究 李鑫鑫; 王一棠; 陳琛; 劉祥; 鄭紅星; 張小鶯 食品科技 2018-02-20
4 早期系統(tǒng)化康復護理在急性腦梗死伴偏癱患者中的應用效果 朱麗娟; 何文靜; 張小鶯; 游彩芬 中國當代醫(yī)藥 2018-01-08
5 刺糖對對乙酰氨基酚誘導的肝損傷的保護作用 艾力·艾爾肯; 庫爾班江·麥麥提敏; 蔣志惠; 張小鶯; 米克熱木·沙衣布扎提 中國畜牧獸醫(yī) 2017-07-20
6 豬圓環(huán)病毒2型Cap基因的原核表達及IgY多抗的制備 張遙遙; 張小鶯; 李新平 中國獸醫(yī)科學 2017-06-20
7 刺糖對酒精性肝病TNF-α和TLR4表達及病理變化的影響 庫爾班江·麥麥提敏; 艾力·艾爾肯; 蔣志惠; 張小鶯; 米克熱木·沙衣布扎提 動物醫(yī)學進展 2017-06-20
8 酶聯(lián)免疫吸附法檢測動物源性食品中恩諾沙星殘留量 楊熠; 孟坤杰; 趙紅瓊; 米克熱木·沙衣布扎提; 張小鶯 食品科學 2017-04-25
9 pM蛋白對IgY的互作研究[J]. 江雪梅,張小鶯*. 中國科技論文在線精品論文,2017,,10(3): 341-345..
10 恩諾沙星的酶聯(lián)免疫檢測方法 孟坤杰; 趙紅瓊; 王劍; 張小鶯 食品科學 2016-12-01
11 具有動物科學特色的高校地被植物課程教學改革初探 李厚華; 張小鶯; 羅建讓; 趙冰 教育教學論壇 2016-11-16
12 環(huán)境雌激素雙酚A暴露現(xiàn)狀及其雄性生殖毒性研究概況 蔣志惠; 謝文艷; 李新平; 張小鶯* 生態(tài)毒理學報[J].2016, 11(4).2016-08-15
13 石榴皮總黃酮提取工藝及其體外抗氧化活性研究 庫爾班江·巴拉提; 趙靜; 張小鶯 食品研究與開發(fā) 2016-08-10
14 免疫增強的潛在靶標--免疫球蛋白轉運受體[J]. 江雪梅,張小鶯*.中國科技論文在線精品論文,2016.
15 夏枯草水提物對吡唑-脂多糖誘導肝損傷的保護作用 米克熱木·沙衣布扎提; 陳琛; 王萌; 王劍; 張小鶯 * 食品安全質量檢測學報. 2016, 7(6):2334-2338. 2016-06-25
16 獸用抗生素的合理使用與替代 張小鶯*. 中國畜牧業(yè), 2015, 2: 45-46.2015-11-25
17 德國獸醫(yī)教育及其對行業(yè)發(fā)展的影響 張小鶯*; 王萌 中國農業(yè)教育. 2015, (5): 72-75. 2015-10-10
18 酸性橙Ⅱ半抗原及人工抗原的合成與鑒定 王劍; 王萌; 周兆祥; 陳琛; 張小鶯*. 食品安全質量檢測學報. 2015, 6(8): 3224-3229. 2015-08-25
19 蘋果葉總黃酮的提取及其含量測定 庫爾班江·巴拉提; 王萌; 張小鶯* 北方園藝. 2015, 14:129-132. 2015-07-30
20 雞蛋的生物活性成分及其綜合利用 李翠; 張小鶯* 中國家禽.2015, 37(14): 62-64. 2015-07-25
21 大孔樹脂富集分離葡萄葉總黃酮的研究 庫爾班江·巴拉提; 王萌; 張小鶯*. 食品安全質量檢測學報.2015,6(3):1-8. 2015-03-25
22 羅布麻茶黃酮提取物對小鼠CYP2E1的影響 王甜; 王萌; 蔣志惠; 胡建軍; 孫建國; 張小鶯* 食品安全質量檢測學報.2014, 5(6). 1608-1614. 2014-06-25
23 氟喹諾酮類藥物對陜西境內犬糞腸球菌的敏感性和防突變濃度 劉曉強; 李引乾; 張小鶯 中國抗生素雜志. 2014, 39(2):151-154. 2014-02-25
24大鼠不同生理時期FcRn在脾臟和腎臟含量的動態(tài)分析[J]. 田澤華,張小鶯*.中國科技論文在線, 2013.
25 牛β-防御素BNBD11基因在大腸桿菌中的表達 趙建樂; 陳琛; 閆茂倉; 張小鶯; 李引乾; 張三東 食品科學.2011: 32(13):201-204. 2011-07-15
26 抗菌肽SMAP-29結構功能及分子設計策略 陳琛; 吳三橋; 李新生; 張小鶯; 閆茂倉 生物工程學報,2011,27(6):846-859. 2011-06-25
27 藥物殘留免疫分析研究進展 趙津子; 鄭禮; 謝文艷; 林澤森; 林天煒; 蒿彩菊; 張小鶯 中國藥學雜志.2011:46(2):85-88. 2011-01-22
28 卵黃抗體在醫(yī)藥領域中應用的新趨勢 韓水仲; 齊寶珠; 趙津子; 張小鶯 中國獸醫(yī)科學 2010. 40(10):881-885. 2010-10-20
29 半抗原免疫分析在食品安全檢測中的應用 張小鶯; 趙津子; 陳琛; 韓水仲; 田澤華 食品科學2010. 31(17): 397-401. 2010-09-01
30 新疆石河子地區(qū)犬細小病毒的分離鑒定與基因型分析 劉志強; 張小鶯; 黃新; 王光雷; 努爾; 趙軍明; 薄新文; 王新華; 鐘發(fā)剛 中國獸醫(yī)雜志 2010-08-22
31 ?咕募捌浠蚬こ痰难芯窟M展 趙建樂; 李引乾; 陳琛; 閆茂倉; 田澤華; 張晶艷; 張小鶯 .中國獸醫(yī)科技2010. 40(8):873-879. 2010-08-20
32 犬細小病毒病診斷與防治情況調查 陳琛; 鄔靜; 張海亮; 韓水仲; 田澤華; 張小鶯 湖北農業(yè)科學 2010-08-05
33 卵黃抗體在飼料添加劑中的應用 韓水仲; 田澤華; 趙津子; 張小鶯; 陳琛 中國飼料.2010. (15):3-7. 2010-08-05
34 單克隆卵黃抗體技術研究進展 陳紅秀; 張小鶯; 陳琛; 趙建樂; 韓水仲; 李引乾; 劉曉強 生物化學與生物物理進展(SCI) 2010.37(4):358-363. 2010-04-15
35 卵黃抗體技術中不同因素對免疫效果的影響 張小鶯; 陳琛; 趙建樂; 陳紅秀; 韓水仲; 李引乾 .中國家禽, 2010.32(01):23-26. 2010-01-05
36 新疆石河子地區(qū)犬細小病毒的分離鑒定與基因型分析.劉志強,張小鶯,黃新,王光雷,努爾,趙軍明,薄新文,王新華,鐘發(fā)剛. 中國獸醫(yī)雜志2010, 46(8):44-46.
37 發(fā)揮學科特色 促進產(chǎn)學研相結合. .李引乾, 劉曉強, 蒿彩菊, 張小鶯.西北農林科技大學學報.社會科學版(學報).2008.08(增刊):76-78.
38 獸醫(yī)藥理學實驗管理體會.蒿彩菊, 李引乾, 劉曉強 張小鶯..西北農林科技大學學報.社會科學版(學報).2008.08(增刊):208-209
39 不同痘病毒屬病毒抗原劑量對實驗雞免疫效果的比較性研究(英文) 張小鶯; Rüdiger Schade; Heinz Ellerbrok Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 2008-12-15
40 生物恐怖襲擊防控初探 張小鶯; 鐘發(fā)剛; 張海亮; 陳琛 疾病監(jiān)測(核心).2008. 23(09):586-588. 2008-09-30
41 高滴度特異性卵黃抗體在天花病毒檢測中的研究(英文) 張小鶯; AndreasKurth; DianaPauly; GeorgPauli; RdigerSchade; HeinzEllerbrok Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 2008-09-15
42 IgY技術及其醫(yī)藥應用(Ⅲ):應用與研究動態(tài). 張小鶯﹡, 鄭禮, Horacio Raul, Terzolo Hanibal Pablo Chacana, Esteban Gutierrez Calzado, Rüdiger Schade. 中草藥(學報)雜志.2006 .37(07): 8-12.
43 免疫雞產(chǎn)生IgY抗體的技術 張小鶯; 鄭禮; Rüdiger Schade; Horacio Raul Terzolo; Hanibal Pablo Chacana; Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund 中國藥理學通報(核心),2004.20(10): 1102-1106. 2004-10-30
44 IgY技術及其醫(yī)藥應用:理論基礎 Rüdiger .Schade; 張小鶯; 鄭禮 中國藥理學通報(核心), 2004. 20(5): 491-5. 2004-05-30
1 酸性橙Ⅱ人工抗原制備及酶聯(lián)免疫法的研究 王劍; 王萌; 周兆祥; 陳琛; 張小鶯 中國畜牧獸醫(yī)學會獸醫(yī)藥理毒理學分會第十一屆會員代表大會暨第十三次學術討論會與中國毒理學會獸醫(yī)毒理專業(yè)委員會第五次學術研討會 中國會議 2015-10-20
2 卡那霉素人工半抗原的制備及其基于IgY的間接競爭EILSA檢測卡那霉素殘留方法的建立 任昊; 何金鑫; 李翠; 張小鶯 中國畜牧獸醫(yī)學會獸醫(yī)藥理毒理學分會第十一屆會員代表大會暨第十三次學術討論會與中國毒理學會獸醫(yī)毒理專業(yè)委員會第五次學術研討會 中國會議 2015-10-20
3 管花肉蓯蓉緩解雄性生殖損傷的作用機理 蔣志惠; 謝文艷; 王萌; 王劍; 李新平; 張小鶯 中國畜牧獸醫(yī)學會獸醫(yī)藥理毒理學分會第十一屆會員代表大會暨第十三次學術討論會與中國毒理學會獸醫(yī)毒理專業(yè)委員會第五次學術研討會 中國會議 2015-10-20
4 基于IgY的間接競爭EILSA檢測慶大霉素殘留方法的建立 李曉楠; 何金鑫; 胡建軍; 張小鶯 中國畜牧獸醫(yī)學會獸醫(yī)藥理毒理學分會第十一屆會員代表大會暨第十三次學術討論會與中國毒理學會獸醫(yī)毒理專業(yè)委員會第五次學術研討會 中國會議 2015-10-20
5 不同物種的抗體及其生物醫(yī)藥價值 張小鶯 2015中國 南京 國際生物醫(yī)藥創(chuàng)新與合作大會暨第六屆國際DNA和基因組活動周——2015第七屆國際抗體大會 國際會議 2015-04-25
6 抗體受體:新的藥物作用靶標 張小鶯; 王媛; 田澤華 第十屆全國藥物和化學異物代謝學術會議暨第三屆國際ISSX/CSSX聯(lián)合學術會議 國際會議 2012-09-21
7 mIgY, a novel antibody research platform. BIT’s Annual International Congress of Antibodies-2011. 北京. 大會主旨發(fā)言和墻報.
8 Chicken monoclonal antibody technology: a novel drug R & D platform. 第16屆世界藥理大會(16th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology)會議摘要與會議墻報.Zhang Xiaoying﹡. 2010.07 丹麥.哥本哈根(國際會議論文).
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10 豬戊型肝炎病毒重組蛋白ORF2-V1單克隆抗體的制備及抗原表位差異分析 李丹丹; 張小鶯 全國第十一屆生化與分子藥理學學術會議 中國會議 2009-04-18
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12 卵黃抗體技術的醫(yī)藥應用與研究動態(tài) 張小鶯; 鄭禮; RüdigerSchade 中國藥理學會制藥工業(yè)專業(yè)委員會第十二屆學術會議、中國藥學會應用藥理專業(yè)委員會第二屆學術會議、2006年國際生物醫(yī)藥及生物技術論壇 香港 國際會議 2006-08-01
13 Health Workers’ knowledge about and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in Xi’an, P.R.China, oral presentation and pubilshed in international meeting: securing treatment and care for people living with HIV; Yuqin Hu, Xiaoying Zhang. Jan. 2004, Florence, Italy(國際會議論文).