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專家信息 科學研究 論文專著 榮譽獎勵 媒體報道







1989年至1992年 美國加利福尼亞州Burnham學院跟隨Magnus Pfahl博士開展博士后的工作。



















1. 發現RXR通過調控它的雙鏈活性調控靶基因的轉錄(Nature 355:441-446,1992),這是他在這一領域最先報道,該文章在1994年的Nature雜志上被評為熱點文章,本發現促使RXR功能研究領域進入飛躍式的發展時期;

2. 發現視黃醇新的作用、腫瘤耐藥的分子機制(Nature 340: 653, 1989),最先發現視黃醇調控RXR同源二聚體活性的新的信號轉導通路(Nature 358: 587-591, 1992),開辟了基于RXR活性調控發現和發展新的癌癥治療藥物的時期;

3. 發現某些視黃醇物質和凋亡誘導劑可通過調控TR3出核,使TR3從一個細胞生長的關鍵介導分子轉變為非常有用前凋亡分子(Science 289: 1159-1164, 2000),使核受體研究以及基于新的作用機制的理解發現和發展新的藥物進入另一個嶄新的時期;

4. 2004年的另一個重大發現是,發現了通過調控Bcl-2 N-末端環區的活性,可使Bcl-2從一個抗凋亡分子轉變為前凋亡分子,其中包括TR3的作用(Cell 116:527-40,2004)。對于人類約一半的惡性腫瘤過表達Bcl-2并由于該基因的表達使大量化療藥物失去作用而言,該發現具有重大的意義;

5. 發現和發展了基于核受體調控的許多非常有效的化合物,在基礎研究中發揮了巨大的作用,其中有自己的專利藥物Targretin已在臨床上用于皮膚癌的治療,這是世界上第一個以RXRa為分子靶點的藥物,開創了由分子作用機理理性開發藥物的新的時期。



1. Heterodimers of retinoid X receptors(RXRs)and other steroid hormone receptors,發明專利,2006年04月,美國,等級:1。

2. Cytoplasmic Activity of Retinoid X Receptor and its Regulation by Ligands and Dimerization,發明專利,2005年03月,美國,等級:1。

3. Induction of Apoptosis in cancer cells,發明專利,2006年05月,美國,等級:1。

4. Conversion of Apoptotic proteins,發明專利,2006年02月,美國,等級:1。


1. 紫草素衍生物的應用 曾錦章; 張曉坤; 劉婕; 李紹順; 周文; 王光輝 【中國專利】廈門大學 2010-03-31

2. 皂苷類化合物及其應用 陳海峰; 區文超; 劉世明; 孫翠玲; 姚新生; 張曉坤 【中國專利】廈門大學; 廣州醫學院第二附屬醫院 2010-07-14

3. 一種生物堿的抗癌應用 曾錦章; 張曉坤; 韋楊燁 【中國專利】廈門大學 2011-01-19

4. 一種具有抗血小板活化、聚集及炎癥作用的化合物及其制備方法和用途 區文超; 劉世明; 陳海峰; 劉東萍; 姚新生; 張曉坤 【中國專利】廣州醫學院第二附屬醫院; 廈門大學 2011-07-13

5. 一種倍半萜的抗癌應用 曾錦章; 張曉坤; 陳鯉群; 林文翰 【中國專利】廈門大學 2011-07-06






1. Zhang, X-k., Huang, D.P., Chiu, D.K., and Chiu, J.F. The expression of oncogenes in human developing liver and hepatomas. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 142: 932-938. 1987.

2. Zhang, X-k., Wang, Z., Lee, A., Huang, D.P., and Chiu, J.F. Differential expression of cellular oncogenes during rat liver development. Cancer Lett. 41: 147-155. 1988.

3. Li, P.M., Zhong, J.L., Chen, R.Q., Zhang, X-k., Ho, K.L., Chiu, J.F., and Huang, D.P. Zhi-mu saponin inhibits alpha-fetoprotein gene expression in developing rat liver. Int. J. Biochem. 21: 15-22. 1989.

4. Graupner, G., Wills, K.N., Tzukerman, M., Zhang, X-k., and Pfahl, M. Dual regulatory role for thyroid-hormone receptors allows control of retinoic acid receptor activity. Nature (London) 340: 653-656. 1989.

5. Zhang, X-k., Huang, D.P., Qiu, D.K., and Chiu, J.F. The expression of c-myc and c-N-ras in human cirrhotic livers, hepatocellular carcinomas and liver tissue surrounding the tumors. Oncogene 5: 909-914. 1990.

6. Hoffmann, B., Lehmann, J.M., Zhang, X-k., Hermann, T., Graupner, G., and Pfahl, M. A retinoic acid receptor-specific element controls the retinoic acid receptor- promoter. Mol. Endocrinol. 4: 1727-1736. 1990.

7. Tzukerman, M., Zhang, X-k., Hermann, T., Wills, K.N., Graupner, G., and Pfahl, M. The human estrogen receptor has transcriptional activator and repressor functions in the absence of ligand. New Biol. 2: 613-620. 1990.

8. Pfahl, M., Tzukerman, M., Zhang, X-k., Lehmann, J.M., Hermann, T., Wills, K.N., and Graupner, G. Nuclear retinoic acid receptors: cloning, analysis, and function. Methods Enzymol. 189: 256-270. 1990.

9. Zhang, X-k., Zucker, M.I., Huang, D.P., Lin, T-S., Prusoff, W.H., and Chiu, J.F. Alteration of cellular oncogene expression in L1210 cells by a nitrosourea alalog of thymidine. Cancer Comm. 3: 119-126. 1991.

10. Zhang, X-k., Dong, J.M., and Chiu, J.F. Regulation of -fetoprotein gene expression by antagonism between AP-1 and the glucocorticoid receptor at their overlapping binding site. J. Biol. Chem. 266: 8248-8254. 1991.

11. Graupner, G., Zhang, X-k., Tzukerman, M., Wills, K.N., Hermann, T., and Pfahl, M. Thyroid hormone receptors repress estrogen receptor activation of a TRE. Mol. Endocrinol. 5: 365-372. 1991.

12. Hermann, T., Zhang, X-k., Tzukerman, M., Wills, K.N., Graupner, G., and Pfahl, M. Regulatory functions of a non-ligand-binding thyroid hormone receptor isoform. Cell Regul. 2: 565-574. 1991.

13. Pfahl, M., Zhang, X-k., Lehmann, J.M., Husmann, M., Graupner, G., and Hoffmann, B. Molecular mechanisms of retinoic acid action. In G. Morriss-Kay (ed.), Retinoids in normal development and teratogenesis. Oxford University Press, Oxford. p. 51-64. 1992.

14. Zhang, X-k., Wills, K.N., Graupner, G., Tzukerman, M., Hermann, T., and Pfahl, M. Ligand-binding domain of thyroid hormone receptors modulates DNA binding and determines their bifunctional roles. New Biol. 3: 169-181. 1991.

15. Wills, K.N., Zhang, X-k., and Pfahl, M. Coordinate expression of functionally distinct thyroid hormone receptor  isoforms during neonatal brain development. Mol. Endocrinol. 5: 1109-1119. 1991.

16. Tzukerman, M., Zhang, X-k., and Pfahl, M. Inhibition of estrogen receptor activity by the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradeconylphorbol-13-acetate: a molecular analysis. Mol. Endocrinol. 5: 1983-1992. 1991.

17. Yang-Yen, H-F*., Zhang, X-k.*, Graupner, G., Tzukerman, M., Sakamoto, B., Karin, M, and Pfahl, M. Antagonism between retinoic acid receptors and AP-1: implications for tumor promotion and inflammation. New. Biol. 3: 1206-1219. 1991. *Equal contribution.

18. Zhang, X-k., Tran, P.B., and Pfahl, M. DNA binding and dimerization determinants for thyroid hormone receptor  and its interaction with a nuclear protein. Mol. Endocrinol. 5: 1909-1920. 1991.

19. Zhang, X-k., Wills, K.N., Husmann, M., Hermann, T., and Pfahl, M. Novel pathway for thyroid hormone receptor action through interaction with jun and fos oncogene activities. Mol. Cell. Biol. 11: 6016-6025. 1991.

20. Zhang, X-k., Hoffmann, B., Tran, P., Graupner, G., and Pfahl, M. Retinoid X receptor is an auxiliary protein for thyroid hormone and retinoic acid receptors. Nature (London) 355: 441-446. 1992.

21. Lehmann, J.M., Zhang, X-k., and Pfahl, M. RAR2 expression is regulated through a retinoic acid response element embedded in SP1 sites. Mol. Cell. Biol. 12: 2976-2985. 1992.

22. Hermann, T., Hoffmann, B., Zhang, X-k., Tran, P., and Pfahl, M. Heterodimeric receptor complexes determine 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine and retinoid signaling specificities. Mol. Endocrinol. 6: 1153-1162. 1992.

23. Zhang, X-k., Egan, J.O., Huang, D-p., Sun, Z.L., Chien, V.K., and Chiu, J.F. Hepatitis B virus DNA integration and expression of an erbB-like gene in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 188: 344-351. 1992.

24. Tran, P., Zhang, X-k., Salbert, G., Hermann, T., Lehmann, J.M., and Pfahl, M. COUP orphan receptors are negative regulators of retinoic acid response pathways. Mol. Cell. Biol. 12: 4666-4676. 1992.

25. Zhang, X-k., Lehmann, J.M., Hoffmann, B., Dawson, M., Cameron, J., Graupner, G., Hermann, T., Tran, P., and Pfahl, M. Homodimer formation of retinoid X receptor induced by 9-cis retinoic acid. Nature (London) 358: 587-591. 1992.

26. Hermann, T., Hoffmann, B., Piedrafita, F.J., Zhang, X-k., and Pfahl, M. V-erb A requires auxiliary proteins for dominant negative activity. Oncogene. 8: 55-65. 1993.

27. Zhang, X-k. and Pfahl, M. Regulation of retinoid and thyroid hormone action through homodimeric and heterodimeric receptors. Trends Endocrinol. Metab. 4: 156-162. 1993.

28. Lehmann, J.M., Zhang, X-k., Graupner, G., Lee, M.O., Hermann, T., Hoffmann, B., and Pfahl, M. Formation of retinoid X receptor homodimers leads to repression of T3 response: hormonal cross talk by ligand-induced squelching. Mol. Cell. Biol. 13: 7698-7707. 1993.

29. Zhang, X-k. and Pfahl, M. Hetero- and homodimeric receptors in thyroid hormone and vitamin A action. Receptor. 3: 183-191. 1993.

30. Zhang, X-k. and Pfahl, M. Molecular mechanisms of action for vitamin-A derived hormones in receptor-mediated biological processes. Implications for Evaluating Carcinogens. (ed. T.J. Slaga). Wiley-Liss Press. 1993.

31. Zhang, X-k., Salbert, G., Lee, M-O., and Pfahl, M. Mutations that alter ligand-induced switches and dimerization activities in the retinoid X receptor. Mol. Cell. Biol. 14: 4311-4323. 1994.

32. Pfahl, M., Apfel, R., Bendik, I., Fanjul, A., Graupner, G., Lee, M-O., La-Vista, N., Lu, X-P, Piedrafita, J., Ortiz-Caseda, A., Salbert, G., and Zhang, X-k. Nuclear retinoid receptors and their mechanism of action. Vitamins and hormones. (ed. Gerald Litwac). Vol. 49, pp. 327-382. 1994.

33. Lee, M-O., Hobbs, P.D., Zhang, X-k., Dawson, M.I., and Pfahl, M. A synthetic retinoid antagonist inhibits the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 promoter. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 91: 5632-5636. 1994

34. Zhang, X-k., Liu, Y., Lee, M-O., and Pfahl, M. A specific defect in the retinoic acid response associated with human lung cancer cell lines. Cancer Res. 54: 5663-5669. 1994.

35. Zhang, X-k. Molecular mechanisms of action for vitamin A-derived hormones. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 387: 59-71. 1994.

36. Lee, M-O., Liu, Y., and Zhang, X-k. A retinoic acid response element that overlaps an estrogen response element mediates multihormonal sensibility in transcriptional activation of the lactoferrin gene. Mol. Cell. Biol. 15: 4194-4207. 1995.

37. Alam, M., Zhestkov, V., Sani, B.P., Venepally, P., Levin, A.A., Kazmer, S., Li, E., Norris, A.W., Zhang, X-k., Lee, M.-O., Hill, D.L., Lin, T.-H., Brouillette, and Muccio, D.D. Conformationally defined 6-s-trans retinoic acid analogs. 2: Selective agonists for nuclear receptor binding and transactivational activity. J. Med. Chem. 38: 2302-2310. 1995.

38. Dawson, M.I., Chao, W-R., Pine, P., Jong, L., Hobbs, P.D., Rudd, C., Quick, T.C., Niles, R.M., Zhang, X-k., Lombardo, A., Ely, K.R., Shroot, B., and Fontana, J.A. Correlation of retinoid binding affinity to RAR with retinoid inhibition of growth of estrogen receptor-positive MCF-7 mammary carcinoma cells. Cancer Res. 55: 4446-4451. 1995.

39. Zhang, X-k., Liu, Y., and Lee, M-O. Retinoid receptors in human lung cancer and breast cancer. Mutat. Res. 350: 267-277. 1996.

40. Liu, Y., Lee, M-O., Wang, H-G., Li, Y., Hashimoto, Y., Klaus, M., Reed, J., and Zhang, X-k. RAR mediates the growth-inhibitory effect of retinoic acid by promoting apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. Mol. Cell. Biol. 16: 1138-1149. 1996.

41. Sani, P., Zhang, X.-k., Hill, D.L., and Shealy, Y.F. Retinyl methyl ether: binding to transport proteins and effect on transcriptional regulation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 223: 293-298. 1996.

42. Sani, B.P., Venepally, P., Zhang, X-k., Hill, D.L., and Shealy, F. Biochemical characteristics and differentiating activity of 4-oxo analogs of retinoic acid. Anticancer Res. 16: 1177-1181. 1996.

43. Wu, Q., Li, Y., Liu, R., Agadir, A., Lee, M-O., Liu, Y., and Zhang, X-k. Modulation of retinoic acid sensitivity in lung cancer cells through dynamic balance of orphan receptors nur77 and COUP-TF and their heterodimerization. EMBO J. 16: 1656-1669. 1997.

44. Agadir, A., Shealy, Y. F., Hills, D.L., and Zhang, X-k. Retinyl methyl ether down-regulates activator protein 1 transcriptional activation in breast cancer cells. Cancer Res. 57: 3444-3450. 1997.

45. Wu, Q., Dawson, M.I., Zheng, Y., Hobbs, P.D., Agadir, A., Jong, L., Li, Y., Liu, R., Lin, B., and Zhang, X-k. Inhibition of trans-RA-resistant human breast cancer cell growth by retinoid X-receptor-selective retinoids. Mol. Cell. Biol. 17: 6598-6608. 1997.

46. Chao, W-r, Hobbs, P.D., Jong, L., Zhang, X-k., Zheng, Y., Wu, Q., Shroot, B., and Dawson, M.I. Effects of receptor class- and subtype-selective retinoids and an apoptosis-inducing retinoid on the adherent growth of the NIH:OVCAR-3 ovarian cancer cell line in culture. Cancer Lett. 115: 1-7. 1997.

47. Giannini, G., Dawson, M.I., Zhang, X-k., and Thiele, C.J. Activation of three distinct RXR/RAR heterodimers induces growth arrest and differentiation of neuroblastoma cells. J. Biol. Chem. 272: 26693-26701. 1997.

48. Li, Y., Dawson, M.I., Agadir, A., Lee, M-O., Jong, L., Hobbs, P.D., and Zhang, X-k. Regulation of RAR beta expression by RAR- and RXR-selective retinoids in human lung cancer cell lines: effect on growth inhibition and apoptosis induction. Int. J. Cancer 75: 88-95. 1998.

49. Muccio, D.D., Brouillette, W.J., Breitman, T.R., Taimi, M., Emanuel, P.D., Zhang, X-k., Chen, G-q., Sani, B.P., Venepally, P., Lakshimi, R., Alam, M., Simpson-Herren, L., and Hill, D.L. Conformationally defined retinoic acid analogues. 4, potential new agents for acute promyelocytic and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemias. J. Med. Chem. 41: 1679-1687. 1998.

50. Liu, R., Takayama, S., Zheng, Y., Froesch, B., Chen, G-q., Zhang, X., Reed, J.C., and Zhang, X-k. Interaction of BAG-1 with retinoic acid receptor and its inhibition of retinoic acid-induced apoptosis in cancer cells. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 16985-16992. 1998.

51. Li, Y., Lin, B., Agadir, A., Liu, R., Dawson, M.I., Reed, J.C., Fontana, J.A., Bost, F., Hobbs, P.D., Zheng, Y., Chen, G.Q., Shroot, B., Mercola, D., and Zhang, X-k. Molecular determinants of AHPN (CD437)-induced growth arrest and apoptosis in human lung cancer cell lines. Mol. Cell. Biol. 18: 4719-4731. 1998.

52. Dawson, M.I., Chao, W.R., Hobbs, P.D., and Zhang, X-k. Effects of trans-retinoic acid, 9-cis-retinoic acid, 1alpha, 25-(dihydroxy) vitamin D3 and a novel apoptosis-inducing retinoid on breast cancer and endothelial cell growth. Cancer Lett. 133: 1-8. 1998.

53. Agadir, A., Lazzaro, G., Zheng, Y., Zhang, X-k., and Mehta, R.G. Resistance of HBL100 human breast epithelial cells to vitamin D action. Carcinogenesis 20: 577-582. 1999.

54. Li, Y., Hashimoto, Y., Agadir, A., Kagechika, H., and Zhang, X-k. Identification of a novel class of retinoic acid receptor -selective retinoid antagonists and their inhibitory effects on AP-1 activity and retinoic acid-induced apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 15360-15366. 1999.

55. Agadir, A., Chen, G-q., Bost, F., Li, Y., Mercola, D., and Zhang, X-k. Differential effect of retinoic acid on growth regulation by phorbol ester in human cancer cell lines. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 29779-29785. 1999.

56. Lin, B., Chen, G-q., Xiao, D., Kolluri, S.K., Cao, X., Su, H., and Zhang, X-k. Orphan receptor COUP-TF is required for induction of retinoic acid receptor , growth inhibition and apoptosis by retinoic acid in cancer cells. Mol. Cell. Biol. 20: 957-970. 2000.

57. Dawson, M.I., Hobbs, P.D., Jong, L., Xiao, D., Chao, W-r., Pan, C., and Zhang, X-k. sp2-bridged diaryl retinoids: effect of bridge-region substitution on retinoid X receptor (RXR) selectivity. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 10: 1307-1310. 2000.

58. Dawson, M.I., Jong, L., Hobbs, P.D., Xiao, D., Feng, K.C., Chao, W-r., Pan, C., Fontana, J.A., and Zhang, X-k. 4-[3-(5,6,7,8-Tetrahydro-5,5,8,8,-tetramethyl-2-naphthalenyl)-phenyl]benzoic acid and hetercyclic-bridged analogs are novel retinoic acid receptor subtype and retinoid X receptor alpha agonists. Bioorg. Med. Chem Lett. 10: 1311-1313. 2000.

59. Lin, F., Xiao, D., Kolluri, S.K., and Zhang, X-k. Unique anti-activator protein-1 activity of retinoic acid receptor-. Cancer Res. 60: 3271-3280. 2000.

60. Dawson, M.I., Zhang, X-k., Hobbs, P.D., and Jong, L. Synthetic retinoids and their usefulness in biology and medicine. Vitamin A and retinoids: an update of biological aspects and clinical applications. M.A. Livrea (ed.), Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland. pp161-196. 2000.

61. Li, H., Kolluri, S., Gu, J., Dawson, M.I., Cao, X., Hobbs, P., Lin, B., Chen, G-q., Lu, J-s., Lin, F., Xie, Z., Fontana, J. A., Reed, J. C., and Zhang, X-k. Cytochrome c release and apoptosis induced by mitochondrial targeting of nuclear orphan receptor TR3. Science. 289: 1159-1164. 2000.

62. Dawson, M.I., Park, J., Chen, G-q., Chao, W-r., Dousman, L., Waleh, N., Hobbs, P., Jong, L., Toll, L., Zhang, X-k., Gu, J., Agadir, A., Merchant, J., Bai, L., Verma, A., Thacher, S., Chandraratna, R., Shroot, B., and Hill, D. Retinoic acid (RA) receptor transcriptional activation correlates with inhibition of 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced ornithine decarboxylase activity by retonoids. A potential role for Trans-RA-induced ZBP-89 in ODC inhibition. Int. J. Cancer. 91: 8-21. 2001.

63. Dawson, M.I., Hobbs, P., Peterson, V., Leid, M., Lange, C., Feng, K., Chen, G., Gu, J., Li, H., Kolluri, S., Zhang, X-k., Zhang, Y., and Fontana, J. Apoptosis induction in cancer cells by a novel analogue of 6-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalenecarboxylic acid lacking retinoid receptor transcriptional activation activity. Cancer Research. 61: 4723-4730. 2001.

64. Stelle-Perkins, G., Fang, W., Yang, X-H., Van Gele, M., Carling, T., Gu, J., Buyse, I.M., Fletcher, J.A., Liu, J., Bronson, R., Chadwick, R.B., de la Chapelle, A., Zhang, X-k., Speleman, F., and Huang, S. Tumor formation and inactivation of RIZ1, an R-binding member of a nuclear protein-methyltransferase superfamily. Genes Dev. 15: 2250-2262. 2001.

65. Chen, G-q., Lin, B., Dawson, M.I., and Zhang, X-k. Nicotine modulates the effects of retinoids on growth inhibition and RAR expression in lung cancer cells. Int. J. Cancer. 99: 171-178. 2002.

67. Zhang, Y., Dawson, M.I., Mohammad, R., Rishi, A.K., Farhana, L., Feng, K-C., Leid, M., Perterson, V., Zhang, X-k., Edelstein, M., Eilander, D., Biggar, S., Wall, N., Reichert, U., and Fontana, J.A. Induction of apoptosis of human B-CLL and ALL cells by a novel retinoid and its non-retinoidal analog. Blood. 100: 2917-2925. 2002.

68. Lin, F., Kolluri, S., Chen, G-q., and Zhang, X-k. Regulation of Retinoic Acid-induced Inhibition of AP-1 Activity by Orphan Receptor Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter-Transcription Factor. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 21414-21422. 2002.

69. Peterson, V.J., Barofsky, E., Deinzer, M.L., Dawson, M.I., Feng, K.C., Zhang, X-k., Madduru, M.R., and Leid, M. Mass-spectrometric analysis of agonist-induced retinoic acid receptor gamma conformational change. Biochemical Jour. 362: 173-181. 2002.

70. Zhang, X-k. Vitamin A and apoptosis in prostate cancer. Endocrine-Related Cancer. 9: 87-102. 2002.

71. Li, M., Song, S., Lippman, S.M., Zhang, X-k., Liu, X., Lotan, R., and Xu, X-c. Induction of Retinoic Acid Receptor- and Sensitivity to Retinoic Acid of Esophageal Cancer Cells Dependent on Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression. Oncogene. 21: 411-418. 2002.

72. Dawson M.I. and Zhang, X-k. Discovery and design of retinoic acid receptor and retinoid X receptor class- and subtype-selective synthetic analogs of all-trans-retinoic acid and 9-cis-retinoic acid. Curr. Med. Chem. 9: 623-637. 2002.

73. Zhang, Y., Dawson, M.I., Ning, Y., Polin, L., Parchment, R.E., Corbett, T., Mohammad, A.N., Feng, K-C., Farhana, L., Rishi, A.K., Hogge, D., Leid, M., Peterson, V.J., Zhang, X-k., Mohammad, R., Lu, J-S., Willman, C., VanBuren, E., Biggar, S., Edelstein, M., Eilender, D., and Fontana, J.A. Induction of apoptosis in retinoid-refractory acute myelogenous leukemia by a novel AHPN analog. Blood. 102: 3743-3752. 2003.

74. Kolluri, S., Bruey-Sedano, N., Cao, X., Lin, B., Lin, F., Han, Y-h., Dawson, M.I., and Zhang, X-k. Mitogenic Effect of Orphan Receptor TR3 and its Regulation by MEKK1 in Lung Cancer Cells. Mol. Cell. Biol. 23: 8651-8667. 2003.

75. James, S., Lin, F., Kolluri, S., Dawson, M.I., and Zhang, X-k. Regulation of retinoic acid receptor  expression by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor  ligands in cancer cells. Cancer Res. 63: 3531-3538. 2003.

76. Liu, Y., Ren, H., Wu, C., Bai, S., Zhang, X-k., and Ru., B. Lin, B. Attenuation of zinc-induced neuronal death by the interaction of growth inhibitory factor with Rab3A in rat hippocampal neurons. Neurosci Lett. 358: 149-152, 2004.

77. Lin, B., Kolluri, S., Lin, F., Liu, W., Han, Y-h., Cao, X., Dawson, M.I., Reed, J.C., and Zhang, X-k. Conversion of Bcl-2 from Protector to Killer by Interaction with Nuclear Orphan Receptor Nur77/TR3. Cell. 116: 527-540. 2004.

78. Castro-Obregón, S., Rao, R., del Rio, G., Chen, S., Poksay, K., Rabizadeh, S., Vesce, S., Zhang, X-k., Swanson, R., and Bredesen, D. Alternative, non-apoptotic programmed cell death: mediation by Arrestin 2, ERK2 and Nur77. J Biol Chem. 279: 17543-17553. 2004.

79. Dawson, M.I., Harris, D., Liu, G., Hobbs, P., Lange, C., Jong, L., Bruey-Sedano, N., James, S., Zhang, X-k., Peterson, V., Leid, M., Farhana, L., Rishi, A., and Fontana, J. Antagonist Analogue of 6-[3’-(1-Adamantyl)-4’–hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalenecarboxylic Acid (AHPN) Family of Apoptosis Inducers That Effectively Blocks AHPN-Induced Apoptosis but Not Cell-Cycle Arrest. J. Med. Chem. 47: 3518-3536. 2004.

80. Cavasotto, C.N., Liu, G., James, S.Y., Hobbs, P.D., Peterson, V.J., Bhattacharya, A.A., Kolluri, S.K., Zhang, X-k., Leid, M., Abagyan, R., Liddington, R.C., and Dawson,.M.I. Determinants of Retinoid X Receptor Transcriptional Antagonism. J. Med. Chem. 47: 4360-4372. 2004.

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82. Cao, X., Liu, W., Lin, F., Li, H., Kolluri, S.K., Lin, B., Han, Y-h, Dawson, M.I., and Zhang, X-k. Retinoid X receptor regulates Nur77/TR3-dependent apoptosis by modulating its nuclear export and mitochondrial targeting. Mol. Cell Biol. 24: 9705-9725. 2004.

83. Lee, K-W., Ma, L., Yan, X., Liu, B., Zhang, X-k., and Cohen, P. Rapid Apoptosis Induction by IGFBP-3 Involves an Insulin-like Growth Factor-independent Nucleomitochondrial Translocation of RXR/Nur77. J. Bio. Chem. 280: 16942-16948. 2005.

84. Kolluri, S.K., Corr, M., James, S.Y., Bernasconi, M., Lu, D., Liu, W., Cottam, H.B., Leoni, L.M., Carson, D.A., and Zhang, X-k. The R-enantiomer of the Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Etodolac Binds Retinoid X Receptor and Induces Tumor-selective Apoptosis. PNAS. 102: 2525-2530. 2005.

85. Han, Y.H., Cao, X., Lin, B., Lin, F., Kolluri, S.K., Reed, J.C., Dawson, M.I., and Zhang, X-k. Regulation of nur77 nuclear export by c-Jun N-terminal kinase and Akt. Oncogene. 25:2974-2986. 2005.

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124. Kolluri, S., Zhu, X., Zhou, X., Lin, B., Chen, Y., Sun, K., Tian, X., Town, J., Cao, X., Lin, F., Zhai, D., Kitada, S., Luciano, F., O’Donnell, E., Cao, Y., He, F., Lin, J., Reed, J.C., Satterthwait, A.C., and Zhang, X-k. A Short Nur77-Derived Peptide Converts Bcl-2 from a Protector to a Killer. Cancer Cell. 14: 285-298. 2008.

125. Zhou, H., Liu, W., Su, Y., Wei, Z., Liu, J., Kolluri, S.K., Wu, H., Cao, Y., Chen, J., Wu, Y., Yan, T., Cao, X., Gao, W., Molotkov, A., Jiang, F., Li, W-G., Lin, B., Zhang, H-P., Yu, J., Luo, S-P., Zeng, J-Z., Duester, G., Huang, P-Q., and Zhang, X-k. NSAID Sulindac and Its Analogs Bind RXR and Inhibit RXR-dependent AKT Signaling. Cancer Cell. 17: 560-573. 2010.


1 厚樸中以核受體為作用靶點的抗癌化學成分篩選 陳全成; 羅強; 蔣福全; 謝雷; 張偉云; 陳海峰; 曾錦章; 張曉坤 廈門大學藥學院; 廈門大學化學化工學院 【會議】第十屆全國藥用植物及植物藥學術研討會論文摘要集 2011-08-10

2 乙酰紫草素及其衍生物調節Nur77介導的凋亡途徑 劉婕; 張曉坤; 曾錦章 廈門大學生物醫學研究院 【會議】2008年中國病理生理學會第十一屆腫瘤和第十二屆免疫專業委員會學術會議論文集 2008-10-01

3 基于核受體靶標從見血封喉中尋找抗癌活性成分 姜苗苗; 張雪; 王光輝; 曾錦章; 戴毅; 高昊; 張曉坤; 姚新生 沈陽藥科大學中藥學院; 廈門大學生命醫學科學院; 暨南大學中藥及天然藥物研究所 【會議】第七屆全國天然有機化學學術研討會論文集 2008-09-01

4 Exfoliazone通過誘導細胞凋亡抑制HepG2細胞體外增殖 韋楊燁; 徐岷涓; 林文翰; 邱彥; 張曉坤; 曾錦章 廈門大學生物醫學研究院; 北京大學藥學院天然藥物與仿生藥物國家重點實驗室; 廈門大學醫學院 【期刊】廈門大學學報(自然科學版) 2010-05-15

5 熊膽的化學成分研究 羅強; 陳全成; 吳瑤; 姜苗苗; 陳志鴻; 張曉坤; 陳海峰 廈門大學生物醫學研究院; 廣東藥學院中心實驗室; 廈門歸真堂生物科技有限公司; 美國Burnham研究所 【期刊】中國中藥雜志 2010-09-15

6 全反式視黃酸對癌細胞凋亡的誘導 吳喬; 鄭耘; 張曉坤 廈門大學腫瘤細胞工程國家專業實驗室; 加州La Jolla癌癥研究中心 【期刊】癌癥 1998-06-05

7 視黃素誘導的癌細胞凋亡及其對癌細胞生長抑制的相關性 吳喬; 鄭耘; 張曉坤 廈門大學腫瘤細胞工程國家專業實驗室暨國家教委開放研究實驗室 【期刊】廈門大學學報(自然科學版) 1998-03-05

8 COUP-TE和RAR β受體的表達影響癌細胞對視黃酸的敏感性 吳喬; 張曉坤 廈門大學腫瘤細胞工程國家專業實驗室; La Jolla癌癥研究中心; Burnham研究所; 美國加州 【期刊】細胞生物學雜志 1998-02-15

9 大黃素誘導癌細胞凋亡和抑制視黃醇X受體的轉錄激活功能 和付林; 王力; 張曉坤; 曾錦章 中國科學院上海生命科學研究院; 中國科學院上海生命科學研究院 上海; 廈門大學生物醫學研究院; 福建廈門; 廈門大學生物醫學研究院 【期刊】藥學學報 2008-04-12

10 孤生受體的相互作用對視黃酸應答元件的影響 吳喬; 張曉坤 廈門大學腫瘤細胞工程國家專業實驗室 【期刊】中國生物化學與分子生物學報 1999-02-10


1. 1984年至1986獲中國政府獎學金。

2. 1988年獲美國 Cathy(凱茜)綜合醫院獎(Cathy General Hospital Award)。

3. 1990年至1992年獲博士后獎學金。

4. 2001年獲“杰出原創獎”(Wonderful Original Work)。

5. 2008年入選第一批“千人計劃”。



2008風云人物癌細胞凋亡成果撼動世界 專訪張曉坤教授

編者按:2月4日是國際癌癥日,世界衛生組織官員在2008年國際腫瘤學年會上提出警告,到2010年,癌癥將取代心血管病成為世界頭號殺手。全世界的科學家都在關注癌癥研究,聯手狙擊這個頭號殺手。2008年,張曉坤教授在著名期刊《Cancer cell》發表抗癌新見解,他發現的一個抗癌神奇小肽為癌癥治療開辟了一條嶄新的道路,我們離終結癌癥的那天有多遠?生物通獨家專訪2008年生命科學十大風云人物抗癌先鋒:張曉坤。


張曉坤:二十多年來我一直在研究核受體調控癌細胞生長與死亡的分子作用機制,以鑒定新的藥物作用靶點和開發新型的抗癌藥物。我認為我們對癌細胞的了解還非常不夠,這阻礙了我們在癌癥治療上面的發展。現在國內外對開發靶點藥物非常熱門。但哪個蛋白可作為靶點呢?又如何對這個靶點進行開發呢?這不但是我們國內也是國際上所面臨的重要問題。我非常有幸在美國與我的合作者發明了一個抗癌藥物,叫Targretin®或Bexarotene。這個藥在99年被美國FDA批準用于治療皮膚T淋巴細胞癌,前年轉讓給日本的一家叫Eisai的公司。Targretin®是國際上第一個針對核受體RXR為靶點的抗癌藥物。它的發明應該說是靶點藥物開發的一個成功例子,是建立在大量的基礎理論研究上的,包括我早期發表在《自然》刊物上的兩篇闡述核受體RXR信號轉導通路的文章(Nature 355: 441-446, 1992; Nature 358: 587-591, 1992)。沒有對RXR分子作用機制的認識,就不可能有Targretin®/bexarotene抗癌新藥的發現。

生物通:2008年您在Cancer Cell上發表文章,找到一種具有殺死癌細胞功效的神奇小肽,您能詳細介紹一下如何發現這個神奇小肽的嗎?.

張曉坤:這個小肽的發現不是偶然的,是我們長年工作的一個結果,建立在我們多年的基礎理論研究上的。我的研究領域是核受體(Nuclear Receptor)。核受體這個超大家族包括類固醇激素受體、甲狀腺激素受體、性激素受體、維生素A/D受體及多種孤生受體。這個超家族成員是調控人體的生長發育、細胞分化,以及體內許多生理、代謝過程的重要蛋白。我們現在用的很多藥物都是通過核受體起作用的。 我們早期對核受體的認識是這類蛋白質是在細胞核里作為轉錄因子直接參與調控基因的表達的。


但在2000年我們在《科學》雜志上報道了核受體Nur77在細胞核外與線粒體相作用的一條獨特有效的誘導癌細胞凋亡的調控通路(Science 289: 1159-1164, 2000),開辟了核受體非基因型作用機制與功能的研究領域。這個發現對抗癌藥物的開發是非常有意義的,因為我們知道誘導癌細胞凋亡是一條很有效抑癌途徑。經過幾年的努力我們在2004年在《細胞》雜志上報道了核受體Nur77誘導癌細胞凋亡是通過與抗凋亡蛋白Bcl-2的相互作用來完成的(Cell 116: 527-540, 2004)。我們在這篇文章里很系統地闡述了Bcl-2的促凋亡功能,為將保護癌細胞死亡的Bcl-2蛋白轉變成癌細胞殺手提供了重要的分子作用基礎。


我們現在發現的這個殺癌小肽就是建立在這些大量的基礎理論研究上的。神奇小肽NuBCP-9及對映體(鏡象分子)的多肽好似一個分子開關作用于Bcl-2,使Bcl-2從一個保護癌細胞免受程序性死亡(細胞凋亡)調控轉變為能夠殺死癌細胞的蛋白。這個發現應該說是近年來在腫瘤生物學領域的一個比較重要的發現,將為治療癌癥開辟一條“化敵為友”的新途徑,因此在國際生物醫學科學研究領域激起了很大的反響和廣泛的關注。近期,《自然》出版集團(The Nature Publishing Group)出版的三份世界著名刊物《自然-化學生物學》(Nature Chemical Biology)、《自然-新藥開發綜述》(Nature Reviews Drug Discovery)和《SciBX》(Science-Business eXchange)都相繼介紹了我們這個研究成果,并邀請相關領域的專家對這個發現的理論意義及應用前景進行評論。一致認為我們的研究加深了對細胞凋亡誘導的認識,為抗癌藥物的開發提供了一個新的途徑,具有重大的意義,影響深遠。



生物通: 緊接著下來,您的研究計劃是什么?









































青年科學家張曉坤: 發現癌細胞克星














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