
Chapter in Book:
1 Yang, Z.Y., Baldermann, S., and Watanabe, N. (2012). Formation of damascenone and its related compounds from carotenoids in tea (Invited review). In: Preedy, V.R., editor. Tea in health and disease prevention. Academic Press; pp 375-385.
2 Yang, Z.Y., Mochizuki, K., Watase, T., Kobayashi, E., Katsuno, T., Asanuma, T., Tomita, K., Morita, A., Suzuki, T., Nakamura, Y., and Watanabe, N. (2010). Influences of light emitting diodes irradiations and shade treatments on volatile profiles and related metabolites of leaves of tea (Camellia sinensis) plants and postharvest tea leaves. In: Hofmann, T., Meyerhof, W., and Schieberle, P., editors. Advances and challenges in flavor chemistry & biology. Germany: Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Lebensmittelchemie; pp 207-213.
3 Baldermann, S., Yang, Z.Y., Sakai, M., Fleischmann, P., and Watanabe, N. (2009). Volatile constituents in the scent of roses. In: Teixeira da Silva JA, editor. Floriculture and ornamental biotechnology: special issue: roses (Zlesak, D.C., guest editor). London: Global Science Books; pp 89-97.
Journal Publications:
4 Yang, Z. Y., Kobayashi, E., Katsuno, T., Asanuma, T., Fujimori, T., Ishikawa, T., Tomomura, M., Mochizuki, K., Watase, T., Nakamura, Y., and Watanabe, N. (2012). Characterization of volatile and non-volatile metabolites in etiolated leaves of tea (Camellia sinensis) plants in the dark. Food Chemistry, 135: 2268-2276.
5 Yang, Z.Y., Dong, F., Baldermann, S., Murata, A., Tu, Y.Y., Asai, T., and Watanabe, N. (2012). Isolation and identification of spermidine derivatives in flowers of tea (Camellia sinensis) plants and their distributions in floral organs. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92: 2128-2132.
6 Dong, F. #, Yang, Z.Y. #, Baldermann, S., Kajitani,Y., Ota, S., Kasuga, H., Imazeki, Y., Ohnishi, T., and Watanabe, N. (2012). Characterization of L-phenylalanine metabolism to acetophenone and 1-phenylethanol in the flowers of Camellia sinensis using stable isotope labeling. Journal of Plant Physiology 169: 217-225. (#These authors contributed equally to this work).
7 Dong, F., Yang, Z.Y., Baldermann, S., Sato, Y., Asai, T., and Watanabe, N. (2011). Herbivore-induced volatiles from tea (Camellia sinensis) plants and their involvement in intraplant communication and changes in endogenous nonvolatile metabolites. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59: 13131-13135.
8 Baldermann, S., Mulyadi, A.N., Yang, Z.Y., Murata, A., Fleischmann, P., Winterhalter, P., Knight, M., Finn, T.M., and Watanabe, N. (2011). Application of centrifugal precipitation chromatography and high speed counter-current chromatography equipped with a spiral tubing support rotor for the isolation and partial characterization of carotenoid cleavage-like enzymes in Enteromorpha compressa Nees. Journal of Separation Science 34: 2759-2764.
9 Kinoshita, T., Hirata, S., Yang, Z.Y., Baldermann, S., Kitayama, E., Matsumoto, S., Suzuki, M., Fleischmann, P., Winterhalter, P., and Watanabe, N. (2010). Formation of damascenone derived from glycosidically bound precursors in green tea infusions. Food Chemistry 123: 601-606.
10 Yang, Z.Y., Endo, S., Tanida, A., Kai, K., and Watanabe, N. (2009). Synergy effect of sodium acetate and glycosidically bound volatiles on the release of volatile compounds from the unscented cut flower (Delphinium elatum L. “Blue Bird”). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57: 6396-6401.
11 Yang, Z.Y., Sakai, M., Sayama, H., Shimeno, T., Yamaguchi, K., and Watanabe, N. (2009). Elucidation of the biochemical pathway of 2-phenylethanol from shikimic acid using isolated protoplasts of rose flowers. Journal of Plant Physiology 166: 887-891.
12 Yang, Z.Y., Tu, Y.Y., Baldermann, S., Dong, F., Xu, Y., and Watanabe, N. (2009). Isolation and identification of compounds from the ethanolic extract of flowers of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) and their contribution to the antioxidant capacity. LWT-Food Science and Technology 42: 1439-1443.
13 Yang, Z.Y., Dong, F., Shimizu, K., Kinoshita, T., Kanamori, M., Morita, A., and Watanabe, N. (2009). Identification of coumarin-enriched Japanese green teas and their particular flavor using electronic nose. Journal of Food Engineering 92: 312-316.
14 Yang, Z.Y., Kinoshita, T., Tanida, A., Sayama, H., Morita, A., and Watanabe, N. (2009). Analysis of coumarin and its glycosidically bound precursor in Japanese green tea having sweet-herbaceous odour. Food Chemistry 114: 289-294.
15 Yang, Z.Y., Jie, G.L., Dong, F., Xu, Y., Watanabe, N., and Tu, Y.Y. (2008). Radical-scavenging abilities and antioxidant properties of theaflavins and their gallate esters in H2O2-mediated oxidative damage system in the HPF-1 cells. Toxicology in Vitro 22: 1250-1256.
16 Yang, Z.Y., Tu, Y.Y., Xia, H.L., Jie, G.L., Chen, X.M., and He, P.M. (2007). Suppression of free-radicals and protection against H2O2-induced oxidative damage in HPF-1 cell by oxidized phenolic compounds present in black tea. Food Chemistry 105: 1349-1356.
17 Yang, Z.Y., Xu, Y., Jie, G.L., He, P.M., and Tu, Y.Y. (2007). Study on the antioxidant activity of tea flowers (Camellia sinensis). Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 16 (Suppl. 1): 148-152.
Conference Talks:
18 Yang, Z.Y., Mochizuki, K., Watase, T., Kobayashi, E., Katsuno, T., Asanuma, T., Tomita, K., Morita, A., Suzuki, T., Nakamura, Y., Watanabe, N. Influences of light emitting diodes irradiation and shade treatment on volatile profiles and related metabolites of leaves of tea (Camellia sinensis) plants and freshly picked tea leaves. 9th Wartburg Flavor Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology, April 13-16, 2010, Eisenach, Germany.
19 Yang, Z.Y., Kinoshita, T., Shimizu, K., Morita, A., Watanabe, N. Determination of coumarin in Japanese green tea with sweet-herbaceous odor and its contribution to the tea flavor. Abstract in: The 52nd Symposium on the Chemistry of Terpenes, Essential Oils, and Aromatics, Gunma, Japan, October 25-27, 2008, pp 228-230.
20 Yang, Z.Y., Dong, F., Tu, Y.Y., Xu, Y., Watanabe, N. Isolation and identification of compounds from the ethanolic extract of tea (Camellia sinensis) flowers and their antioxidant activities. Abstract in: Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry, 2008 Conference, Nagoya, Japan, March 27-29, 2008, pp 140.
21 Yang, Z.Y., Tu, Y.Y., Jie, G.L., He, P.M., Watanabe, N. Suppression of free-radicals and protection against H2O2-induced oxidative damage in HPF-1 cell by oxidized phenolic compounds present in black tea. Abstract in: The 6th Inter-Academia 2007/2nd Inter-Academia for Young Researchers Workshop 2007, Hamamatsu, Japan, September 26-30, 2007, pp 156.
22 Yang, Z.Y., Tu, Y.Y., Dong, F., Xu, Y., Watanabe, N. Liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of phenolics and evaluation of the antioxidant compounds of extracts from flowers of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). In: The 2nd Symposium on Pharmaceutical Food Science, October 18-19, 2007, Shizuoka, Abstract in: Yakugaku Zasshi, 127 (Suppl. 4), pp 10-12.
Conference Posters:
23 Yang, Z.Y., Mochizuki, K., Watase, T., Kobayashi, E., Katsuno, T., Asanuma, T., Morita, A., Suzuki, T., Nakamura, Y., Watanabe, N. Regulation of volatile formation in tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves by light conditions. The 4th International conference on O-CHA (Tea) Culture and Science, October 26-28, 2010, Shizuoka, Japan.
Conference Contributions:
24 Baldermann, S., Yamamoto, M., Yang, Z. Y., Kawahashi, T., Fleischmann, P., Watanabe, N. C13-apocarotenoids: More than flavor compounds? In: Carotenoid Cleavage Products-243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, March 25- 29 2012, San Diego, California.
25 Dong, F., Yang, Z.Y., Baldermann, S., Dohra, H., Watanabe, N. Biogenesis of 1-phenylethanol and its glycosides in the flowers of Camellia sinensis. The 2010 Korean-Japanese Students Workshop, November 2-3, 2010, Pusan, Korea.
26 Kinoshita, T., Yang, Z.Y., Baldermann, S., Suzuki, M., Fleischmann, P., Winterhalter, P., Watanabe, N. Damascenone formation during the heating process of green tea infusions. The 4th International conference on O-CHA (Tea) Culture and Science, October 26-28, 2010, Shizuoka, Japan.
27 Baldermann, S., Yang, Z.Y., Sakai, M., Asai, T., Fleischmann, P., Morita, A., Todoroki, Y., Watanabe, N. Analysis of carotenoids and abscisic acid in flowers of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). The 4th International conference on O-CHA (Tea) Culture and Science, October 26-28, 2010, Shizuoka, Japan.
28 Dong, F., Yang, Z.Y., Baldermann, S., Sato, Y., Asai, T., Watanabe, N. Plant volatile compounds involved in herbivore-induced intra-communications in tea (Camellia sinensis) plants. The 4th International conference on O-CHA (Tea) Culture and Science, October 26-28, 2010, Shizuoka, Japan. (Outstanding Poster Award)
29 Watase, T., Suzuki, T., Mochizuki, K., Shida, E., Miyake, K., Kitsukawa, Y., Yugami, T., Miura, K., Okada, Y., Katsuno, T., Yang, Z.Y., Watanabe N. Determination of volatiles emitted from tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves during withering process by dynamic headspace sampling and TDU-GC-MS. The 4th International conference on O-CHA (Tea) Culture and Science, October 26-28, 2010, Shizuoka, Japan.
30 Baldermann, S., Mulyadi Andriati, N., Yang, Z.Y., Fleischmann, P., Watanabe, N. Studies on the enzymatic norisoprenoid formation in Aonori (Enteromorpha sp.) utilizing a laboratory culturing system. Abstract in: Pusan National University-Shizuoka University Joint Symposium and Graduate Students Forum for Promotion of the DDP, Shizuoka, Japan, February 5, 2010, pp 24.
31 Tu, Y.Y., Yang, Z.Y., Chen, L.Y. Effect of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer of tea residue on the physicochemical properties of soil. In: Proceedings of Third Tea Industry Symposium Across the Taiwan Straits, Changsha, China, September 3-8, 2003, pp 86-91.
1 木下朋美、楊子銀、渡辺修治. (2009). 茶の香りの多様性-緑茶,青茶,紅茶等の製法による違い- (in Japanese). New Food Industry 51: 1-9.
Yang, Z.Y., 東 方、清水 一男、木下 朋美、森田 明雄、渡辺 修治. におい識別裝置による日本緑茶クマリン香気の評価. Abstract in: 2009年度日本農蕓化學會, 福岡, 日本, 平成21年03月27日~29日, pp 68.
2 Yang, Z.Y., 東方, Baldermann, S., 大西利幸, 渡辺修治. チャ花に蓄積される1-phenylethanol配糖體の同定と分布. Abstract in: 2011年度日本農蕓化學會, 京都, 日本, 平成23年03月25日~28日, p 27.(2011年東北地震原因,會議報告取消)
3 Dong, F., Yang, Z.Y., Baldermann, S., 大西利幸, 渡辺修治. チャCamellia sinensisの花における安定同位體標識L-フェニルアラニンからアセトフェノン、1-フェニルエタノールへの代謝変換経路の解析. Abstract in: 2012年度日本農蕓化學會, 京都, 日本, 平成24年03月22日~25日, accepted.
4 友村 美穂、楊子銀、小林 栄人、勝野 剛、淺沼 俊倫、藤森 玉輝、石川 貴正、望月 一男、渡瀬 隆也、中村 順行、渡辺 修治. 強遮光処理條件下における白葉茶中の代謝物変動評価. Abstract in: 2012年度日本農蕓化學會, 京都, 日本, 平成24年03月22日~25日, accepted.
5 Dong, F., Yang, Z.Y., Baldermann, S., 梶谷裕, 大田尚吾, 春日久栄, 今関友実, 大西利幸, 渡辺修治. チャCamellia sinensisの花の香気成分1-phenylethanolの同定とその生成酵素. Abstract in: 2011年度日本農蕓化學會, 京都, 日本, 平成23年03月25日~28日, p 27. (2011年東北地震原因,會議報告取消)
6 Mulyadi Andriati, N., Baldermann, S., 楊子銀, 渡辺修治. アオノリ(Enteromorpha sp.)におけるカロテノイドから C13-ノルイソプレノイド系香気成分の酵素的生成. Abstract in: 2009年度日本農蕓化學會, 福岡, 日本, 平成21年03月27日~29日, pp 171.
7 Dong, F., Yang, Z.Y., Baldermann, S., Asai, T., Watanabe, N. チャ(Camellia sinensis)の花の香気成分の同定とその花器官內の分布. Abstract in : 2010年度日本農蕓化學會, 東京, 日本, 平成22年03月27日~30日.
8 占野拓, 坂井美和, 佐山弘典, 山口耕司, 冨田健介, 楊子銀, 渡辺修治. 13C-標識シキミの合成とバラ花弁における代謝研究. Abstract in: 第52回 香料?テルペンおよび精油化學に関する討論會, 群馬県, 日本, 平成20年10月25日~27日, pp 203-205.
1 茶花多酚類物質的LC-MS鑒定及抗氧化活性研究 屠幼英; 程龍; 楊子銀; 徐懿 浙江大學茶學系; 江蘇省聯合職業技術學院無錫衛生分院 【中國會議】經濟發展方式轉變與自主創新——第十二屆中國科學技術協會年會(第二卷) 2010-11-01
2 茶樹花抗氧化活性研究 屠幼英; 陳曉敏; 楊子銀; 徐懿 浙江大學茶學系; 浙江大學茶學系 【中國會議】華東六省一市生物化學與分子生物學學會2006年學術交流會論文集 2006-10-01
3 茶樹花抗氧化活性研究 劉祖生; 陳曉敏; 楊子銀; 徐懿; 屠幼英 浙江大學茶學系; 浙江大學茶學系 【中國會議】第四屆海峽兩岸茶業學術研討會論文集 2006-09-01
4 日本茶飲料近十年市場分析報告 屠幼英; 湯雯; 張維; 楊子銀; 東方 浙江大學農業與生物技術學院茶學系; 靜岡大學農學部 【期刊】食品工業科技 2012-02-15
5 日本茶飲料企業營銷策略調查與分析 屠幼英; 張維; 湯雯; 楊子銀; 東方 浙江大學農學與生物技術學院; 靜岡大學農學部 【期刊】茶葉 2011-09-10
6 紅茶中多酚類物質的抗氧化機制及其構效關系 屠幼英; 楊子銀; 東方 浙江大學茶學系; 浙江大學茶學系; 浙江大學茶學系 浙江杭州; 日本靜岡大學應用生物化學系; 日本靜岡422-8529; 浙江杭州 【期刊】中草藥 2007-10-12
7 普洱茶抗氧化活性成分的LC-MS分析 東方; 楊子銀; 何普明; 林智 浙江大學茶學系; 浙江大學茶學系; 中國農業科學院茶葉研究所 杭州 【期刊】中國食品學報 2008-04-15
8 高速逆流色譜分離茶黃素單體的初步研究 楊子銀; 屠幼英; 趙勤; 何普明 浙江大學茶學系; 浙江大學茶學系; 浙江大學茶學系 浙江杭州; 浙江杭州 【期刊】食品科學 2005-10-15
9 茶黃素開發腫瘤抗生素替代品的初步探討 楊子銀; 屠幼英 浙江大學茶學系; 浙江大學茶學系 【期刊】中國茶葉加工 2003-11-15
10 水生植物對水體中低濃度~(95)Zr的富集效應 史建君; 楊子銀; 陳暉 浙江大學原子核農業科學研究所農業部核農學重點開放實驗室; 浙江大學原子核農業科學研究所農業部核農學重點開放實驗室; 浙江工程學院物理教學部 浙江杭州; 浙江杭州 【期刊】核農學報 2004-02-20
11 茶飲料的抗生活性研究 翁蔚 ; 屠幼英 ; 楊子銀 ; 陳利燕 農業部園藝作物生長發育與生物技術重點開放實驗室; 浙江大學茶學系 杭州 【期刊】茶葉 2004-06-25
12 茶花研究利用現狀及展望 王曉婧; 翁蔚; 楊子銀; 屠幼英 浙江大學茶學系; 中國農業科學院茶葉研究所; 浙江大學茶學系 【期刊】中國茶葉 2004-08-25
13 茶(紅茶)與茶(Camellia sinensis)花多酚類物質的分離鑒定及其抗氧化機理研究 楊子銀 浙江大學 【博士】浙江大學 2007-04-01