
在Crop Sciences、Plant Science、Journal of Genetics and Breeding、Journal of Cereal Science,Biochemical Genetics, Field Crops Research、Euphytica, Breeding Science,植物學(xué)報,遺傳學(xué)報(英文版)和中國水稻科學(xué)等國內(nèi)外重要雜志上發(fā)表論文90余篇,其中SCI論文32篇,參編英文專著1部。
Yanjun Dong, E. Tsuzuki, H. Kamiunten, Dongzhi Lin and Shihua Cheng. 2004. Chapter 1. Genetic Improvement of Rice
Allelopathy for Weed Management. In Recent Research and Development of Genetics and Breeding Vol (1):1-18 ISBN:81-7736-218-6.Research Signpost出版社
1. MA Jian-yang, CHEN Sun-lu, ZHANG Jian-hui, DONG Yan-jun1, TENG Sheng 2012 Genetic Analysis and Mapping of a Thermo-sensitive White Stripe-Leaf Mutant at Seedling Stage in Rice (Oryza sativa) Rice Science 19(1):1-7
2. LIU Xiao, GONG Yingjun, DONG Yanjun, LIN Dongzhi 2011 Fine Mapping of a Major QTL for Cold Tolerance at Seedling
Stage of Rice. The Proceedings of the China association for Science and Technology Vol.7(1):359-363
3. LI Chao, LIN Dong-zhi, DONG Yan-jun, YE Sheng-hai, ZHANG Xiao-ming 2010 Genetic Analysis and Mapping of a Thermo-
sensitive White Stripe-Leaf Mutant at Seedling Stage in Rice (Oryza sativa) Rice Science, 17(4): 276-281
4. Wenyi Yan , Shenghai Ye, Qingsheng Jin, Longjun Zeng, Yu Peng, Dawei Yan,Weibing Yang, Donglei Yang, Zuhua He,
Yanjun Dong , Xiaoming Zhang 2010 Characterization and mapping of a novel mutant sms1(senescence and male sterility 1) in rice J. Genet. Genomics 37: 47-55
5. Lin Dongzhi, Zhang Yongjuan, Zhang Junzhi, Luo Lijun, Dong Yanjun 2010 Mapping of QTL for Seedling Growth Response to Phosphorus Deficiency in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genomics and Appied biology (1):10-16.
6. Dongzhi Lin, Junzhi Zhang, Hailong Zuo, Jianlong Xu, Lijun Luo, Yanjun Dong 2010 Mapping QTLs Associated with Leaf Senescence during Maturation of Rice (Oryza stativa L.) Asian Journal of Plant Science 9(1):51-57
7. Y. DONG, H. ZUO1, K. XIAO and J. XU 2009 Location of QTLs controlling panicle exsertion in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Rice Genetics Newsletter 25:23-24
8. Y. J. Zhang, Y. J. Dong, J. Z. Zhang, K. Xiao, J. L. Xu, H. Terao 2009 Mapping QTLs for deficiency phosphorus
response to root-growth of rice seedling. Rice Genetics Newsletter 25:36-37.
9. Dongzhi Lin, Y. Sugitomo,Yanjun Dong,E.Tsuzuki,M.Matsuo 2009 Allelopathic effects of Canna indica on paddy weeds
Allelopathy Journal 24(1): 169-176.
10. Jun-zhi ZHANG, Xiao LIU, Chao LI, Ke XIAO, Yan-jun DONG 2009 Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of Light-
Sensitive Red-Root Mutant in Rice. Rice Science 16(1):27-32
11. Junzhi Zhang, Ke Xiao, Yongjuan Zhang, Yanjun Dong, Jianlong Xu, Lijun Luo, M. Matsuo 2008 Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis for Plant Morphological Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Under Different Environments. International Journal of
Plant Breeding and Genetics 2 (1): 1-8.
12. Yanjun Dong, Jianlong Xu, Zhikang Li, Ke Xiao, Yongquan Zhang, Junzhi Zhang, Lijun Luo, M. Matsuo 2008 Genomic
regions associated with the degree of red coloration in brown-rice grains (Sativa Oryza L.) Journal of Cereal Science 48:556-560
13. FAN Gui-zhi, DONG Yan-jun, WANG Chun-ming, WAN Jian-min, XIE Hui1, XU Chang-liang, ZHU Jian-guo, CAI Qing-sheng.
2007. Analysis of QTLs for Flag Leaf Shape and Its Response to Elevated CO2 in Rice (Oryza sativa). Rice Science (14):7-12
14. Yanjun Dong, Z. Yang, J. Xu, D. Lin, Y. Sugimoto, L. Luo, H. Mei 2007 Quantitative trait loci for leaf chlorophyll content at two developmental stages of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Communication in Biometry and Crop Science 2(1): 1-7.
15. Hailong Zuo, Ke Xiao, Yanjun Dong, J. Xu, Z. Li, L. Luo, H. Mei 2007 Molecular Detection of Quantitative Trait
loci for Leaf Chlorophyll Content at Different Growth-stages of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 6(3):518-522.
16. Yanjun Dong, Ke Xiao, Hailong Zuo, M. Matsuo 2006 Stably expressed QTLs for grain shape in rice grown in two Asian countries. IRRN 31(2): 47-48. International Rice Research Institute.
17. Yanjun Dong, H. Kamiuten, Zhongnan Yang, Dongzhi Lin, T. Ogawa, Lijun Luo, H. Matsuo 2006 Mapping of quantitative trait loci for gibberellic acid response at rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedling stage Plant Science 170(1) :12-17
18. Yanjun Dong, Tsugufumi Ogawa, Dongzhi Lin, Hee-Jong Koh, Hiroshi Kamiunten, Mitsuhiro Matsuo, Shihua Cheng. 2006. Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for zinc toxicity tolerance in rice seedling (Oryza sativa L.) Field Crops
Research 95:420-425
19. Ke Xiao, Hailong Zuo, Yanjun Dong, Lijun Luo, Hanwei Mei and M. Matsuo 2006 Genetic Mapping of QTLs for Grain
Dimension in Rice Grown in Two Asian Countries. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 5 (3): 516-520
20. Dongzhi Lin, Yasuhiro Sugitomo, Yanjun Dong, H. Terao, M. Matsuo 2006 Natural herbicidal potential of
saururaceae (Houttuynia cordata Thunb) dried powders on paddy weeds in transplanted-rice. Crop Protection(25):1126-1129
associated with allelopathic effect on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) root growth using recombinant inbred population in rice(
Oryza sativa L.) Allelopathy Journal(2) :199-206
22. Y. J. Dong, T. Ogawa, D.Z. Lin, H. Kamiunten, H. Terao and H. Matsuo. 2005. Detection of QTLs for leaf chlorophyll content at the maximum tillering stage of rice. IRRN 30(1): 16-17 International Rice Research Institute.
23. Yanjun Dong, E. Tsuzuki, H. Kamiunten, D. Lin, H. Teraro, M. Matsuo, S. Cheng. 2005. Molecular genetic analysis of ferulic acid content in dried straw of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Biochemical Genetics 43(1):25-34
24. Yanjun Dong, Dongzhi LIN, Hiroshi KAMIUNTEN, Tsugufumi OGAWA, Qingsheng CAI, Eiji TSUZUKI, Hiroyuki TERAO and
Hiromitsu MATSUO. 2004. Molecular Genetic Mapping of QTLs for Tiller Angle in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Japanese Journal of
Tropical Agriculture 40(4): 228-234.
25. Yanjun Dong, Hiroshi. Kamiunten, Tsugufumi Ogawa, Eiji Tsuzuki, Hiroyuki.Terao, Dongzhi Lin and Mitsuhiro Matsuo. 2004. Mapping of QTLs for leaf developmental behavior in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Euphytica 138(2):169-175
26. Yanjun Dong, H. Kamiunten, E. Tsuzuki, H. Terao, D.Z. Lin, H. Matsuo and T. Ogawa 2004 Mapping of QTLs for total
number of leaves on main stem of rice IRRN 29(1):23―25
27. Y.J. DONG, T. OGAWA, H. KAMIUNTEN, D.Z LIN, S.H. CHENG, H. TERAO and M. MATSUO. 2004. Detection of QTLs for zinc
toxicity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Rice Genetics Newsletter 21:33-35
28. D. Lin, E. Tsuzuki, Y. Sugimoto, Yanjun Dong, M. Matsuo and H. Terao 2004, Elementary Identification and
biological activities of phenolic allelochemicals from dwarf lilyturf plant (Ophiopogon japonicus K.) against two weeds of
paddy rice field. Plant Production Science 7(3):260-265
29. D. Lin, E. Tsuzuki, Y. Sugimoto, Yanjun Dong, M. Matsuo and H. Terao, 2004, Allelopathic effects of aqueous Aloe
vera leaf extracts on selected crops. Allelopathy Journal 13(1):67-74
30. Yanjun Dong, E. Tsuzuki, D. Lin, H. Kamiunten, H. Terao, M. Matsuo, S. Cheng. 2004 Molecular Genetic Mapping of
Quantitative Trait Loci for Milling Quality in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Journal of Cereal Science 40(2):109-114
31. D. Lin, E.Tsuzuki, Yanjun Dong, H. Terao and T. Xuan. 2004. Potential biological control of weeds in rice fields
by allelopathy of dwarf lilyturf plants. Biocontrol 49(2): 187-196.
32. D. Lin, Y. Sugitomo, Yanjun Dong, H. Terao, M. Matsuo, E. Tsuzuki. 2004. Possibility of saururaceae (Houttuynia
cordata Thunb) dried powders for weed control in transplanted-rice. Japanese Journal of Crop Science 73(Suppl 2):392-393.
33. 董彥君、2003.稲における加工特性に関する量的遺伝子座(QTLs)の解析.飯島記念食品科學(xué)振興財団平成13年報告(in
34. Yanjun Dong, Eiji Tsuzuki, Hiroshi Kamiunten, Hiroyuki Terao and Dongzhi Lin. 2003, Molecular genetic mapping of
quantitative trait loci for plant height at different developmental stages in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Journal of Genetics &
Breeding(Italy) 57(4): 305-312.
35. Yanjun Dong, E. Tsuzuki, Dongzhi Lin, H. Terao, M. Matsuo, S. H. Cheng and H. Kamiuten. 2003. Molecular mapping of QTLs associated with ferulic acid content in rice straw. Rice Genetics Newsletter 20:49-50.
36. Y. Zheng, Yanjun Dong, Akira Matsui, Tetsuro Udatsu and Hiroshi Fujiwara. 2003. Molecular genetic basis of
determining subspecies of ancient rice using the shape of phytoliths. Journal of Archaeological Science 30:1215-1221
37. Tsuzuki Eiji and Yanjun Dong. 2003. Buckwheat Allelopathy: Use in weed management. Allelopathy Journal 12(1):1-12
38. D. Lin, Eiji Tsuzuki, Y. Sugimoto, Yanjun Dong, M. Matsuo, H. Terao. 2003. Assessment of dwarf lilyturf (
Ophiopogon japonicus K.) dried powders for weed control in transplanted rice. Crop Protection. 22(2), 431-435
39. Yanjun Dong, Eiji Tsuzuki, H. Kamiunten, H. Terao, Dongzhi Lin. 2003. Mapping of QTL for embryo size in rice. Crop Science 43: 1068-1071
40. Yanjun Dong, E. Tsuzuki, H. Kamiunten, H. Terao, D. Lin, Dongzhi, M. Matsuo and Y. Zheng. 2003. Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with pre-harvest sprouting resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Field Crops Research 81:133-139
41. Yanjun Dong, Yunfei Zheng, Eiji Tsuzuki and Hiroyuki Terao. 2002. Quantitative trait loci controlling steamed-rice shape in a recombinant inbred population. IRRN27(1):19-20. International Rice Research Institute
42. Yanjun Dong, Eiji Tsuzuki, Hiroshi Kamiunten, Hiroyuki Terao and Dongzhi Lin. 2001. Molecular mapping of QTLs for hulled-rice shape using recombinant inbred population. Oryza 38(1): 9-12.
43. Yanjun Dong, Eiji Tsuzuki and Hiroyuki Terao. 2001. Genetic analysis of aroma in three rice cultivars (Oryza
sativa L.) Journal of Genetics & Breeding(Italy) 55(1):39-43
44. Yanjun Dong, Wenqi Dong, Shouyun Shi and Qinsheng Jin. 2001. Identification and genetic analysis of a thermo-
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45. Yanjun Dong, Eiji Tsuzuki and Hiroyuki Terao. 2001. Trisomic genetic analysis of aroma in three Japanese native
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46. Yanjun Dong, Eiji Tsuzuki, Hiroyuki Terao, Atsushi Yoshimura and Hideshi Yasui. 2001. Inheritance of aroma and
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47. Yanjun Dong, Eiji Tsuzuki and Hiroyuki Terao. 2000. Inheritance of aroma in four rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) IRRN25(2):15, International Rice Research Institute.
48. Yanjun Dong, Eiji Tsuzuki and Hiroyuki Terao. 2000. Genetic Study of aroma in two rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) Japanese Journal of Crop Science 69(Suppl 2):262-263.
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52. Yanjun Dong, Shouyun Shi and Hongde Zhang. 1993. Inheritance of thermo-sensitivity for seeding colour in japonica variety Fan5. IRRN18(4):6 International Rice Research Institute.
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54. Yanjun Dong, Shouyun Shi and Hongde Zhang. 1992. Genetic studies of aroma in the elite cytoplasmic male sterile (
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55. 董彥君,林冬枝,梅杰,蘇倩倩, 張建輝,葉勝海, 張小明 2013一個水稻溫度敏感失綠突變體的遺傳分析及分子定位 分子植物育種 11(1):1-7.
56. 周華,潘佑找,劉秀艷,馬曉靜,陳素麗,林冬枝,王俊敏,董彥君,滕勝,2013. 一個新的水稻葉綠素缺失黃葉突變體遺傳分析及其基因定位,分子植物育種11 (2):145-151.
57. 葛紹興,馬曉靜, 林冬枝,董彥君. 2013. 一個新的水稻幼苗黃葉突變體的遺傳分析及其基因的初步定位.上海師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版)42(1):49-54.
58. 李秋圓,葉勝海,張迎迎,馬曉靜,梅杰,金慶生,何祖華,董彥君,張小明 2012一個水稻金黃色穎殼與節(jié)間基因的定位.核農(nóng)學(xué)報,26(7):983-987
59. 馬曉靜,李廣平,鄭曉靜,林冬枝,董彥君. 2012. 20個青菜品種的遺傳多樣性分析.長江蔬菜,(22):13-16.
60. 吳軍, 陳佳穎, 趙劍, 林冬枝, 董彥君 2012 2個水稻溫敏感葉色突變體的光合特性研究 中國農(nóng)學(xué)通報 28( 21): 16-21
61. 劉朝輝, 李小艷, 張建輝, 林冬枝, 董彥君 2012 一個新的水稻葉綠素缺失黃葉突變體的特征及基因分子定位 遺傳 34(2):223-229
62. 張建輝,李小艷,林冬枝,董彥君,滕勝 2011 一個新的水稻類病斑突變體的鑒定及其基因分子定位 基因組學(xué)與應(yīng)用生物學(xué) 30:1284-1289
63. 馬健陽, 陳孫祿, 張建輝, 董彥君, 滕勝 2011 一個水稻類病條紋斑突變體的鑒定和遺傳定位 中國水稻科學(xué) 25(2):150-156
64. 趙劍,吳軍,林冬枝,董彥君 2011 水稻葉片葉綠體發(fā)育分子機(jī)制的研究進(jìn)展 安徽農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué) 39(7):3827-3830
65. 嚴(yán)雯奕, 葉勝海, 董彥君, 金慶生, 張小明 2010 植物葉片衰老相關(guān)研究進(jìn)展 作物雜志 137(4):4-9
66. 陳佳穎,趙劍,劉曉,李超,林冬枝,董彥君,葉勝海,張小明 2010 一個新的水稻溫敏感葉色突變體遺傳分析及其基因分子定位. 植物學(xué)報 Chinese Bulletin of Botany 45(4):419-425
67. 李超, 林冬枝, 董彥君, 葉勝海, 張小明 2010 一個水稻苗期溫敏感白色條斑葉突變體的遺傳分析及基因定位 中國水稻科學(xué) 24 (3): 223-227
68. 祁魯,劉曉,陳佳穎,林冬枝,董彥君,徐建龍 2010一個新的水稻溫敏感葉色突變體基因定位分析 核農(nóng)學(xué)報 24(2):220-224
69. 劉曉,鞏迎軍,董彥君,林冬枝 2009 一個水稻苗期耐冷性的主效QTL精細(xì)定位研究 中國農(nóng)學(xué)通報,22(25):62-66
70. 林冬枝, 董彥君, 續(xù)榮治 2009麥冬塊根提取物對稻瘟病菌絲及苗期稻瘟病發(fā)生的抑制效果 中國農(nóng)學(xué)通報25(9):220-223
71. 林冬枝, 董彥君, 續(xù)榮治 2009 麥冬塊根提取物對植物病原菌抑菌活性的初步研究 安徽農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué) 37(9):4187-4188.
72. 鞏迎軍,阮雯君,荀星, 董彥君, 林冬枝, 葉勝海, 張小明 2009 水稻芽性狀耐冷性的QTL分析 分子植物育種 7(2):273-278
73. 鞏迎軍,馮杰,肖珂,董彥君,林冬枝 2008 日本水稻品種越光稻米的外觀品質(zhì)性狀的QTL遺傳剖析 中國農(nóng)學(xué)通報 (12):96-102.
74. 張俊芝,劉曉,李超,肖珂,董彥君 2008 光照敏感型水稻紅根突變體遺傳分析及其基因的分子定位 中國水稻科學(xué)22(6):578-582
75. 張永娟 劉雯君,張躍躍,張俊芝,鞏迎軍,董彥君 2008 水稻苗期形態(tài)性狀的QTL定位 上海師范大學(xué)學(xué)報 37(5):513-518
76. 肖珂,左海龍,鞏迎軍,張俊芝,張永娟,董彥君. 2008 控制水稻穗伸出度和株高的數(shù)量性狀基因定位. 中國農(nóng)學(xué)通報 24(5):95-99.
77. 左海龍, 肖珂, 張永娟, 張俊芝, 鞏迎軍, 董彥君 2007 控制水稻葉片葉綠素含量及其離體葉片葉綠素降解速度相關(guān)的QTL定位 分子細(xì)胞生物學(xué)報40(5):146-350
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