
He Kaihao was born in 1964. From 1981 to 1984, he studied Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tai Zhou Medical School of Zhe Jiang province. After graduation, he has been working in Ning Bo Hospital of Chinese Medicine. In 2002, on his website he published the idea on a new vehicle, which he has studied for many years, and emailed the English version widely in the world. However, he didn’t apply for the patent immediately. Finally, under the help of Ning Bo Municipal Department in charge, he applied for the Vehicle Conveyance Accessory Patent (Practical New Patent No.ZL200820085669.5; Invention Patent, Grant No. 200810060439.8).
Another invention is Condensation and Aiming Equipment of Tower Solar Energy Thermal-Generating System with the patent No. 200910155646.6. The patent breaks through the key problem of Tower Solar Energy Thermal-Generation System.
The invention patent is a fundamental solution to city traffic.
Traffic is the lifeline of a city and its condition directly influences the healthy development of a city.
According to the latest research result of Chinese Residents’ Living Mobility Index Research Report, the economic cost of traffic jam for Beijing residents’ commuting from home to company/school is 335.60 RMB per month. The report chooses 6 cities including Beijing, and the sixth one, Ha Erbing, reaches to 120.90 RMB.
In fact, with the economic development, traffic jam has been tangling Chinese municipal leaders and has been an ungovernable and headache problem.
Nowadays, countries in the world has generally realized that the fundamental solution to the city traffic problem lies in giving priority development of the city public traffic system with track traffic as backbone. Compared with other public transportations, the city traffic track has the following advantages: less land area taken, large quantity of transportation, fast speed, safe, on schedule, environmental protection, energy and land saving, etc. Carrying capacity of track is 10 times of that of road transportation. Less energy consumed in traffic volume per unit saves energy; electric traction adopted reduces environmental pollution.
At present, the working mechanism of the track for rail vehicles almost is the same in cities of every country, not only controlling the travelling direction but also carrying the great weight of the vehicle itself, and hence railway construction is highly required to be pretty solid and quite precise, and that the vehicle shouldn’t derail forever. So it is lack of some flexibility.
He Kaihao introduces that his patent of Vehicle Conveyance Accessory bravely breaks through the traditional concept and effectively avoids the disadvantages of traditional railway. The Vehicle Conveyance Accessory designed in this way could control the travelling direction of vehicle and could separate from carrying the weight of vehicle. Here the railway only needs an iron rail to control the travelling direction and doesn’t need to carry the vehicle weight, while the great load of carrying vehicle weight will be directly transferred to the ground. Owing to the rail getting rid of carrying the great vehicle weight, the rail construction requirement is very low and the rail formation and shape could also be greatly liberalized. According to different function requirements of various vehicles, various rails can be designed specifically. Angle iron, steel tube and even groove can be the rail; the rail can be located rather randomly, laid on the roadside, buried in the underground and even built in the air without destroying the original ground surface, which only needs to change the structure of rail accessory, making it suitable for the rail.
He Kaihao said that the cost of building railway is rather low. If the technological condition is mature, every road can be installed with the track and every vehicle can be installed with the rail accessory. And thus it is quite possible to make the highway transportation track electrified. Then there will be great social benefit.
As to this innovative patent, He Kaihao introduces the long and tortuous course of his R & D and application:
Without knowledge about how to apply for the patent, I found that the procedure is rather complex from the related information. It is said that the application would consume much money and time, so I haven’t been willing to apply for the patent.
In November of 2002, I published my idea on a new vehicle which I had been working for many years on my website (www.wnfwtnpt.com). (Then I didn’t know the blog). Later I had the website translated into English version, put it on the website (www.wnfwtnpt.com/english) and emailed widely in the world. Since there are many Junk English mails replied, which makes my email box exploded, and I know little about English, I lost all the replies from previous net friends after the viruses invaded my email box and my computer. So I haven’t known what reaction of foreign friends to me and my new idea.
By chance, recently I found that the conveyance part of tram, which is produced by France Lohr Co. and just opened in Tian Jin city, has the same mechanism with track-bite-wheels I published on the website). I suppose that Lohr use the track technology I published on the website. However, I think it isn’t suitable for the super large tram to use the track conveyance technology I published on the website.
Such design couldn’t make the oriented track wheel and track combined rather firmly and thus greatly reduces the stability of traveling. Moreover, the track construction is required to be high precise, thus increasing the cost of road construction. The vehicle derailing in Tian Jin after just opening because the tire blew out proves that its stability isn’t very well.
If another track conveyance method I imaged previously is used, the highway construction will be simpler and the travelling will be more stable. The derailing like that in Tian Jin won’t happen again. Therefore I immediately emailed to Lohr Co. with an English and French attachment, yet I haven’t received any reply.
I think that this has a significant influence on the traffic development and I decide to promote the method and report the situation to the related departments in charge. From the internet, I learned that Shang Hai, Hang Zhou as well as Ning Bo were thinking about introducing the oriented track tram of Lohr Co. Then I went to Hang Zhou Municipal Traffic Information Center, Shang Hai Municipal Construction and Traffic Committee and Ning Bo Traffic Bureau to reflect the situation. Finally I reported the situation to Ning Bo Intellectual Property Bureau and the chief of the bureau received me. Chief Li said that my move was very unwise and I should apply for the patent at first. Without any protection, I couldn’t apply for the patent now since I published on the website. I said: “Doesn’t matter. I still have a method, which is more advanced than theirs and quite different in way from the previous one, and I can apply for a patent as usual.” The fact is that I really don’t know how to apply for the patent. And I wonder if there is any restraint on France or not after I apply for the patent. He said: “The domestic patent has no restraint on the foreign countries. If you want some restraints, you should apply for the patent in every country. Moreover, you can only apply for the patent in every country within one year after the patent is granted in China. Domestic patent application can be dealt with by agent. If the patent is passed the verification, there is more than ten thousand RMB as reward.”
Learned from the chief of the bureau, I know how to apply for the paten. Then I found an agent company and apply for the patent immediately. To ensure that the patent can be applied, the agent applied for the practical new patent and invention patent.
Later from some intermediary institutions, I know that there are four kinds of buyers if I want to transfer my patents: 1. development and manufacturing; 2. buy in and sell at a profit; 3. technology monopoly; 4. government procurement. I think that the mechanism and framework of my patent is rather simple but nobody thinks of it before. However, if this method will be used popularly, there will be a great influence on highway transportation. We can say in a way that it can completely change the current road transportation. Many vehicles will use electricity instead of gasoline with a rather simple implement. Lack of infrastructure, currently it can be used to the public transportation. Public bus can hang several compartments, which will greatly increase the carrying capacity of public vehicles.
Therefore, I think the patent has better to be procured by the government. If I transfer the patent to any body for other reasons, the popularity of the technology will be greatly hindered. If the patent is sold to foreign company for the technology monopoly, our country will pay the patent fee if we want to use this technology. Then the loss will be rather great.
Then I decided that the patents must be procured by the government. Among many intermediary institutions, I only choose two news paper offices to promote them without transferring the patents and conducting sales exhibition. I tried my best to draw government’s attention, but I failed.
Traffic jam, energy and environmental problems caused by the fuel consumption and exhaust gas emission of large quantity of vehicles are the first and foremost problems of every country in the world and distress every country too much. Track transportation can solve some problems on this aspect. But traditional track transportation construction costs enormously and sounds like astronomical figures. The cost will be saved much more with the oriented track method I designed to build the track traffic. Moreover, this is only a beginning. Once the technology becomes mature, it is possible to use this method into the individual vehicle. In this way, most vehicles use electricity instead of gasoline. When using the electricity, the engine is rather simple. The individual vehicle can become thin and the volume of vehicle also becomes small, and thus the traffic jam will reduce greatly. Because of track protection, the security will be guaranteed. Therefore, I think the framework and mechanism of my patent is rather simple and it is only an intelligence game. But maybe this little intelligence game will effectively solve the key issues of current world transportation.
An invention patent solves the key problems of Tower Solar Energy Generating System
30 years ago, an invention of tower solar energy-thermal application technology caused the enormous response. But because the difficulty of condensation and aiming has never been solved, the invention has long been stay at the theoretical stage.
Recently, the invention patent The Condensation Equipment of Tower Solar Energy-Thermal Application Generating System, which is applied for by He Kaihao with patent No.200910155646.6, successfully solved the key problem of Tower Solar Energy-Thermal Application Generating System.
He Kaihao introduces that the patent is about a method that can automatically gather sunlight reflected by many mirrors, economically utilizing the solar energy. He said: “Now I can disclose all details of the patent without reservation. In fact the patent mechanism is rather simple as shown below, that’s, to solve the geometrical question with auxiliary lines of mathematics. My geometrical auxiliary line is a laser beam reflecting to condensation tower aim from each heliostat center. With this laser beam as an auxiliary line, it becomes rather simple to judge whether the sunshine aims or not after reflecting from the heliostat. Although the mechanism is rather simple, it is significant to use solar energy with less cost in a super scale.
He Kaihao introduces that He Zuoxiu, the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, made such comments on Tower Solar Energy Thermal-Generating System invented 30 years ago: “Since the structure is particularly complex and the technology requirement is rather high, the large-scale industrialization would be quite difficult.” If the invention patent of Condensation Equipment of Tower Solar Energy Thermal-Generating System is widely used, the difficulty He Zuoxiu said won't restrain the popular application of Tower Solar Energy Thermal Generating System.

1 一種車輛導軌掛件 何開浩 2009-01-28
2 塔式太陽能熱發電系統的聚光瞄準裝置 何開浩 2010-06-16
3 車輛導軌掛件 何開浩 2010-03-24


何開浩介紹, 對于30多年前的這項“塔式太陽能熱發電系統”,中國科院何祚庥院士對此有這樣評論:“由于結構特別復雜,技術要求也高,大規模產業化有很大困難。”但如果他這項“塔式太陽能熱發電系統的聚光瞄準裝置”的專利發明得以廣泛應用,那么何院士說到的難題就不會成為制約塔式太陽能發電系統難以廣泛應用的難題了。