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專家信息 科學研究 論文專著

徐 正 男 教授 博士生導師。1962年畢業于南京大學化學系,1966年研究生畢業于中科院大連化學物理研究所。研究生期間從事高溫快速反應動力學和化學激光研究;1968-1980年圍繞著二機部的任務,開展新材料研制,解決了核材料的存貯問題,受到國防科委嘉獎和全國科學大會獎;1981年至今從事配位化學、納米化學、富勒烯化學的基礎研究。作為訪問教授曾多次去加拿大、意大利和德國進行合作研究:1988-1990年 Guelph 大學和Concordia大學、1993年、1997年Guelph大學,1999年Western Ontario大學,2009年德國萊比錫大學、Max Planck界面和膠體研究所、意大利帕瑪大學等。曾承擔國家自然科學基金會重點項目,重大項目子項目,參與重大項目研究工作,主持江蘇省自然科學基金會重點項目的研究。科研成果曾獲國家自然科學三等獎,國家教委科技進步一等獎和二等獎,2004教育部提名國家科學技術獎自然科學一等獎。發表科學論文300多篇, 6篇論文被選為熱點論文。論文被他引2000多次。獲授權專利7項,出版專著一部。指導的一位研究生的博士論文入選全國優秀博士論文。主要成就如下:

一. 納米化學

對納米晶可控合成和有序組裝進行了系統的研究,建立了 “固液相合成方法”,實現了金屬納米粒子的大小可控,得到了不同尺度的納米晶和二維、三維超晶格。調控反應的動力學和熱力學控制區,實現納米粒子相結構的調控。與“熱注入法” 相比,該方法不需用昂貴和有毒的有機金屬化合物,僅用價廉的無機鹽固體。建立了“智能” 膠體體系實現了溶液中半導體納米晶的一維外延生長。不需先制備晶種,體系會自動調節晶種和外延物種生成的時間,并產生與外延物種匹配的晶面,以調控外延半導體的相結構。他們在限制空間內構筑了聚合物納米粒子的有序陣列,論文被選為Hot paper。

把化學上不同的物種組合成一個區域組分可分的納米粒子是開發新功能材料的有效途徑, 因為異質界面間的強作用會產生新穎的性質。軸向異質復合結構的構筑較為困難,通常先制備納米線,后在納米線上外延生長第二種物種。他們則采用相反的方法,先制備殼,然后在殼內構筑第二種物種,構成軸向異質核殼結構。建立了二級模板法,構筑了一系列軸向異質復合結構有序陣列,把納米粒子的可控合成和有序組裝在一步中完成。研究了它們的微結構、磁性和場發射性能等,與國際同類工作相比,具有金屬納米線連續完整、納米管填充率高等優點,處于國際先進行列。

聚合物/金屬軸向異質復合結構有效地保護了金屬納米線免受大氣的侵蝕,使納米結構性能穩定。論文已被他引一百多次。Niu 和 Chen 等對此工作的評價為:“用導電聚合物包覆的具有光、電、磁特性的無機納米棒結構提供了一個令人振奮的體系,此體系可用來探索設計功能器件的可能性,因為納米同軸核殼結構常常顯示出與單純的核和殼不一樣的物理和化學性質。”金屬Co和Ni納米管有序陣列的論文已被他引132次。第三世界科學院院長Rao在他的論文中詳細介紹了這項工作,并指出: “這是迄今為止已合成出的少數幾種金屬納米管之一。” Dai 等指出:“徐等制備了高度有序的磁性Ni納米管陣列,長達35 μm,納米管具有增強的矯頑力,有可能在信息存儲等領域取得應用” ;用溶膠-凝膠法構筑了一系列金屬氧化物 (硫化物) /金屬軸向復合結構有序陣列,金屬納米線有利于半導體光激發電子的存貯,改善了半導體的光電性能;用一步法構筑了碳納米管/ZnS和CdS單晶納米線軸向異質復合結構,長達十幾微米。在碳納米管中組裝Ni納米管構成新穎的管中管結構有序陣列,論文被該雜志選為Top Ten Most Accessed Article;他們在碳納米管內組裝了長達50 μm的金屬納米線。填充率幾乎達100%。國際納米網站 nanotechweb.org 詳細介紹了這項工作,并指出:“南京大學的研究工作者已經用二級模板法在碳納米管中填裝了金屬Co和Ni,該技術可用于制造納電子器件、高密度磁記憶器件、電化學能量儲存和傳感器等”;Jin的評價為:“將金屬納米粒子填入碳管后將會改變碳管的電子結構,因此通過改變金屬納米粒子的大小和濃度,能夠調控碳納米管的電子性質。這類新穎的復合結構不僅對于研究碳管和金屬粒子之間的相互作用具有重要的學術意義,而且對于催化、電、磁器件等應用也十分重要”;系統研究了乳液,微乳液和多重乳液反應體系的物理和化學性質,在液相中構筑了磁性金屬亞微米和納米空心球,超結構顯示出新穎的磁性質,兩篇論文均被選為 Top Ten Most Accessed Articles,還被 “Small” 雜志作為 highlights 論文介紹;發現 ZnO 納米管有序陣列具有優良的場發射性能,論文被選為Hot paper;用建立的固液相反應路線,成功地構筑了過渡金屬氧化物,稀土氧化物的單晶納米帶;對納米粒子的催化作用進行了深入研究,發現了一例非金屬催化劑,該催化劑對硝基苯衍生物催化加氫制苯胺衍生物有極高的活性和選擇性;用小分子組裝得到了智能有機凝膠和有機超分子微管,凝膠對pH值高度敏感,可用pH可逆地調控溶膠/凝膠的轉變和粘彈力。這些工作都富有創新性。


系統地研究了富勒烯的化學反應。建立了選擇性合成C60、C70負離子水溶液和水溶膠的有效方法,為富勒烯在生物體中的應用和構筑納米結構創造了條件;用Sol-gel法構筑了C60和C70 納米管(線)有序陣列,進而構筑了C60和C70納米管/金屬Ni納米線軸向異質復合結構有序陣列。受到了國內外同行的廣泛關注。Scott等采用了此選擇性還原方法,成功地在大量稠環芳烴混合物中檢測到了微量的C60,避免了繁復的分離和提純,證明了C60分子全合成的成功。朱道本教授等的評價為:“南京大學對C60、C70的還原反應進行了系統的研究,發現在酸性條件下,用化學還原生成富勒烯氫化物,但在堿性條件下則生成富勒烯負離子。文獻報道富勒烯負離子對水敏感,而在南京大學的實驗室中發現,C60n-、C70n-在無氧存在時對水并不敏感。更有意義的是,在國際上首次發現無需控制還原劑的化學計量,只要改變溶劑,就能定量生成C60- 離子的水溶液。”


對稀土金屬配合物進行了系統研究,發現了一些新反應和新方法工作被 Edelmann 等廣泛引用;開展了多核配合物的研究,較早合成出Mn11Cr單分子磁體(SMM)。Chakov等指出此合成方法是目前用Mn12前體合成SMM的兩條主要路線之一。




2. 納米材料合成中的配位化學





1. 加拿大 International Scientific Exchange Award 作為訪問教授赴加拿大 Guelph 大學和 Concordia 大學進行二年合作

2. 1993年7月和1997年8月受 Guelph 大學邀請作為訪問教授進行短期合作科研

3. 1999年7月受 Western Ontario 大學 CenPhysics 的邀請,作短期合作科研

4. 2008年10-11月受德國MPI膠體和界面研究所,Leipzig大學,意大利 Parma 大學的邀請,作短期合作研究。









1. Y2O3 納米帶負載 Ag 催化劑及其合成方法和應用

2. 納米級氧化銀及其生產工藝

3. 一種納米級金粉及其制備方法

4. 鐵磁性碳納米管的合成方法

5. 耐高溫燒結金水及其生產方法

6. 一種包含金屬納米線碳納米管的合成方法


1. M. Han, Z. Xu,* et al., “Controllable synthesis and magnetic properties of cubic and hexagonal phase nickel nanocrystals”, Adv. Mater., 2007, 19, 1096-1100.

2. F. F. Tao, Z. Xu,* et al., “An easy way to construct an ordered array of nickel nanotubes: The triblock-copolymer-assisted hard-template method”, Adv. Mater., 2006, 18 (16), 2161.

3. Q. Liu, Z. Xu,* et al., “Nanometer-sized nickel hollow spheres”, Adv. Mater., 2005, 17(16), 1995.

4. J. C. Bao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Facial synthesis of hollow nickle submicrometer spheres”, Adv. Mater., 2003, 15(21), 1832-1835.

5. J. C. Bao, Z. Xu,* et al., “A facile method for creating an array of metal-filled carbon nanotubes”, Adv. Mater., 2002, 14(20), 1483-1486.

6. J. C. Bao, Z. Xu,* et al., “An array of concentric composite nanostructures of zirconia nanotubules/cobalt nanawires, preparation and magnetic properties”, Adv. Mater., 2002, 14(1), 44-47.

7. J. C. Bao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Template synthesis of an array of nickel nanotubles and Its magnetic behavior”, Adv. Mater., 2001, 13(21), 1631-1633.

8. H. Q. Cao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Template synthesis of an array of cobalt nanowires encapsulated with polyaniline nanotubules and its magnetic behavior”, Adv. Mater., 2001, 13(2), 121-123.

9. H. Q. Cao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Sol-gel template synthesis of array of single crystal CdS nanowires in porous alumina template”, Adv. Mater., 2001, 13(18), 1393-1394.

10. F. F. Tao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Concentric sub-micrometer-sized cables composed of Ni nanowires and sub-micrometer-sized fullerene tubes”, Adv. Func. Mater., 2007, 17, 1124.

11. N. Shi, Z. Xu,* et al., “A smart supramolecular hydrogel exhibiting pH-modulated viscoelastic properties”, Adv. Func. Mater., 2007, 17, 1837.

12. M. Han, Z. Xu,* et al., “Large-scale synthesis of single-crystalline RE2O3 (RE= Y, Dy, Ho, Er) nanobelts by a solid-liquid-phase chemical route”, Chem. Eur. J., 2008, 4, 1615.

13. N. Shi, Z. Xu,* et al., “Self-assembly of two different hierarchical nanostructures on either side of an organic supramolecular film in one step”, Chem. Eur. J., 2008, 14(20), 6255-6259.

14. Y. Jiang, Z. Xu,* et al., “Fabrication of monodisperse colloidal array with confinement effects”, Chem. Commun., 2006, 75-77.

15. J. C. Bao, Z. Xu,* et al., “A novel nanostructure of nickel nanotubes encapsulated in carbon nanotubes”, Chem. Commun., 2003, 208-209.

16. H. Q. Cao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Sol-gel synthesis of array of C70 nanowires in porous alumina template”, Chem. Commun., 2001, 541-542.

17. A. H. Yuan, Z. Xu,* et al., “An unusual three-dimensional porous framework complex {[Cu(en)2[KCr(CN)6]]}∞ from a temperate self-assembly reaction”, Chem. Commun., 2000, 1297-1298.

18. Z. Z. Wu, Z. Xu,* et al., “A new bonding mode of oximato ligand to a metal:synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of bis[acctone oximato bis(cyclopentadienyl) gadolinium] [(C5H5)2Gd(μ-2)-ONeMe2]]2” J. C. S. Chem. Commun., 1994, 813.

19. Z. Wu, Z. Xu,* et al., “Dehydrogenation reaction of organolanthanide alkoxides and X-ray crystal structure of reaction product [(C5H5)2Yb(μ-OCH=C=CH2)]2”, J. C. S. Chem. Commun., 1993, 1494.

20. X. Li, Z. Xu,* et al., “Two growth modes of metal oxide in the colloidal crystal template leading to theformation of two different macroporous materials”, Chem. Mater., 2007, 19, 5424.

21. J. C. Bao, Z. Xu,* et al., “An array of concentric composite nanostructure of metal nanowires encapsulated in Zirconia nanotubes: prepartion, characterization and magnetic properties”, Chem. Mater., 2002, 14(11), 4709-4713.

22. X. P. Shen, Z. Y. Jiang, Z. Xu,* et al., “One-step construction of ZnS/C and CdS/C one-dimensional core–shell nanostructures”, J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 1326-1330.

23. Q. F. Zhou, Z. Xu,* et al., “Shape-controlled synthesis of nanostructrured gold by a protection-reduction technique”, J. Mater. Chem., 2002, 12, 384-387.

24. H. Q. Cao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Iron nanowires encapsulated in polyaniline nanotubules and its magnetic behavior”, J. Mater. Chem., 2001, 11(3), 958-960.

25. H. Li, Z. Xu,* et al., “Template-free fabrication of fullerene (C60, C70) nanometer-sized hollow spheres under solvothermal conditions”, Carbon, 2008, 46(13), 1736-1740.

26. M. Han, Z. Xu,* et al., “Hollow nickel microspheres covered with oriented carbon nanotubes and its magnetic property”, Carbon, 2006, 44 (2), 211-215.

27. X. Li, Z. Xu,* et al., “Controllable fabrication, growth mechanisms, and photocatalytic properties of hematite hollow spindles”, J. Phys. Chem. C. 2009, 19, 2837-2845.

28. M. Han, Z. Xu,* et al., “Synthesis, characterization, and physicochemical properties of well-coupled Y2O3 nanobelt-Ag nanocrystals nanocomposites,” J. Phys. Chem. C. 2008, 112(46), 17893-17898.

29. C. Gao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Hierarchical construction of composite hollow structures of Co@CoO and their magnetic behavior”, J. Phys. Chem. C. 2008, 112(25), 9272-9277.

30. C. Gao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Controllable fabrication of mesoporous MgO with various morphologies and their absorption performance for toxic pollutants in water,” Crystal Growth & Design, 2008, 8(10), 3785-3790.

31. M. Guan, Z. Xu,* et al., “A host crystal for the Rare-earth ion dopants: synthesis of pure and Ln-doped urchinlike BiPO4 structure and its photoluminescence”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2008, 8(8), 2694-2697.

32. F. Tao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Fabrication of nickel hydroxide microtubes with micro- and nano-scale composite structure and improving electrochemical performance”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2008, 8(7), 2157-2162.

33. J. Sun, Z. Xu,* et al., “Selective synthesis of gold cuboid and decahedral nanoparticles regulated and controlled by Cu2+ ions”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2008, 8(3), 906-910.

34. Y. Ni, Z. Xu,* et al., “Shape-controllable preparation of PbS crystals by a simple aqueous-phase route”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2004, 4, 759

35. M. Guan, Z. Xu,* et al., “Facile preparation method for rare earth phosphate hollow spheres and their photo-luminescence properties”, Langmuir, 2008, 24(15), 8280-8283.

36. J. C. Bao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Synthesis and magnetic behavior of array of nickel-filled carbon nanotubes”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2002, 81(24), 4592-4594.

37. H. Q. Cao, Z. Xu,* et al., “Array of polyaniline nanotubules filled with nickel nanowires and its magnetic behavior”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2001, 78(11), 1592-1594.

38. M. Y. Guan, Z. Xu,* et al., “A novel cobalt submicro-wire network and its magnetic properties”, Chemphyschem, 2007, 8, 2182.

39. W. L. Zhang, Z. Xu,* et al., “Controllable synthesis of CoO nanosheets and their magnetic properties”, Chemphyschem, 2007, 8, 2091.

40. M. Y. Guan, Z. Xu,* et al., “Synthesis and luminescence of CePO4 and CePO4: Tb hollow and core-shell microspheres composed of single-crystal nanorods”, Nanotechnology, 2007, 18, 415602.

41. H. J. Liu , Z. Xu,* et al., “A facile template-free route for synthesis of hollow hexagonal ZnS nano- and submicro-spheres”, Nanotechnology, 2005, 16 (12), 2908-2912.

42. X. P. Shen, Z. Xu,* et al., “Fabrication, characterization and field emission properties of large-scale uniform ZnO nanotube arrays”, Nanotechnology, 2005, 16(10), 2039-2043.

43. Z. Y. Suo, X. W. Wei, Z. Xu,* “New charge transfer complexes from dicyanodihydrofullerene and metallocene”, J. C. S. Dalton Trans., 1998, 22, 3875.

44. N. Shi, Z. Xu,* et al., “Uncommon hexagonal microtubule based gel from a simple trimesic amide”, New J. Chem., 2008, 32(11), 2011-2015.

45. X. P. Shen, Z. Xu,* et al., “Crystal structure and magnetic behavior of a three-dimentional cyano-bridged assembly [CuL1]2[Cr(CN)6]ClO4•0.5H2O (L1=3, 10-dcpropyl-1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12-hexaazacyclo-tetradecane)”, New J. Chem., 2004, 28 (8), 996-999.

46. M. Li, Z. Xu,* X. Z. You, X. Y. Huang, “One step synthesis and some reactions of ethyl 2, 3-dimethyl-8-(Ethyl-2', 3'-dimethyl-4'-Carboxylate) pyrrolo [2, 1-a] isoquinoline-1-carboxylate”, J. C. S. Perkin Trans. I, 1994, 2787.

47. X. W. Wei, Z. Y. Suo, Z. Xu,* “New chemical method for selective generation of C70n-(n=1, 2, 3) anion and formation and properties of an aqueous colloidal solution of C70”, J. C. S. Perkin. Trans. II, 1999, (1), 121-126.

48. X. W. Wei, M. F. Wu, Z. Xu,* et al., “Selective solution-phase generation and oxidation reaction of C60n-(n=1, 2) and formation of an aqueous colloidal solution of C60 ”, J. C. S. Perkin Trans. II, 1997, 1389.

49. Y. Wu, X. P. Shen, Z. Xu,* et al., “New double-1, 2-amide-bridged calix[4]arene by aminolysis of the calix[4]arene esters”, Tetrahedron Lett., 1999, 40, 5749-5752.

50. M. F. Wu, X. W. Wei, L. Qi, Z. Xu,* “A new method for facile and selective generation of C60- and C602- in aqueous caustic/THF (or DMSO)” Tetrahedron Letters, 1996, 37(41), 7409.

51. X. P. Shen, Z. Xu,* et al., “Single crystal structure and magnetic behavior of a molecule-based ferrimagnet Mn[Mn0.2Cr0.8(CN)6]4H2O”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2007, 12, 1698-1702.

52. J. C. Bao, Z. Xu,*, et al., “Fabrication of cobalt nanostructures with different shapes in Alumina template”, Scripta Materialia, 2004, 50(1), 19-23.

53. X. Li, Z. Xu,* et al., “3-D ordered macroporous cuprous oxide: fabrication, optical, and photoelectrochemical properties”, J. Coll. Inter. Sci., 2007, 308, 460.

54. G. Yin, D. Xu, Z. Xu,* “Spectral behavior of cis-2’, 5’-dipyridinylpyrrolidino [3’, 4’: 1, 2][60] fullerene and its coordination complex with zinc porphyrin (ZnTPP)”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2002, 365, 232-236.

55. H. B. Liu, Z. Xu,* et al., “Photo-physical properties of the transition metal ions complexes of the calix[4]arene derivatives”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2001, 350, 441-446.

56. H. B. Liu, Y. Xu, B. Li, G. Yin, Z. Xu,* “A new highly selective calix[4]arene-based fluorescent probe for Ca2+”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2001, 345(5-6), 395.

57. Z. Y. Suo, Z. Xu,* et al., “Optical limiting performance of dicyanodihydrofullerene”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2001, 342, 497-502.

58. Z. Suo, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Xu,* C. Li, Z. Bai, “Generation and characterization of C60(CN)2n-(n=1, 2, 3)”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1999, 315, 321-326.

59. X. Wei, Z. Suo, Z. Xu,* “New solution-phase method for the preparation of alkali-earth metal fulleride Ca(C60)2, Ba(C60)2: synthesis and characterization with ESR, UV-NIR, IR and Raman spectroscopy”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1999, 310, 15-20.

60. X. W. Wei, C. Hu, Z. Y. Suo, P. Wang, W. Zhang, Z. Xu,* “Solid state 13C NMR and optical nonlinearities study of C60 trimethylenediamine adducts”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1999, 300, 385-391.

61. M. Li, Z. Xu,* et al., “Photophysical properties of dodecaphenyl-porphyrins with different substitutes”, Chem Phys. Lett., 1998, 288, 459.

62. X. W. Wei, Z. Xu,* “Alkali-metal fullerides MC60(THF)x (M=Li, Na, K): a new solution phase method for the preparation and characterization with EPR, UV-NIR and IR spectroscopy”, J. Organometal. Chem., 2000, 599(1), 69-73.

63. Z. Z. Wu, Z. N. Huang, Z. Xu,* et al., “Synthesis and thermol stability of binuclearbiscyclopentadienyl lanthanide thiolates, X-ray crystal structure of [CP2Yb(μ-S CH2CH2CH3)2 ”, J. Organomet. Chem., 1996, 506, 25.

64. X. G. Zhou, H. Z. Ma, Z. Z. Wu, X. Z. You, Z. Xu,* “Synthesis and structure of a new organolanthanide oxide complex, (CH3C5H4Yb4(μ-Cl)6(μ3-Cl)(μ4-O)(THF)3”, J. Organomet. Chem., 1995, 503, 11.

65. Z. Z. Wu, Z. Xu,* X. Y. Huang, “Dehydrogenation of organolanthanide alkoxides and X-ray crystal structures of reaction product [(C5H5)Ln(μ-OMeC=CHCH3)]2, (Ln = Dy, Yb)”, J. Organomet. Chem., 1994, 483, 107.

66. Z.-Z. Wu, Z. Xu,* et al., “Synnthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the cyclopentadienyl nitrito complex of ytterbium (C5H5)2Yb(NO2)THF”, J. Organomet. Chem., 1993, 455(1-2), 93.

67. Q. Liu, Z. Xu,* et al., “Three-dimensional five-connected coordination polymer [M2(C3H2O4)2(H2O)2(μ2-hmt)]n with 4466 topologies”, J. Solid State Chem., 2004, 177, 4701-4705.

68. N. Shi, Z. Xu,* et al., “Anions bonded on the supramolecular hydrogel surface as the growth center of biominerals”, Colloids and Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces, 2008, 66(1), 84-89.

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