
3、Proceedings of the workshop on the progress in the application of acoustics i...
6、第六屆國際鱘魚學術(shù)研討會(2009年10月25-31日,中國武漢)論文集,Proceedings of the 6th International Syposium on Sturgeon, 25-31 Oct. 2009, Wuhan China,Blackwell Verlag, Berlin,2011-04,第2作者。
1 大鰭異鮡年齡與生長 黃靜; 黃自豪; 危起偉; 王志堅 水生生物學報 2018-01-19
2 First Study on Interferon Regulatory Factor in Sturgeon: Expression Pattern of Interferon Regulatory Factor in Dabry’s Sturgeon Acipenser dabryanus.Youshen Li, Shuhuan Zhang, Kai Luo, Lihai Xia, Wei Hu, Guangming Tian, Zhitao Qi, Qiaoqing Xu*, Qiwei Wei*.Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research, 2017, 37: 503-512.
3 Variability in the protein profiles in spermatozoa of two sturgeon species。Li P; Guo W; Yue H; Li C; Du H; Qiao X;Liu Z; Zhou Q; Wei Q*.PLoS One,2017,12(10):e0186003
4 Antioxidant supplementation, effect on post-thaw spermatozoon function in three sturgeon species。Li P., Xi M.D., Du H., Qiao X.M., Liu Z.G., Wei Q.W.*.Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 2017. DOI: 10.1111/rda.13103.
5 Assignment of parentage by microsatellite analysis in the endangered Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis (Salmonidae).Jian Shao, Wei Luo, Qiwei Wei*, Feng Wang, Wei Guo, Huan Ye, Zhipeng Chu, Jinming Wu, Shuhuan Zhang.Aquatic Biology, 2017, 26: 69-73.
6 Gender and gonadal maturity stage identification of captive Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, using ultrasound imagery and sex steroids.Hao Du, Xiaoyan Zhang, Xiaoqian Leng, Shuhuan Zhang, Jiang Luo, Zhigang Liu, Xingmei Qiao, Boyd Kynard, Qiwei Wei*.General & Comparative Endocrinology, 2017, 245: 36-43.
7 Ecological Effects of the First Dam on Yangtze Main Stream and Future Conservation Recommendations: A Review of the Past 60 Years。H. Zhang, J. Y. Li, J. M. Wu, C. Y. Wang, H. Du, Q. W. Wei*, Kang M.*.Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2017, 15(4): 2081-2097.
8 Identification of key nutrients for gonadal development by comparative analysis of proximate composition and fatty/amino acid profile in tissues and eggs of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinenis Gray, 1835)。H Zhou, XQ Leng, QS Tan*, H Du, JP Wu, XF Liang, QW Wei*.Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2017, 33 (5):885-891.
9 Genetic identification of the caviar-producing Amur and Kaluga sturgeons revealed a high level of concealed hybridization。Elisa Boscari, Anna Barmintseva, Shuhuan Zhang, Huamei Yue, Chuangju Li, Sergei V. Shedko, Dietmar Lieckfeldt, Arne Ludwig, Qiwei W. Wei, Nikolai S. Mugue, Leonardo Congiu*. Genetic identification of the caviar-producing Amur and Kaluga sturgeons revealed a high level of concealed hybridization. Food Control, 2017, 82: 243-250.
10 Establishment of intraperitoneal germ cell transplantation for critically endangered Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis。Huan Ye, Chuang-Ju Li, Hua-Mei Yue, Hao Du, Xiao-Ge Yang,Tasuku Yoshino, Takao Hayashida, Yutaka Takeuchi, Qi-Wei Wei,Theriogenology 94 (2017) 37e47
11中華鱘在葛洲壩下自然繁殖出現(xiàn)小規(guī)模斷續(xù)偶發(fā)新趨勢,吳金明, 王成友, 張書環(huán), 張輝, 杜浩, 劉志剛, 危起偉*.漁業(yè)研究參考, 2017, (6): 1-9.
12 中華鱘腦膜敗血伊麗莎白菌的分離鑒定及藥敏特性 邸軍; 張書環(huán); 黃君; 杜浩; 周勇; 危起偉 水產(chǎn)學報 2017-12-07 13:34
13 湖南張家界大鯢棲息地大型無脊椎動物組成及其與環(huán)境因子的關(guān)系 王崇瑞; 梁志強; 索紋紋; 伍遠安; 何平; 伍驥; 危起偉; 劉訓華 . 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學報, 2017, 28 (9): 3032-3040.
14 水族館不同年齡與發(fā)育狀況的中華鱘呼吸頻率及自發(fā)游速的觀察 張艷珍; 張曉雁; 杜浩; 王彥鵬; 王成友; 危起偉 . 動物學雜志, 2017, 52(4): 680 ~ 684.
15 從連續(xù)到偶發(fā):中華鱘在葛洲壩下發(fā)生小規(guī)模自然繁殖 吳金明; 王成友; 張書環(huán); 張輝; 杜浩; 劉志剛; 危起偉 中國水產(chǎn)科學, 2017, 24(3):425-431.
16 不同糖源對達氏鱘幼魚生長、體成分及生理生化指標的影響 褚志鵬; 危起偉; 杜浩; 劉偉; 張磊; 頡江; 邸軍 中國水產(chǎn)科學 . 2017, 24 (2): 284-289.
17 達氏鰉稚魚感覺器官在攝食行為中的作用 胡佳; 李艷華; 王成友; 鄒遠超; 危起偉 . 水生態(tài)學雜志, 2017, 38 (2): 88-93.
18 4種常見淡水養(yǎng)殖魚類目標強度測定與差異分析 藺丹清; 張輝; 李君軼; 楊煥超; 邸軍; 危起偉 . 中國水產(chǎn)科學, 2017, 24 (1):1 -10.
19 子二代中華鱘分枝桿菌感染及血液生理生化指標的變化 張書環(huán); 聶品; 舒少武; 杜浩; Foo Khong Lee; 楊月梅; 邵純; 邸軍; 黃君; 曾令兵; 危起偉 . 中國水產(chǎn)科學, 2017, 24(1): 136-145.
20 達氏鱘gdf11基因cDNA的克隆及組織表達特征分析 杜浩; 冷小茜; 張書環(huán); 葉歡; 沈麗; 劉志剛; 陳細華; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè), 2017, 47 (1): 30-34.
21 秦嶺細鱗鮭棲息地環(huán)境特征研究 吳金明; 楊煥超; 邵儉; 杜浩; 王成友; 危起偉 . 水生生物學報, 2017, 41 (1): 214-219.
22 River Temperature Variations and Potential Effects on Fish in A Typical Yangtze River Reach: Implications for Management. ZHANG, H., WU, J. M., WANG, C. Y., DU, H., LIU, Z. G., SHEN, L., CHEN, D., WEI, Q. W*. APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2016, 14(4): 553-567.
23 Physical Habitat Assessment of a Remaining High-Biodiversity Reach of the Upper Yangtze River, ZHANG, H., WANG, C.Y., WU, J.M., DU, H., WEI, Q.W*., KANG, M*. China. APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2016, 14(1): 129-143.
24 Length–weight and length–length relationships of four endemic fish species from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River basin, J. Shao, J. Y. Li, H. Zhang, D. Q. Lin, X. Xie, J. M. Wu, Q. W. Wei*. China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/jai.13158.
25 Spatiotemporal Distribution and Assemblages of Fishes below the Lowermost Dam in Protected Reach in the Yangtze River Main Stream: Implications for River Management. Junyi Li, Hui Zhang, Danqing Lin, Jinming Wu, Chengyou Wang, Xuan Xie, Qiwei Wei*. BioMed Research International, 2016, doi:10.1155/2016/4290793.
26 Identification and sexually dimorphic expression of vasa isoforms in Dabry’s sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus), and functional analysis of vasa 3’-untranslated region. Huan Ye, Hua-Mei Yue, Xiao-Ge Yang, Chuang-Ju Li, Qi-Wei Wei. Cell and tissue research, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00441-016-2418-6.
27 Measuring fish length and assessing behaviour in a high-biodiversity reach of the Upper Yangtze River using an acoustic camera and echo sounder. D.-Q. Lin, H. Zhang, M. Kang, Q.-W. Wei. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/jai.13134.
28 Morphology and ultrastructure of Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensisspermatozoa by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Wei Guo, Jian Shao, Ping Lic, Jinming Wu, Qiwei Wei. Tissue and Cell, 2016.
29 Twenty-four novel microsatellites for the endangered Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835). M. M. Xin, S. H. Zhang, D. Q. Wang, C. J. Li, H. M. Yue, Q. W. Wei. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2016, 32: 405-408.
30 Search for Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius) in the upper Yangtze River during 2009-2013 including reevaluation of data from 2006 to 2008. Hui Zhang, Helge Balk, Chengyou Wang, JinmingWu, Hao Du, Li Shen, Zhigang Liu, Qiwei Wei*. Aquat. Living Resour., 2016, 10.1051/alr/2016008.
31 Conservation genetics assessment and phylogenetic relationships of critically endangered Hucho bleekeri in China. K. Wang, S.-H. Zhang, D.-Q. Wang, J.-M. Wu, C.-Y. Wang, Q.-W. Wei. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2016, doi: 10.1111/jai.13018.
32 Sequencing and De Novo Assembly of the Gonadal Transcriptome of the Endangered Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis). Yue, Huamei, Li, Chuangju, Du, Hao, Zhang, Shuhuan, Wei, Qiwei. PLoS ONE, 2016, 10 (6): 1-22.
33 中華鱘piwil1基因的克隆表達特征研究 李創(chuàng)舉; 楊曉鴿; 岳華梅; 葉歡; 危起偉 . 淡水漁業(yè), 2016, 46 (6): 20-25.
34 飼料蛋白水平對達氏鱘幼魚生長性能、體組成、消化酶活性以及血液生化指標的影響 張磊; 危起偉; 張書環(huán); 頡江; 褚志鵬; 魏開建; 文華; 蔣明 淡水漁業(yè), 2016 46 (6): 79-85.
35 GH重組蛋白對達氏鱘生長、血液生化和體組成的影響 李創(chuàng)舉; 單喜雙; 岳華梅; 阮瑞; 危起偉 . 水生生物學報, 2016, 40 (6): 1106-1113.
36 茜素紅S對中華倒刺鲃幼魚不同組織抗氧化酶活性和脂質(zhì)過氧化的影響 吳金明; 霍來江; 杜浩; 辛苗苗; 張磊; 危起偉 . 水生生物學報, 2016, 40 (6): 1172-1177.
37 川陜哲羅鮭精子超微結(jié)構(gòu)及形態(tài)學研究 郭威; 厲萍; 楊煥超; 杜浩; 吳金明; 危起偉 . 四川動物, 2016, 35 (4): 550-555.
38 川陜哲羅鮭個體的早期發(fā)育觀察 楊煥超; 楊曉鴿; 吳金明; 王成友; 危起偉 . 中國水產(chǎn)科學, 2016, 23(4): 759-770.
39 張家界大鯢繁殖洞穴外溪冬季大型無脊椎動物 梁志強; 王崇瑞; 伍遠安; 文立華; 危起偉; 洪波; 劉訓華; 胡維軍 . 中國水產(chǎn)科學, 2016, 23 (4): 931-943.
40 飼料營養(yǎng)對親魚生殖性能的影響研究進展 譚青松; 吳凡; 杜浩; 梁旭方; 危起偉 . 水生態(tài)學雜志, 2016, 37 (4): 1-9.
41 長江上游水下光照度的初步調(diào)查 李艷華; 鄒遠超; 胡佳; 王成友; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè) 2016-05-15
42 達氏鱘精巢細胞消化分離和超低溫冷凍保存 頡璇; 厲萍; 席萌丹; 郭威; 喬新美; 杜浩; 劉志剛; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè), 2016, 46 (5): 19-24.
43 廈門海域放流中華鱘的遷移和分布 王成友; 杜浩; 劉猛; 危起偉; 張輝; 吳金明; 劉志剛; 沈麗 中國科學: 生命科學, 2016, 46 (3): 294 -303.
44 長江江蘇溆浦段2015年發(fā)現(xiàn)中華鱘野生幼魚的形態(tài)和分子鑒定 張書環(huán); 楊煥超; 辛苗苗; 吳金明; 戴振國; 杜浩; 劉志剛; 危起偉 中國水產(chǎn)科學, 2016 , 23 (1): 1-9.
45 Development of 27 novel cross-species microsatellite markers for the endangered Hucho bleekeri using next-generation sequencing technology. Ke Wang, Shuhuan Zhang , Dengqiang Wang, Miaomiao Xin, Jinming Wu, Qingliang Sun, Hao Du, Chengyou Wang, Jun Huang, Qiwei Wei. Conservation Genet Resour, 2015, 7: 263–267.
46 Length-weight relationships of 11 fish species from the Yibin reach of the Yangtze River, southwest China. L. Li, Q. W. Wei*, J. M. Wu, X. Xie, L. Ren, H. Du. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2015, 31 (1): 242-243.
47 Length–weight relationships of nine fish species from the streams of Hunan Zhangjiajie Chinese Giant Salamander National Natural Reserve, China. Z. Q. Liang, C. R. Wang, Y. A. Wu, L. H. Wen, Q. W. Wei*, X. P. Yuan, H. Li, F. C. Liao, L. Li. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2015, 31: 954-955.
48 Length-weight relationships for five endemic fish species in the upper Yangtze River basin, China. L. Li, H. Du, L. Ren, J.M. Wu, Q.W. Wei*. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2015, 31: 961-962.
49 Drastic decline in spawning activity of Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis Gray 1835 in the remaining spawning ground of the Yangtze River since the construction of hydrodams。J. M. Wu, C. Y. Wang, H. Zhang, H. Du, Z. G. Liu, L. Shen, Q. W. Wei*, H. Rosenthal. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2015, 31: 839-842.
50 Diet of Leptobotia elongata revealed by analysis and inferred from stable isotope signatures.L. Li, Q.Wei Wei*, J. MingWu, H. Zhang, Y. Liu, X. Xie. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 2015, 98: 1965-1978.
51 Identification of a germ cell marker gene, the dead end homologue, in Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis. Yang Xiaoge , Yue Huamei , Ye Huan, Li Chuangjub*,Wei Qiwei*. Gene, 2015, 558: 118–125.
52 Differential expression of fertility genes boule and dazl in Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), a basal fish. Huan Ye, Chuang-Ju Li, Hua-Mei Yue, Xiao-Ge Yang, Qi-Wei Wei. Cell Tissue Res, DOI 10.1007/s00441-014-2095-2.
53 三峽蓄水以來葛洲壩下中華鱘產(chǎn)卵場河床質(zhì)特征變化。杜浩, 危起偉, 張輝, 王成友, 吳金明, 沈麗. 三峽蓄水以來葛洲壩下中華鱘產(chǎn)卵場河床質(zhì)特征變化. 生態(tài)學報, 2015, 35 (9):1-10.
54 不同開口餌料對川陜哲羅鮭仔魚生長和存活的影響 吳金明; 楊煥超; 王成友; 杜浩; 危起偉 四川動物, 2015, (5): 725-755.
55 養(yǎng)殖中華鱘的產(chǎn)后康復(fù) 張曉雁; 杜浩; 危起偉; 張艷珍; 王彥鵬; 蔡經(jīng)江; 劉志剛; 喬新美; 熊偉 水生生物學報, 2015, 39 (4): 705-713.
56 多倍體中華鱘微衛(wèi)星親子鑒定體系的建立 辛苗苗; 張書環(huán); 汪登強; 汪珂; 張磊; 霍來江; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè), DOI:10.13721/j.cnki.dsyy.20150427.009.
57 瑪柯河兩種魚類的資源量及分布特征 吳金明; 王昊; 霍來江; 杜浩; 王成友; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè), 【DOI】10.13721/j.cnki.dsyy.20150427.006.
58 長江宜賓江段銅魚屬魚類種間食物關(guān)系 李雷; 危起偉; 郭威; 藺丹清; 吳金明 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學報, 2015 (06): 1877-1882.
59 Effects of delayed initial feeding on growth and survival of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835) larvae. Y. Chai, F. X. Tan, L. X. Li, Q. W. Wei*. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 30: 1590–1595.
60 Hematological and biochemical responses of juvenile Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis Gray 1835, to exogenous 17β-estradiol. X. Y. Zhang, H. Du, Y. Z. Zhang, Y. P. Wang, J. J. Cai, Y. Chai4, Z. G. Liu, X. M. Qiao, Q. W. Wei. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 30. 1216–1221.
61 Biochemical comparison between eggs from female Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) reconditioned in freshwater and eggs from wild females: Evaluation of female reconditioning as a conservation culture technique.W. Li, Q.W. Wei, L. Shen. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 1-6.
62 Special collector and count method in a recirculating aquaculture system for calculation of feed conversion ratio in fish. Li W, Wei QW, Luo H. Aquacultural Engineerin, 2014, 60(0): 63-67.
63 Sturgeon Aquaculture in China: status, challenge and proposals based on nation-wide surveys of 2010–2012.L. Shen, Y. Shi, Y. C. Zou, X. H. Zhou, Q. W. Wei. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 30: 1547–1551.
64 Length–weight relationships of 11 fish species from the Yibin reach of the Yangtze River, southwest China.L. Li, Q. W. Wei, J. M. Wu, X. Xie, L. Ren, H. Du. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 1-2.
65 Initial evaluation of the release programme for Dabry’s sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus Dum eril, 1868) in the upper Yangtze River. J. M. Wu, Q. W. Wei, H. Du, C. Y. Wang, H. Zhang. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 30: 1423–1427.
66 Measurement of swimming pattern and body length of cultured Chinese sturgeon by use of imaging sonar. Hui Zhang, QiweiWei, Myounghee Kang. Aquaculture, 2014, 434: 184–187.
67 Integrating hydroacoustic and optical video technologies to identify the riverbed substrate at the spawning reach of Chinese sturgeon. Hui Zhang , Chengyou Wang , Hao Du, Jinming Wu, Li Shen, Qiwei Wei. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959: 1235-1240.
68 Spatial distribution and habitat choice of adult Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835) downstream of Gezhouba Dam, Yangtze River, China. H. Zhang, C. Y. Wang, D. G. Yang, H. Du, Q. W. Wei and M. Kang. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 30: 1483–1491.
69 Improving swimming capacity of juvenile Dabry’s sturgeon, (Acipenser dabryanus Dumeril, 1869) in current-enriched culture tanks. H. Du, Q.-W. Wei , X. Xie , L.-L. Shi, J.-M. Wu, X.-M. Qiao, Z. G. Liu. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 30: 1445-1450.
70 Migration of juvenile and sub-adult Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835 in the Yangtze River, China below the Gezhouba Dam. C. Y. Wang, H. Du, H. Zhang, J. M. Wu, Z. G. Liu, Q. W. Wei. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 30: 1109–1114.
71 赤水河中華倒刺鲃的形態(tài)分化及Cytb基因序列比較研究 任瀧; 吳金明; 李雷; 霍來江; 楊煥超; 杜浩; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè), 2014, 44 (6): 58-65.
72 對硝基酚對稀有鯽胚胎的急性毒性 辛苗苗; 危起偉; 王志堅; 陳慕飛; 陳冬明; 孫慶亮 淡水漁業(yè), 2014, 44 (5): 43-49
73 長江主要一級支流中華倒刺鲃形態(tài)差異比較 任瀧; 吳金明; 宋文; 張家波; 張沙龍; 危起偉 中國水產(chǎn)科學, 2014, 21 (5): 1029-1038.
74 5月齡、7月齡中華鱘子二代光照偏好性研究 王恒; 危起偉; 李偉; 劉猛; 李雷; 杜浩; 李羅新 . 水產(chǎn)學報, 2014, 38 (7): 929-938.
75 瀕危物種川陜哲羅鮭在漢江上游太白河再發(fā)現(xiàn) 杜浩; 李羅新; 危起偉; 張書環(huán); 王成友; 孫慶亮; 楊曉鴿; 李雷 動物學雜志 2014-06-20
76 三峽蓄水以來葛洲壩下中華鱘產(chǎn)卵場河床質(zhì)特征變化 杜浩; 危起偉; 張輝; 王成友; 吳金明; 沈麗 生態(tài)學報 2014-05-22 14:01
77 基于微衛(wèi)星標記對長江中上游胭脂魚增殖放流效果的評估 成為為; 汪登強; 危起偉; 王成友; 杜浩; 吳金明; 李雷 中國水產(chǎn)科學, 2014 , 21(3): 574-580.
78 中華鱘子一代配子質(zhì)量及其子二代生長特征分析 柴毅; 龔進玲; 杜浩; 李羅新; 楊文杰; 危起偉 . 水產(chǎn)學報, 3 (03): 350-355
79 基于水聲學的長江上游向家壩至宜賓江段魚類空間分布特征 孫立元; 危起偉; 張輝; 王成友; 杜浩; 謝曉 . 淡水漁業(yè), 2014, 44 (1): 53-58.
80 Effects of Substrate and Water Velocity on Migration by Early-Life Stages of Kaluga, Huso Dauricus: an Artificial Stream Study. Yanhua Li, Boyd Kynard, Qiwei Wei*, Hui Zhang, Hao Du, and Qinkai Li. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2013. 29(4):713-720.
81 Effects of River Hydrological Status on Gonadal Development of Breeding Population of Chinese Sturgeon in the Yangtze River: Hui Zhang, Qiwei Wei*, Hao Du. Inferred from a On-site Observation. Proceedings of 2013 IAHR World Congress.
82 Environmental assessment of a free-flowing high-biodiversity stretch of the Upper Yangtze River: implications for river management. Hui Zhang, Qiwei Wei*, Liyuan Sun. Proceedings of 35th IAHR World Congress.
83 Fish preference for hydraulic habitat in typical middle reaches of Yangtze River, China. Ban X, Du H, Wei Q W*. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2013, 29: 1408-1415.
84 Isolation and characterization of 23 microsatellite loci in the Chinese sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus). Weiwei Cheng, Dengqiang Wang, Hao Du, Shuhuan Zhang, Qiwei Wei*. Conservation Genetics Resources. 2013, 5 (2): 375-377.
85 Isolation and characterization of twenty tetranucleotide microsatellite DNA makers in a schizothoracin fish, Schizothorax prenanti (Tchang). Jiayun Wu, Feixia Hou, Ying Wang, Bo Wu, Qiwei Wei*, Zhaobin Song*.Conservation Genetics Resources. 2013, 5 (4): 891-894.
86 Isolation and characterization of twenty-six microsatellite loci for the tetraploid fish Dabry's sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus). ShuHuan Zhang, Hui Luo, Hao Du, DengQiang Wang, Qiwei Wei*.Conservation Genetics Resources. 2013, 5 (2): 409-412.
87 Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2013–31 May 2013.Luo Hui, Qiwei Wei et al. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2013, 13: 966-968.
88 Ship noise-induced temporary hearing threshold shift in Chinese sucker Myxocyprinus asiaticus. Meng Liu, Qiwei Wei*, Hao Du, Ziying Fu, Qicai Chen. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2013, 29: 1416-1422.
89 Spatial distribution and spawning stock estimates for adult Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835) around the only remaining spawning ground during the trial operation of the newly constructed Three Gorges Project in the Yangtze River, China.Hui Zhang, Deguo Yang, Qiwei Wei*, Hao Du and Chengyou Wang. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2013, 29: 1436-1440.
90 Swimming behavior of Chinese sturgeon in natural habitat as compared to that in a deep reservoir: preliminary evidence for anthropogenic impacts. Yuuki Watanabe, Qiwei Wei*, Hao Du, Luoxin Li, Nobuyuki Miyazaki. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2013. 96(1):123-130.
91 大鯢生物地理學與種群遺傳學研究進展。危起偉. 大鯢生物地理學與種群遺傳學研究進展. 淡水漁業(yè), 2013, B7: 17.
92 大鯢資源現(xiàn)狀與保護建議。梁志強, 張書環(huán), 王崇瑞, 危起偉, 伍遠安. 大鯢資源現(xiàn)狀與保護建議. 淡水漁業(yè), 2013, B7:13-17.
93 中國鱘類資源、養(yǎng)殖與利用。危起偉. 中國鱘類資源、養(yǎng)殖與利用. 海洋與漁業(yè). 2013, 5: 72-75.
94 Distributions and abundance of Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler, 1876) in Qinghaihu Lake, China: an approach based on hydroacoustic sampling. Wang C Y, Wei Q W*, Sun L Y, Qi H F, Zhang H, Du H, Wu J M, Shi J Q. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2013, 29 (6): 1473-1476.
95 Distribution and movement of juvenile and sub-adult Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835) in the Three Gorges Reservoir and the adjacent upstream free-flowing Yangtze River section: a re-introduction trial. Hao Du, Chengyou Wang, Qiwei Wei*, Hui Zhang, Jinming Wu, Lei Li.
96 Development of ten microsatellite DNA markers in a hexaploid fish, Schizothorax prenanti (Tchang). Jiayun Wu, Feixia Hou, Jingjing Liang, Xiuyue Zhang, Zhaobin Song, Qiwei Wei*. Conservation Genetics Resources. 2013, 5: 545-547.
98 Ontogenetic behavior and migration of kaluga, Huso dauricus。Yanhua Li, Boyd Kynard,Qiwei Wei,Hui Zhang,Hao Du,Qiankun Li.Environ Biol Fish (2013) 96:1269–1280
99 Spatial distribution and habitat suitability indices for non-spawning and spawning adult Chinese sturgeons...C. Wang, B. Kynard, Q. Wei, H. Du, H. Zhang.J. Appl. Ichthyol. 29 (2013), 31–40
100 長江宜賓江段漁業(yè)資源現(xiàn)狀調(diào)查 李雷; 危起偉; 吳金明; 杜浩; 謝曉 長江流域資源與環(huán)境. 2013, 11: 1449-1457.
101 達氏鱘視網(wǎng)膜早期發(fā)育及其相關(guān)機能 史玲玲; 危起偉; 柴毅; 杜浩; 李羅新; 謝曉 中國水產(chǎn)科學. 2013, 20 (5): 958-967.
102 性腺發(fā)育及年齡對養(yǎng)殖中華鱘抗氧化力的影響 張曉雁; 李羅新; 張燕珍; 危起偉; 張先鋒; 劉建偉 長江流域資源與環(huán)境 2013-08-15
103 秦嶺細鱗鮭的年齡與生長 薛超; 危起偉; 孫慶亮; 吳金明; 李羅新 .中國水產(chǎn)科學.20(4): 743-749
104 胭脂魚聽覺閾值研究 劉猛; 危起偉; 杜浩; 付子英; 陳其才 .中國水產(chǎn)科學.20(4): 750-757
105 亞馬遜流域瑪代拉河Santo Antnio魚道設(shè)計與建造的啟示 張輝; KYNARD Boyd; JUNHO Ricardo; 杜浩; 危起偉 水生態(tài)學雜志 2013-07-15
106 達氏鰉胚后發(fā)育的形態(tài)觀察 李艷華; 危起偉; 王成友; 杜浩; 張輝; 沈麗; 吳金明 中國水產(chǎn)科學.2013,20(3): 585-591
107 可見植入熒光標記和編碼金屬標對達烏爾鰉標志效果的初步研究 楊曉鴿; 危起偉; 杜浩; 梁志強; 謝曉; 吳金明 淡水漁業(yè).2013,43(2):43-47
108 中華鱘全人工繁殖技術(shù)研究 危起偉; 李羅新; 杜浩; 張曉雁; 熊偉; 張輝; 沈麗; 吳金明; 張書環(huán); 王成友; 李創(chuàng)舉; 柴毅; 李奕慰; 喬新美; 劉志剛; 高宇鵬; 甘芳 中國水產(chǎn)科學,2013.20.No.1(1-11)
109 STRONG> Effects of annual flow characteristics on the freshwater life history of Chinese sturgeon: concern inferred from the number of seaward migrating juveniles. Hui Zhang, Qi W Wei, Chong Li, Xiang S Wu, Wen G Liao. International Aquatic Research, 2012, 4: 1-13.
110 Effects of water lever on the river residence period of juvenile Chinese sturgeon Aciperser sinensis in the Yangtze River.H. Zhang, Q. W. Wei, C. Li, H. Du, W. G. Liao. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2012, 405(02):1-14.
112 EST dataset of pituitary and identification of somatolactin and novel genes in Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis. Hong Cao, Xiaoqian Leng, Chuangju Li, Qiwei Wei, Jianfang Gui, Hunhua Cheng, Rongjia Zhou. Molecular biology reports, 2012, 39: 4647-4653. DOI 10.1007/s11033-011-1256-6.
113 Isolation and characterization of 23 microsatellite loci in the Chinese sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus). Weiwei Cheng, Dengqiang Wang, Hao Du, Shuhuan Zhang, Qiwei Wei. Conservation Genetics Resources. DOI 10.1007/s12686-012-9807-2.
114 Migrations and movements of adult Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis in the Yangtze River, China. C. Y. Wang, Q. W. Wei, B. Kynard, H. Du, H. Zhang. Journal of fish biology. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03365.x.
115 Swimming behavior of Chinese sturgeon in natural habitat as compared to that in a deep reservoir: preliminary evidence for anthropogenic impacts.Yuuki Y. Watanabe, Qiwei Wei, Hao Du, Luoxin Li, Nobuyuki Miyazaki. Environmental Biology of Fishes. DOI 10.1007/s10641-012-0019-0.
116 Molecular and expression characterization of a nanos1 homologue in Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis. Huang Ye, Xihua Chen, Qiwei Wei, Li Zhou, Tao Liu, Jianfang Gui, Chuangju Li, Hong Cao. Gene, 2012, 511: 285-292.
117 Isolation and characterization of twenty-six microsatellite loci for the tetraploid fish Dabry's sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus). Shu-Huan Zhang, Hui Luo, Hao Du, Deng-Qiang Wang, Qi-Wei Wei. Conservation Genetics Resources. DOI 10.1007/s12686-012-9815-2.
118 Isolation and characterization of eleven novel microsatellite loci of Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis; a threatened fish endemic to Shaanxi, China. Haixia Liu, Yang Li, Xiaolin Liu, Guiwei Zou, Qiwei Wei. Conservation Genetics Resources. DOI 10.1007/s 12686-012-9810-7.
119 延遲投餌對中華鱘仔魚攝食、存活及生長的影響 柴毅; 危起偉; 譚鳳霞 湖北農(nóng)業(yè)科學, 2012, 51(23): 5432-5435.
120 鰱序列已知標記連鎖圖構(gòu)建及鰱-草魚標記共線性分析 楊靜; 張鵬; 危起偉; 鄒桂偉; 楊官品 中國海洋大學學報(自然科學版), 2012, 42(7-8): 76-81。
121 秦嶺細鱗鮭早期發(fā)育觀察 施德亮; 危起偉; 孫慶亮; 李羅新; 杜浩 中國水產(chǎn)科學, 2012, 19(4): 557-567。
122 Acclimating and maintaining Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis in a large public aquarium environment. Q.W.Wei, X.Y.Zhang, X.F.Zhang, et al. J.Appl.Ichthyol. 2011, 27: 533-540.
123 Changes in serum biochemical parameters of Acipenser sinensis, Gray 1835, caused by decreasing environmental salinity. X.Y.Zhang, Q.W.Wei, X.F.Zhang, et al. J.Appl.Ichthyol. 2011,27: 235-240.通訊作者
124 Spatial structure and bottom characteristics of the only remaining spawning area of Chinese sturgeon in the Yangtze River. H.Zhang, Q.W.Wei, B.E.Kyanrd, et al. J.Appl.Ichthyol. 2011,27: 251-256.通訊作者
125 Bottom substrate attributes relative to bedform morphology of spawning site of Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis below the Gezhouba dam. H.Du, Q.W.Wei, H.Zhang, et al. J.Appl. Ichthyol. 2011, 27: 257-262. 通訊作者
126 Conservation strategies for the Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis: an overview on 30 years of practices and future needs.J.H.Wang, Q.W.Wei, Y.C.Zou. J.Appl. Ichthyol. 2011, 27: 176-180.通訊作者
127 Evaluation of the ecosystem values of aquatic wildlife reserves: a case of Chinese Sturgeon Natural Reserve in Yichang reaches of the Yangtze river.F.Gan, H.Du, Q.Wei, et al. J. Appl.Ichthyol. 2011,27: 376-382.通訊作者
128 Present status and risk for extinction of the Dabry's sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) in the Yangtze River watershed: a concern for intensified rehabilitation needs.H.Zhang, Q.W.Wei, H.Du, et al. J.Appl.Ichthyol. 2011,27: 181-185. 通訊作者
129 Production of gynogenetic diploid Polyodon spathula using fertilization with irradiated sperm followed by spontaneous diploidization and distant hybridization caused by heat shock. Y.C.Zou, Q.W.Wei, L.B.Zeng, et al. J.Appl.Ichthyol. 2011,27: 505-509.通訊作者
130 Yolk-sac absorption and point of no return in Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis larvae,Y.Chai, C.Xie, Q.W.Wei. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2011,27: 687-689. 通訊作者
131 Development of pit organs and behaviour during early ontogeny of the Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis).L.X.Li, Y.Chai, Q.W.Wei, et al. J.Appl. Ichthyol. 2011, 27: 690-692. 通訊作者
132 Induction of meiotic gynogenesis in paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) and its confirmation using microsatellite markers.Y.C.Zou, Q.W.Wei, G.B.Pan. Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2011, 27:496-500. 通訊作者
133 Sturgeon aquaculture in China: progress, strategies and prospects assessed on the basis of nation-wide surveys (2007–2009). Q.W.Wei, Y.Zou, P.Li, et al. Journal of Applied Ichthyology,. 2011, 27: 162-168.
134 Tissue Distribution and Maternal Transfer of Poly- and Perfluorinated Compounds in Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis): Implications for Reproductive Risk,Environ. Sci. Technol.,2010,通訊作者
135 Physico-chemical properties and protein profiles of sperm from three freshwater chondrostean species:a comparative study among Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii), sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) and paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). P.Li, M. Rodina, M.Hulak, et al. J.Appl. Ichthyol. 2011,27: 673-677.
136 養(yǎng)殖密度對中華鱘行為、免疫力和養(yǎng)殖環(huán)境水質(zhì)的影響 張曉雁; 李羅新; 危起偉; 張先鋒; 沈麗; 張艷珍; 楊道明; 欒鋼; 劉健偉 長江流域資源與環(huán)境. 2011,20(11): 1348-1354.
137 中華鱘阿黑皮素原cDNA序列克隆及其序列分析 曹宏; 李創(chuàng)舉; 危起偉; 桂建芳 水生生物學報 2011-09-16 16:06
138 長江常熟溆浦段中華鱘幼魚出現(xiàn)時間與數(shù)量變動 李羅新; 張輝; 危起偉; 杜浩; 洪克明 . 中國水產(chǎn)科學. 2011, 18(3): 611-618.
139 采用BioSonics DT-X超聲波回聲儀評估青海湖裸鯉資源量及其空間分布 王崇瑞; 張輝; 杜浩; 祁洪芳; 史建全; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè). 2011, 41(3): 15-21.
140 鰱鳙雜種親本連鎖圖標記加密和共線性比較 張立楠; 楊官品; 鄒桂偉; 危起偉; 王軍; 張鵬; 劉昕; 楊靜 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2011-03-15
141 茜素絡(luò)合物浸泡標記秦嶺細鱗鮭發(fā)眼卵及仔魚耳石 靳建波; 危起偉; 孫慶亮; 李羅新; 甘芳 淡水漁業(yè). 2011,41(2): 10-17.
142 鰱InDel-RFLP標記開發(fā)及其在連鎖圖譜構(gòu)建中的應(yīng)用 張鵬; 楊官品; 張立楠; 危起偉; 鄒桂偉 淡水漁業(yè) 2011-03-15
143 長江上游干流基于河床地形的深潭淺灘識別方法比較研究 張輝; 危起偉; 杜浩; 王韋 淡水漁業(yè). 2011,41(1): 3-9.
144 Tissue Distribution and Maternal Transfer of Poly- and Perfluorinated Compounds in Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis): Implications for Reproductive Risk,Environ. Sci. Technol.,. 2010,44: 1868-1874. 通訊作者
145 基于條件價值法對長江宜昌中華鱘自然保護區(qū)的非使用價值評估 杜浩; 甘芳; 危起偉; 樊恩源; 陳細華; 張輝 四川動物. 2010,29(6): 933-937.
146 超聲波遙測在水生動物生態(tài)學研究中的應(yīng)用 王成友; 危起偉; 杜浩; 張輝; 劉志剛 生態(tài)學雜志. 2010,29(11): 2286-2292.
147 天然河道中魚類對水深、流速選擇特性的初步觀測——以長江江口至涴市段為例 杜浩; 班璇; 張輝; 危起偉; 陳大慶 長江科學院院報. 2010,27(10): 70-74.
148 中華鱘自然繁殖的水文狀況適合度研究 張輝; 危起偉; 杜浩; 劉志剛; 沈麗 長江科學院院報. 2010, 27(10): 75-81.
149 鰱AFLP和微衛(wèi)星標記連鎖圖譜構(gòu)建 張立楠; 鄒桂偉; 危起偉; 楊官品 中國海洋大學學報(自然科學版) 2010-09-15
150 1齡人工養(yǎng)殖中華鱘含肉率及肌肉營養(yǎng)成分分析 柴毅; 孫丹丹; 危起偉 安徽農(nóng)業(yè)科學. 2010,38(18): 9549-9550.
151 水生野生動物自然保護區(qū)河流生態(tài)系統(tǒng)服務(wù)功能價值評價——以長江湖北宜昌中華鱘自然保護區(qū)為例 甘芳; 周宇晶; 危起偉; 樊恩源; 杜浩 自然資源學報. 2010, 25(4): 574-584.
152 施氏鱘、達氏鰉及其雜交子代的分子鑒定 胡佳; 汪登強; 危起偉; 沈麗 . 中國水產(chǎn)科學. 2010, 17(1): 21-30.
153 美洲鰣的資源變動及修復(fù) 唐國盤; 黃安群; 危起偉 水生態(tài)學雜志. 2010, 3(1): 130-134.
2009 (第1或通訊作者: 6 篇SCI, 5篇CSCD核心)
154 A bedform morphology hypothesis for spawning area of Chinese sturgeon. Zhang H, Wei Q*, Du H. Enviornmental Biology of Fishes. 2009, 84(2): 199-208.
155 Using drift nets to capture early life stages and monitor spawning of Yangtze River Chinese sturgeon. Wei Q*, Kynard B, De Guo Yang, Chen XH, Du H, Shen L, et al. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 2009, 25(Suppl. 2): 100-106.
156 Is there evidence that the Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius) still survives in the upper Yangtze River? Concerns inferred from hydroacoustic and capture surveys, 2006–2008. Zhang H, Wei Q*, Du H, Shen L, Li Y, Zhao Y.. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2009, 25(Suppl.2): 95-99.
157 Malformations of the endangered Chinese sturgeon, Hu J, Zhang Z, Wei Q*, Zhen H, Zhao Y, Peng H, et al. Acipenser sinensis, and its causal agent. PNAS(注:美國科學院院報). 2009, 106(23): 9339-9344.
158 Molecular and expression characterization of two somatostatin genes in the Chinese sturgeon, Li C, Wei Q*, Zhou L, Cao H, Zhang Y, Gui J. Acipenser sinensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 2009, 154(1): 127-134.
159 Sturgeon aquaculture in China: status of current difficulties as well as future strategies based on 2002–2006 ⁄ 2007 surveys in eleven provinces. Li R, Zou Y, Wei Q*. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 2009, 25(6): 632-639.
160 Molecular characterization of Chinese sturgeon gonadotropins and cellular distribution in pituitaries of mature and immature individuals.Cao, H., Zhou, L., Zhang, Y.-Z., Wei, Q , W., Chen, X. H. & Gui, J.F. Molecular and Cellular.
161 施氏鱘精子誘導匙吻鱘雌核發(fā)育 鄒遠超; 危起偉; 潘光碧; 沈麗; 胡佳 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2009, 16(5): 728-735.
162 中華鱘心臟的超聲成像研究 邱實; 危起偉; 陳細華; 張艷珍; 楊璐 中國水產(chǎn)科學. 2009, 16(4): 605-611.
163 長江上游新市至江津段大型底棲動物漂流調(diào)查 劉向偉; 杜浩; 張輝; 沈麗; 劉志剛; 危起偉 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2009, 16(2): 265-273.
164 中國沿海花鱸群體遺傳結(jié)構(gòu)分析 江鑫; 楊官品; 危起偉; 鄒桂偉; 汪登強; 羅相忠; 李忠; 梁宏偉; 陳大慶 中國海洋大學學報(自然科學版) 2009,39(2):271-274.
165 Na~+、K~+、Mg2+、Ca2+和葡萄糖溶液作為授精-激活介質(zhì)對中華鱘精子受精率的影響 甘芳; 杜浩; 危起偉; 陳細華; 劉鑒毅; 鄭躍平 動物學雜志 .2009,44(1):106-111.
2008 (第1或通訊作者: 3 篇SCI, 1EI擴展, 3篇CSCD核心)
166 DNA integrity of Polyodon spathula cryopreserved sperm. Li, P., Q. Wei, Liu, L., Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2008. 24, 121-125.
167 Cloning and expression analysis of a prion protein encoding gene in guppy ( Poecilia reticulata ).Suihan Wu, Qiwei Wei, G.Y., Dengqiang Wang, Guiwei Zou, Chen, D., Journal of Ocean University of China (English Edition) 2008. 7, 425-431.
168 Dietary vitamin A requirement of juvenile Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii). Wen, H., Yan, A.S., Gao, Q., Jiang, M., Wei, Q .W*., Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2008. 24, 534-538.
169 Swimming behavior in relation to buoyancy in an open swinbladder fish, the Chinese sturgeon. Y. Watanaba, Q. Wei*, D.Yang, X.Chen, H.Du, J.Yang, K.Sato, Y.Naito, N.Miyazaki. Journal of Zoology, 2008. 275(4): 381-390.
170 A bedform morphology hypothesis for spawning areas of Chinese sturgeon. Zhang, H., Q. Wei*, Du, H., Enviornmental Biology of Fishes 2008. 84, 199-208.
171 長江宜昌江段銅魚和中華鱘體內(nèi)HCHDDT的殘留水平 李榮; 甘金華; 徐進; 危起偉 農(nóng)業(yè)環(huán)境科學學報 2008,27:2434-2439.
172 飼料維生素E水平對施氏鱘幼魚生長及組織維生素E含量的影響 文華; 嚴安生; 高強; 劉偉; 危起偉 吉林農(nóng)業(yè)大學學報 2008,30:743-749.
173 中華鱘血清卵黃蛋白原水平的初步觀察 張艷珍; 陳細華; 危起偉; 邱實; 劉志剛 淡水漁業(yè) 2008,38:10-14.
174 葛洲壩下中華鱘產(chǎn)卵場初次水下視頻觀察 杜浩; 張輝; 陳細華; 劉志剛; 危起偉; N. MIYAZAKI 科技導報 2008, 26:49-54.
175 中華鱘自然繁殖行為發(fā)生與氣象狀況的關(guān)系 張輝; 危起偉; 杜浩; 沈麗 科技導報 2008,26:42-48.
176 中華鱘仔魚的轉(zhuǎn)食馴化 柴毅; 危起偉; 李羅新; 謝從新 安徽農(nóng)學通報 2008,14, 179-179.
177 中華鱘苗種的集約化生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng) 楊德國; 危起偉; 朱永久; 劉鑒毅; 王凱; 陳細華; 李羅新 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報 2008,24:214-217. (EI擴展)
178 不同水深和光照強度對中華鱘受精卵孵化率的影響 柴毅; 謝從新; 危起偉; 李羅新 水利漁業(yè) 2008,3, 3.
179 基于流速梯度的河流生境多樣性分析——以長江湖北宜昌中華鱘自然保護區(qū)核心區(qū)江段為例 張輝; 危起偉; 楊德國; 杜浩; 張慧杰; 陳細華 生態(tài)學雜志 2008,27, 667-674.
180 中華鱘囊胚細胞的長期保存及其克隆胚胎發(fā)育觀察 余來寧; 楊東; 危起偉; 張繁榮; 姚雁鴻; 劉紅艷 江漢大學學報(自然科學版) 2008,36:60-62.
181 ADCP非實測區(qū)流速推算軟件的設(shè)計與實現(xiàn) 張輝; 危起偉; 楊德國 氣象水文海洋儀器 2008,1, 41-44.
182 史氏鱘幼鱘對飼料中磷的需要量 文華; 嚴安生; 高強; 劉偉; 危起偉 水產(chǎn)學報 2008,32:242-248.
183 中華鱘成體消化系統(tǒng)的形態(tài)學和組織學研究 柴毅; 謝從新; 危起偉; 楊德國; 葉帥東 水利漁業(yè) 2008,28:16-18.
184 回聲探測儀的發(fā)展趨勢及漁業(yè)應(yīng)用 張慧杰; 危起偉; 楊德國 水利漁業(yè) 2008,28:9-13.
185 ADCP在水域生態(tài)研究中的應(yīng)用 張輝; 危起偉; 楊德國 水利漁業(yè) 2008,28:1-4.
2007 (第1或通訊作者: 3 篇SCI, 7篇CSCD核心 )
186 Development of microsatellite DNA markers of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and their cross-species application in bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Liao, M.J., Yang, G.P., Wang, X.C., Wang, D.Q., Zou, G.W., Wei, Q .W., Mol. Ecol. Notes 2007. 7, 95-99.
187 Age and biogeography of major clades in sturgeons and paddlefishes (Pisces: Acipenseriformes). Peng, Z., Ludwig, A., Wang, D., Diogo, R., Wei, Q .*, He, S., Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2007. 42, 854-862.
188 Construction of genetic linkage maps of guppy (Poecilia reticulata) based on AFLP and microsatellite DNA markers. Shen, X., Yang, G., Liu, Y., Liao, M., Wang, X., Zhu, M., Song, W., Zou, G., Wei, Q., Wang, D., Chen, D., Aquaculture 2007. 271, 178-187.
189 Levels, tissue distribution, and age-related accumulation of synthetic musk fragrances in Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis): Comparison to organochlorines.Wan, Y., Wei, Q .W.*, Hu, J.Y., Jin, X.H., Zhang, Z.B., Zhen, H.J., Liu, J.Y., Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007. 41, 424-430.
190 Ultrastructure and morphology of spermatozoa in Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray 1835) using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Wei, Q ., P. Li, M. Psenicka, S.M.H. Alavi, L. Shen, J. Liu, J. Peknicova, Linhart, O., Theriogenology 2007. 67, 1269-1278.
191 Hydrological Status of the spawning ground of Acipenser sinensis underneath the Gezhouba Dam and its relationship with the spawning runs. Yang Deguo, Wei Qiwei, Chen Xihua, et al. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 2007,27(3): 862-869.
192 幾種不同濃度的離子及單糖對中華鱘精子活力的影響 劉鑒毅; 甘芳; 危起偉; 杜浩; 朱永久 水生生物學報 2007,31:849-854.
193 中華鱘視網(wǎng)膜早期發(fā)育及趨光行為觀察 柴毅; 謝從新; 危起偉; 陳細華 水生生物學報 2007,31:920-922.
194 計算機輔助對幾種鱘魚凍精激活液的比較 柳凌; OTOMAR Linhart; 危起偉; 郭峰; 張潔明; 劉鑒毅 水產(chǎn)學報 2007,31:711-720.
195 利用ADCP測流數(shù)據(jù)建立河床DEM方法研究 張輝; 危起偉; 楊德國 地理空間信息 2007,5:114-116.
196 葛洲壩下游中華鱘(Acipenser sinensis)產(chǎn)卵場地形分析 張輝; 危起偉; 楊德國; 杜浩; 張慧杰; 陳細華 生態(tài)學報 2007,27:3945-3955.
197 長江中華鱘遺傳多樣性變化 曾勇; 危起偉; 汪登強 海洋科學 2007,31:67-69.
198 中華鱘吻須部味蕾的早期發(fā)育 柴毅; 謝從新; 危起偉 長江大學學報(自科版)農(nóng)學卷 2007,4, 62-64.
199 中華鱘胚胎細胞的冷凍保存及其核移植 余來寧; 危起偉; 張繁榮; 楊東; 姚雁鴻; 劉紅艷 水產(chǎn)學報 2007,31:431-436.
200 中華鱘苗種工廠化養(yǎng)殖系統(tǒng)設(shè)計與應(yīng)用 楊德國; 危起偉; 朱永久; 杜浩; 李羅新 漁業(yè)現(xiàn)代化 2007,34:1-3.
201 葛洲壩下中華鱘繁殖生物學特性及其人工繁殖效果 劉鑒毅; 危起偉; 陳細華; 楊德國; 杜浩; 朱永久; 鄭衛(wèi)東; 甘芳 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學報 2007,18, 1397-1402.
202 淡水人工培育中華鱘亞成體的海水馴化試驗 楊德國; 朱永久; 危起偉; 陳細華; 劉鑒毅; 王凱 海洋水產(chǎn)研究 2007,28, 120-124.
203 苯酚、Cu2+、亞硝酸鹽和總氨氮對中華鱘稚魚的急性毒性 杜浩; 危起偉; 劉鑒毅; 楊德國; 陳細華; 朱永久; 唐國盤 大連水產(chǎn)學院學報 2007,22, 118-122.
204 不同喂食方法對產(chǎn)后野生中華鱘的攝食促進 張曉雁; 劉鑒毅; 危起偉; 楊道明; 周文軍; 蔡經(jīng)江; 楊靜 動物學雜志 2007,42:142-146.
205 葛洲壩下游中華鱘產(chǎn)卵場的水文狀況及其與繁殖活動的關(guān)系 楊德國; 危起偉; 陳細華; 劉鑒毅; 朱永久; 王凱 生態(tài)學報 2007,27:862-869.
206 葛洲壩下中華鱘自然繁殖流速場的初步觀測 張輝; 危起偉; 楊德國; 杜浩; 張慧杰; 陳細華 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2007,14:183-191.
207 中華鱘早期發(fā)育中17β-雌二醇和睪酮水平變化的初步觀察 吳湘香; 陳細華; 劉鑒毅; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè) 2007,37:3-7.
208 葛洲壩下游中華鱘產(chǎn)卵場的水文學模型 危起偉; 班璇; 李大美 湖北水力發(fā)電 2007,2, 4-6.
209 中華鱘精卵特征及精子入卵早期過程觀察 厲萍; 危起偉; 魯大椿; 吳湘香; 沈麗; 劉鑒毅; 陳細華 水利漁業(yè) 2007,27:9-11.
210 MS-222、丁香油、苯唑卡因?qū)︷B(yǎng)殖美洲鰣幼魚的麻醉效果 杜浩; 危起偉; 楊德國; 劉鑒毅; 甘芳; 陳細華; 沈麗 大連水產(chǎn)學院學報 2007,22, 20-26.
211 葛洲壩至古老背江段魚類的水聲學調(diào)查 張慧杰; 楊德國; 危起偉; 杜浩; 張輝; 陳細華 長江流域資源與環(huán)境 2007,16, 86-91.
212 長江水生生物多樣性保護. 危起偉, 王丁, 王利民, 長江保護與發(fā)展報告2007,長江出版社, 武漢., 90-113.
2006 (第1或通訊作者: 7 篇SCI, 4篇CSCD核心 )
213 Development of Retina during Chinese sturgeon early ontogeny. Chai, Y., Xie, C., Wei, Q .*, Yi., L.,Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2006, 22:196-201.
214 A review on conservation issues in the upper Yangtze River - a last chance for a big challenge: Can Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius), Dabry's sturgeon, (Acipenser dabryanus) and other fish species still be saved.Fan, X., Wei, Q .*, Chang, J., Rosenthal, H., He, J., Chen, D., Shen, L., Du, H., Yang, D., Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2006, 22:32-39.
215 Observations on formation and development of primary germinal tissue of cultured Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis. Chen, X., Wei, Q *., Yang, D., Zhu, Y., Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2006, 22:358-360.
216 Cryopreservation of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) sperm. Liu, L., Wei, Q .*, Guo, F., Zhang, J., Zhang., T., Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2006, 22:384-388.
217 Distribution and movement of Chinese sturgeon,Acipenser sinensis,in spawning ground located below the Gezhouba Dam during spawning seasons. Yang D, Wei Q*, Kynard B, Chen X, Liu J, Zhu Y.J. Appl. Ichthyol. 2006,22(Supplement 1): 61-67.
218 The effect of some water parameters on the oxygen consumption rate of embryos and larvae of the Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis). Liu, J.Y., Wei, Q *.W., Yang, D.G., Tang, G.P., Du, H., Zhu, Y.J., Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2006,22:244-247.
219 Genetic structure and low-genetic diversity suggesting the necessity for conservation of the Chinese Longsnout catfish, Leiocassis longirostris (Pisces : Bagriidae).Wang, Z.W., Zhou, J.F., Ye, Y.Z., Wei, Q .W., Wu, Q.J., Environ. Biol. Fishes 2006, 75:455-463.
220 Distribution and movement of Chinese sturgeon,Acipenser sinensis,in spawning ground located below the Gezhouba Dam during spawning seasons. Yang, D., Kynard, B., Wei, Q .*, Chen, X., Liu, J., Zhu, Y., Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2006, 2:145-151.
221 Large-scale cultivation of fingerlings of the Chinese Sturgeon Acipenser sinensis for re-stocking. Zhu, Y., Wei, Q .*, Yang, D., Wang, K., Chen, X., Liu, J., Li, L., Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2006, 22:238-243.
222 The Ontogeny of the Retina of Chinese Sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis). Y.Chai, C.Xie, Q.Wei, et al.J.Appl.Ichthyol. 2006,22(Suppl.1): 196-201.)
223 溫度對中華鱘精子、卵子短期保存的影響 鄭躍平; 劉鑒毅; 謝從新; 危起偉; 楊德國; 陳細華 吉林農(nóng)業(yè)大學學報 2006,28:682-686.
224 鱘形目魚類rDNA擴增及限制性位點分析 汪登強; 危起偉; 羅曉松; 方耀林 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2006,13:885-890.
225 中華鱘水族館馴養(yǎng)研究 劉鑒毅; 張曉雁; 危起偉; 張輝; 楊道明; 朱永久; 陳細華; 楊德國; 鄭躍平 淡水漁業(yè) 2006,36:52-56.
226 鰱微衛(wèi)星標記研制及其在鰱和鳙遺傳多樣性研究中的應(yīng)用(英文) 廖梅杰; 楊官品; 鄒桂偉; 危起偉; 汪登強 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2006,13:756-761.
227 苯唑卡因?qū)γ乐搛堖\輸應(yīng)激的緩解作用研究 杜浩; 危起偉; 甘芳; 劉鑒毅; 楊德國; 陳細華; 張燕 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2006,13:787-793.
228 中華鱘人工繁殖關(guān)鍵技術(shù)的改進效果研究 劉鑒毅; 危起偉; 杜浩; 朱永久; 楊得國; 陳細華; 王凱; 甘芳; 沈麗 經(jīng)濟動物學報 2006,10:96-100.
229 野生中華鱘水族館馴養(yǎng)觀察 劉鑒毅; 張曉雁; 危起偉; 張輝; 楊道明; 朱永久; 陳細華; 楊德國 動物學雜志 2006,41:48-53.
230 美洲鰣應(yīng)激后皮質(zhì)醇激素和血液生化指標的變化 杜浩; 危起偉; 甘芳; 劉鑒毅; 陳細華; 楊德國 動物學雜志 2006,41:80-84.
231 魚類行為學研究進展 柴毅; 謝從新; 危起偉; 劉能玉 水利漁業(yè) 2006,26:1-2.
232 淡水養(yǎng)殖中華鱘成魚的3種方式及效果比較 楊德國; 危起偉; 王凱; 朱永久; 陳細華; 劉鑒毅 南方水產(chǎn) 2006,2, 1-5.
233 中華鱘苗種集約化培育技術(shù) 李羅新; 危起偉; 朱永久; 楊德國 淡水漁業(yè) 2006,36, 52-54.
234 MS-222對中華鱘和施氏鱘的麻醉試驗 陳細華; 朱永久; 劉鑒毅; 楊德國; 杜浩; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè) 2006,36, 39-42.
235 世界魚類資源增殖放流概況. In:國家環(huán)境保護區(qū)總局環(huán)境影響評價管理司 (ed.) 水利水電開發(fā)項目生態(tài)環(huán)境保護研究與實踐, 危起偉, 楊德國, 吳湘香, 中國環(huán)境科學出版社, 北京,2006. 285-294.
2005 (第1或通訊作者: 3篇CSCD 核心)
236 Cloning and characterization of prion protein coding genes of Japanese seabass (Lateolabrax japonicus) and Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Liao, M.J., Zhang, Z.W., Yang, G.P., Sun, X.Q., Zou, G.W.,Wei, Q.W., Wang, D.Q., Aquaculture 2005, 249:47-53.
237 Distribution and movement of Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, in spawning ground located downstream the Gezhouba Dam during spawning seasons.D.Yang, Q.Wei, K.Boyd, et al. 5th International Symposium on Sturgeon.May 9-13, 2005. Ramsar.Iran.
238 牙鲆蛋白質(zhì)感染因子蛋白基因的克隆和結(jié)構(gòu)分析 廖梅杰; 張之文; 楊官品; 孫修勤; 鄒桂偉; 危起偉; 汪登強 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2005,12:801-806.
239 中華鱘常見病害及其防治 朱永久; 危起偉; 楊德國; 王凱; 陳細華; 劉鑒毅; 李羅新 淡水漁業(yè) 2005,35:47-50.
240 13種鱘形目魚類線粒體DNA的PCR-RFLP分析 汪登強; 危起偉; 王朝明; 羅曉松 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2005,12:383-389.
241 葛洲壩截流24年來中華鱘產(chǎn)卵群體結(jié)構(gòu)的變化 危起偉; 陳細華; 楊德國; 劉鑒毅; 朱永久; 鄭衛(wèi)東 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2005,12:452-457.
242 人工標志放流中華鱘幼魚的降河洄游 楊德國; 危起偉; 王凱; 陳細華; 朱永久 水生生物學報 2005,29:26-30
243 鱸魚蛋白質(zhì)感染因子蛋白基因的克隆和結(jié)構(gòu)分析. 張之文, 廖梅杰, 楊官品, 孫修勤, 鄒桂偉, 危起偉, 汪登強, 高技術(shù)通訊 2005, 15:76-80.
2004 (第1或通訊作者: 1篇 SCI,2篇CSCD核心)
244.Status of sturgeon aquaculture and sturgeon trade in China: a review based on two recent nationwide surveys. Wei, Q , J. He, D. Yang, W. Zheng, Li., L., Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2004, 20(5):321-332.
245 養(yǎng)殖中華鱘性腺發(fā)生與分化的組織學研究 陳細華; 危起偉; 楊德國; 朱永久; 劉筠 水產(chǎn)學報 2004,28:633-639.
246 中華鱘胚胎的耗氧率 唐國盤; 劉鑒毅; 危起偉; 陳細華; 楊德國; 朱永久; 杜浩 動物學雜志 2004,39:30-34.
247 低齡中華鱘外科手術(shù)性別鑒定技術(shù) 陳細華; 危起偉; 朱永久; 楊德國; 羅剛; 劉筠 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2004,11:371-374.
248 葛洲壩下中華鱘自然產(chǎn)卵胚胎正常發(fā)育的證據(jù) 陳細華; 楊德國; 危起偉; 羅剛; 劉筠 淡水漁業(yè) 2004,34:3-5.
249 美洲鰣的生物學特征及資源狀況 杜浩; 危起偉 淡水漁業(yè) 2004,34:62-64.
250 中國鱘魚的保護、管理與產(chǎn)業(yè)化 危起偉; 楊德國 淡水漁業(yè), 2003,33(3):3-7.
251 中國胭脂魚資源現(xiàn)狀及保護對策. 楊德國, 危起偉, 中國水產(chǎn)科學 2003, 10:138-141
252 網(wǎng)箱養(yǎng)殖鱘魚試驗 何廣文; 李長江; 胡盛新; 陳仁貴; 陳細華; 危起偉淡水漁業(yè), 2002, 32(6): 24-25. 2002-11-15
253 論我國鱘魚產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展方向 危起偉 科學養(yǎng)魚, 2002, 5: 3-4. 2002-05-25
254 國家一級水生野生保護動物中的三種鱘 柯福恩; 危起偉 北京水產(chǎn) 2000-08-15
255 Molecular phylogenetic systematics of twelve species of Acipenseriformes based on mtDNA ND4L -ND4 gene sequence analysis 張四明; 張亞平; 鄭向忠; 陳永久; 鄧懷; 汪登強; 危起偉; 張云武; 聶龍; 吳清江 Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences), 2000 (02): 129-137. 2000-04-15
256 中華鱘精子低溫保存的相關(guān)因子 柳凌; 危起偉; 魯大椿; 郭峰; 劉憲亭; 章龍珍 水產(chǎn)學報. 1999,23,suppl, 86-89 1999-12-30
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1 花斑裸鯉及其與鱸鯉雜交子代胚胎發(fā)育的研究 萬玉芳; 楊洋; 鄧思紅; 何學福; 危起偉; 王志堅 第十三屆全國野生動物生態(tài)與資源保護學術(shù)研討會暨第六屆中國西部動物學學術(shù)研討會 中國會議 2017-10-27
2 雅魯藏布江三種裂腹魚屬魚類的遺傳多樣性與保護 郭向召; 張桂蓉; 嚴若今; 魏開建; Jonathan P.A.Gardner; 危起偉 第十三屆全國野生動物生態(tài)與資源保護學術(shù)研討會暨第六屆中國西部動物學學術(shù)研討會 中國會議 2017-10-27
3 川陜哲羅鮭多態(tài)微衛(wèi)星引物的篩選及種群遺傳多樣性研究 汪珂; 張書環(huán); 汪登強; 危起偉 2015年中國水產(chǎn)學會學術(shù)年會 中國會議 2015-11-05
4 達氏鱘dead end基因的分離鑒定及功能初探 楊曉鴿; 岳華梅; 葉歡; 李創(chuàng)舉; 危起偉 2015年中國水產(chǎn)學會學術(shù)年會 中國會議 2015-11-05
5 張家界野生大鯢棲息地大型無脊椎動物群落與水質(zhì)生物學評價 王崇瑞; 梁志強; 伍遠安; 危起偉; 李傳武; 伍驥; 文立華; 劉訓華 2015年中國環(huán)境科學學會學術(shù)年會 中國會議 2015-08-06
6 利用聽性腦干反應(yīng)技術(shù)測定胭脂魚的聽覺能力 劉猛; 危起偉; 杜浩; 陳其才; 付子英 中國海洋湖沼學會魚類學分會、中國動物學會魚類學分會2012年學術(shù)研討會 中國會議 2012-09-01
7 養(yǎng)殖密度對秦嶺細鱗鮭稚魚生長的影響 孫慶亮; 危起偉; 薛超; 施德亮; 靳建波 中國海洋湖沼學會魚類學分會、中國動物學會魚類學分會2012年學術(shù)研討會 中國會議 2012-09-01
8 中華鱘血清卵黃蛋白原水平的初步觀察 張艷珍; 陳細華; 危起偉; 邱實; 劉志剛 中國工程院第77場工程科技論壇•2008水產(chǎn)科技論壇——漁業(yè)現(xiàn)代化與可持續(xù)發(fā)展 中國會議 2008-09-01
9 試論我國鱘魚養(yǎng)殖產(chǎn)業(yè)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展 鄒遠超; 李融; 危起偉 中國工程院第77場工程科技論壇•2008水產(chǎn)科技論壇——漁業(yè)現(xiàn)代化與可持續(xù)發(fā)展 中國會議 2008-09-01
10 計算機輔助對幾種鱘魚凍精激活液的比較研究 柳凌; Otomar Linhart; 危起偉; 郭峰; 張潔明; 劉鑒毅 中國海洋湖沼動物學會魚類學分會第七屆會員代表大會暨朱元鼎教授誕辰110周年慶學術(shù)研討會 中國會議 2006-10-01