主要從事動物病毒學與免疫學(包括免疫增強劑)等方面的研究,先后主持或參加完成國家與省(部)級科研課題22項,培養碩士生、博士生21人。目前在研“十一五”國家支撐計劃、國家轉基因生物新品種培育重大專項、農業部跨越計劃、山東省自主創新成果轉化重大專項、山東省農業重大應用技術創新課題及山東省自然基金重大項目等課題7項;主持獲得山東省科技進步一等獎一項(首位),二等獎4項(首位)、三等獎1項,理論成果1項;在《Vet Record》、《Archives of Virology》、《virus genes》、《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》、《病毒學報》、《中國農業科學》等國內外期刊上研究論文70余篇,申請國家發明專利8項,參編書2部。先后被評為山東省有突出貢獻的中青年專家、 “新世紀百千萬人才國家級人選”,農業部科技委員,享受國務院政府特殊津貼。
《Vet Record》、《Archives of Virology》、《virus genes》、《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》、《病毒學報》、《中國農業科學》等國內外期刊上研究論文70余篇,申請國家發明專利8項,參編書2部。
1、動物疫病學 中國農業出版社,2004,參編
2、自然科學向導叢書 畜禽家族 畜牧卷,山東科學技術出版社,2007,主編
1、Jun Li, Xiaoyuan Yuan, Lanfei Miao, Chaofan Zhang, Jiaqiang Wu, Jianli Shi, Shaojian Xu, Shangjin Cui, Jinbao Wang, Hongbin Ai A mouse model to study infection against porcine circovirus type 2: viral distribution and lesions in mouse. 《virology journal 》2010,accepted, (IF=2.44)(通訊作者)
2、Jun Li, Kai-Hui Cheng, Zhou Yu, Shao-Jian Xu,Jiang-Qiang Wu, Jin-Bao Wang“Emergence of recombinant PCV2 between genotype 2a and 2b in pig herds in ShanDong Province of China” 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》, 2009,volume 3,No.4,17-23(通訊作者)
3、Jiaqiang Wu,Jun Li,Fulin Tian,Sufang Ren,Meifang Yu,Jing Chen,Zhouran Lan,Xiumei Zhang,Jinbao Wang.Genetic variation and pathogenicity of highly virulent porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus emerging in China,《Archives of Virology》2009,0304-8608 (Print) 1432-8798 (Online).(IF=1.909) (通訊作者)
4、Changmu Chen,Shangjin Cui,Chaofan Zhang,Jun Li,Jinbao Wang.Development and validation of reverse transcript loop-mediated isothermal amplification for detection of PRRSV 《Virus genes》(2010) 40:76–83.(IF=1.376) (通訊作者)
5、Wu Jia-qiang, ZHANG Xing-xiao, Li Jun, REN Su-fang, WANG Ke,ZHANG Jin-qiang,GAO Shu-xia,Wen Jian-xin,ZHANG Xiu-mei,Yoo Dong-wan,NIU Zhong-xiang,WANG Jin-bao.Detection of porcine circovirus type 2 in retrospective cases associated with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome.Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2008,Volume 2,NO.10,12-16(通訊作者)
6、J Wu,J Wang,Y Liu,W Wang,X Zhang,D yoo The relationship between herd sizes and the prevalence of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome《Veterinary Record》, 2008,1639(3)90-91(IF=1.098)(通訊作者)