在《Lithos》、《International Geology Review》、《Science in China》等刊物發表學術論文200余篇,100篇論文被“SCI”收錄,26篇論文被“EI”收錄,出版著作5部、教材9部。
1 賴紹聰,鄧晉福,趙海玲.青藏高原北緣火山作用與構造演化,西安: 陜西科學技術出版社,1996年。
2 賴紹聰,秦江峰.南秦嶺勉略縫合帶蛇綠巖與火山巖,科學出版社,2010年。
3 秦江峰,賴紹聰.秦嶺造山帶晚三疊世花崗巖成因與深部動力學,科學出版社,2011年。
5 朱韌之,賴紹聰.騰沖地塊早白堊世花崗巖類成因機制及其深部動力學.,地質出版社,2018年。
1 賴紹聰.巖漿巖巖石學(第二版),高等教育出版社,2016年。
2 賴紹聰,羅靜蘭,王居里,劉林玉.晶體光學與巖石學實習教程,高等教育出版社,2010年。
3 賴紹聰.巖漿巖巖石學(電子教材),高等教育出版社-高等教育電子音像出版社,2008年。
4 賴紹聰(主編).地球科學實驗教學改革與創新,西北大學出版社,2010年。
5 賴紹聰.巖漿巖巖石學數字課程,高等教育出版社/高等教育電子音像出版社,2017年。
6 賴紹聰.巖漿巖巖石學課程教學設計,高等教育出版社,2017年。
7 劉林玉,賴紹聰,張成立,李紅.晶體光學與巖石學,地質出版社,2012年。
8 劉洪福,羅金海,張復新,華洪,張興亮,賴紹聰.巢湖地區野外實習指導書,西北大學出版社,2007年。
9 滕志宏,孫勇,張云翔,賴紹聰.秦皇島野外地質實習指導書,西北大學出版社,2001年。
1 賴紹聰.聚焦學習者身心發展 構建教育教學新范式.中國大學教學,2020,6:7-10
2 賴紹聰.論課堂教學內容的合理選擇與有效凝練.中國大學教學,2019,3:54 -58
3 賴紹聰.堅持教學質量國家標準,突出本科專業辦學特色-地質學專業教學質量國家標準解讀.中國大學教學,2018,3:30-32
4 賴紹聰.寓教于學 寓教于研.中國大學教學,2017,12: 37-42
5 賴紹聰.如何做好課程教學設計.中國大學教學,2016,10: 14-18
6 賴紹聰.創新教育教學理念 提升人才培養質量.中國大學教學,2016,3: 22-26
7 賴紹聰.建立教學質量國家標準 提升本科人才培養質量.中國大學教學,2014,10: 56-61
8 賴紹聰.改革實踐教學體系 創新人才培養模式.中國大學教學,2014, 8: 40-44
9 賴紹聰,華洪.課程教學方式的創新性改革與探索.中國大學教學,2013, 1: 30-31
10 賴紹聰.尋找契機融合優勢逐步形成特色顯著的教學團隊.中國大學教學,2010,10: 39-41
11 賴紹聰,華洪,王震亮,張成立,張云翔.研究性教學改革與創新型人才培養.中國大學教學, 2007, 8: 12-14
12 賴紹聰.學高為師,身正為范:研究生導師的責任與義務.法學教育研究, 2018, 20: 79 -86
13 賴紹聰,張云翔,周鼎武,張成立,張復新.國家理科地質學人才基地研究性教學改革的探索與實踐.高等理科教育, 2008,1:5-8
14 賴紹聰,張云翔,曹珍,汪海燕.完善教學質量監督保障體系、培養高質量創新型人才.高等理科教育, 2007,6:115-117
15 賴紹聰,張國偉,張云翔.關于理科地質學高等教育改革的幾點思考.高等理科教育, 2006,教育教學研究專輯(二):10-12
16 賴紹聰. “巖石學”系列課程建設的改革與探索.高等理科教育, 2004, 3: 58-60
17 賴紹聰.談碩士研究生學位論文的準備和設計.高等理科教育, 2004, 4: 113-116
18 賴紹聰.重視國家基礎科學人才基地高年紀學生文獻閱讀能力的培養. 高等理科教育, 2004, 5: 33-34
19 賴紹聰.以學習者為主體的課堂教學.西北工業大學學報(社科版), 2018, 137(3): 39 - 42
20 賴紹聰等.注重基礎,強化實踐,以國際化視野構建礦物巖石學434教學新體系.《高校人才培養的理論與實踐探索》,劉建林主編,西北大學出版社,2019, 83-90
21 賴紹聰,康磊.巖石學實驗教學創新:虛擬偏光與數碼互動顯微鏡教學系統的開放與應用.高校地球科學課程教學序列報告會論文集,高等教育出版社,2017
22 賴紹聰.深化課程體系改革 構建人才培養新模式.西北高教論評,2015,1: 15-20
23 賴紹聰,何翔,華洪.本科學生科研能力訓練的問題與思考. 中國地質教育,2011, 4: 8-10
24 賴紹聰,常江,華洪,喻明新.理科地質學高等教育課程體系的重構與創新型人才培養. 大學地球科學課程報告論壇論文集,高等教育出版社,2010,141-146
25 賴紹聰,何翔,華洪.地球科學高等教育改革與發展的若干建議.中國地質教育, 2009, 4: 35-39
26 賴紹聰,華洪,常江.探索創新性實踐教學新模式 穩步提高教學質量-以“鄂爾多斯盆地-秦嶺造山帶野外地質教學基地”建設為例.大學地球科學課程報告論壇論文集,高等教育出版社,2009,307-310
27 賴紹聰,張國偉,張云翔. 理科地質學高等教育改革的實驗室建設與實踐.高教發展研究, 2006, 88(3):32-34
28 張國偉,賴紹聰.深化地球科學課程改革 適應多樣化人才培養需要. 中國大學教學,2011, 11:11-13
29 華洪,賴紹聰,何翔,汪海燕.構建秦嶺多學科野外實訓基地 加強學科交融和資源共享.大學地球科學課程報告論壇論文集,高等教育出版社,2011,141-146
30 張國偉,賴紹聰.深化地學教學改革的探討.中國大學教學,2009,12:22-24
31 陳丹玲,賴紹聰,張云翔,滕志宏,劉養杰.抓基礎 促興趣 重能力-西北大學地質學系一年級野外實踐教學體會.中國地質教育, 2009, 3: 49-52
32 華洪,賴紹聰,常江.創新人才培養的新途徑—本科生科學研究能力培訓的探索與實踐. 教育部高等學校教學指導委員會通訊,2009,第1期,
33 何翔,賴紹聰, 喻明新,華洪.七秩奮斗 成績斐然-西北大學地質學系的發展與變化.中國地質教育, 2009,4:185-189
34 常江,賴紹聰,喻明新.西北大學地質學科建設與創新人才培養.中國大學教學, 2008, 11: 49-50
35 王震亮,賴紹聰,張云翔.健全研究生培養過程的質量控制體系 造就高素質的地學研究生隊伍.高等理科教育,2008,6:155-158
36 常江,賴紹聰,華洪,喻明新,王震亮.本科生-研究生貫通培養的實踐與探索.中國地質教育, 2007, 4: 27-31
37 周鼎武,賴紹聰,張成立,張復新,張云翔.地質學實踐教學新體系.中國地質教育,2006, 4: 47-53
38 張云翔,賴紹聰.國家“理科人才培養基地”的創新教育.高等理科教育,2004, 3: 9-11
39 喻明新,王康,王震亮,張云翔,賴紹聰.真抓實干 推動科學研究工作實現跨越式發展.高等理科教育, 2004, 5: 85-87
40 何翔,華洪,賴紹聰,周鼎武.秦嶺多學科綜合性野外實習基地建設的探索與實踐.中國地質教育,2012,1:44-46
41 楊俊杰,陳正雄,賴紹聰.地球科學在線開放課程群建設的認識與思考.中國大學教學,2018,11:51-56
1 Lai Shaocong,Zhu Renzhi. Petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous high-Mg# granodiorites in the northeastern Lhasa terrane, SE Tibet: Evidence for mantle - deep crustal interaction. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 2019,177, 17–37
2 Lai Shaocong, Zhao Shaowei. Petrogenesis of the zheduoshan cenozoic granites in the eastern margin of Tibet: contraints on the initial activity of xianshuihe fault. Journal of Geodynamics, 2018,117,49-59
3 Lai Shaocong, Qin Jiangfeng,Xiaoping Long, Yongfei Li, Yin-Juan Ju, Renzhi Zhu, Shaowei Zhao, Zezhong Zhang, Yu Zhu, Jiangbo Wang. Neoproterozoic gabbro – granite association from the Micangshan area, northern Yangtze Block: Implication for crustal growth in active continental margin. Geological Journal, 2018,53, 2471 - 2486
4 Lai Shaocong, Qin Jiangfeng, Zhu Renzhi, Zhao Shaowei. Neoproterozoic quartz monzodiorite-granodiorite association from the Luding-Kangding area: Implications for the interpretation of an active continental margin along the Yangtze Block (South China Block). Precambrian Research , 2015,267, 196-208.
5 Lai Shaocong, Qin Jiangfeng, Jahanzeb Khan. The carbonated source region of Cenozoic mafic and ultra-mafic lavas from western Qinling: Implications for eastern mantle extrusion in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Gondwana Research, 2014, 25:1501-1516
6 Lai Shaocong, Qin Jiangfeng. Adakitic rocks derived from partial melting of subducted continental crust: evidence from the Eocene volcanic rocks in the northern Qiangtang block. Gondwana Research, 2013, 23: 812-824
7 Lai Shaocong, Qin Jiangfeng, Li Yongfei, Li Sanzhong, Santosh M. Permian high Ti/Y basalts from the eastern part of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, southwestern China: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012, 47: 216- 230
8 Lai Shaocong, Qin Jiangfeng, Rodney Grapes.Petrochemistry of granulite xenoliths from the Cenozoic Qiangtang volcanic field, northern Tibetan plateau: Implications for lower crust composition and genesis of the volcanism. International Geology Review,2011, 53(8): 926 -945
9 Lai Shaocong, Qin Jiangfeng, Chen Liang, Rodney Grapes. Geochemistry of ophiolites from the Mian-Lue suture zone: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Qinling orogen, central China. International Geology Review,2008,50(7):650-664
10 Lai Shaocong, Qin Jiangfeng, Li Yongfei. Partial melting of thickened Tibetan crust: geochemical evidence from Cenozoic adakitic volcanic rocks. International Geology Review, 2007,49(4):357-373
11 Lai Shaocong, Liu Chiyang, Yi Haisheng. Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Andesite-dacite Associations from the Hoh Xil Region, Tibetan Plateau. International Geology Review, 2003,45(11):998-1019
12 Lai Shaocong, Qin Jiangfeng, Li Yongfei, Long Ping. Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic characteristics of the Mugouriwang Cenozoic volcanic rocks from Tibetan Plateau. Science in China (Series D), 2007, 50(7):984-994
13 Lai Shaocong, Zhang Guowei, Li Yongfei, Qin Jiangfeng. Genesis of the Madang Cenozoic sodic alkaline basalt in the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau and its continental dynamics implications. Science in China (Series D), 2007, 50(Supp.II), 314-321
14 Lai Shaocong, Li Yongfei, Qin Jiangfeng. Geochemistry and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the Dongjiahe ophiolite complex from the western Bikou terrane. Science in China (Series D), 2007, 50(Supp.II),305-313
15 Lai Shaocong, Zhang Guowei, Pei Xianzhi, Yang Haifeng.Geochemistry of the ophiolite and oceanic island volcanic rock in the Kangxian – Pipasi - Nanping tectonic melange zone, southern Qinling and their tectonic significance. Science in China (Series D), 2004, 47(2):128-137
16 Lai Shaocong, Zhang Guowei, Dong Yunpeng, Pei Xianzhi, Chen Liang.Geochemistry and regional distribution of the ophiolites and associated volcanics in Mianlue suture, Qinling-Dabie Mountains. Science in China (Series D), 2004,47(4): 289-299
17 Lai Shaocong, Zhang Guowei and Li Sanzhong. Ophiolites from the Mianlue suture in the southern Qinling and their relationship with the eastern paleotethys evolution. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2004, 78(1): 107-117
18 Lai Shaocong, Zhang Guowei, Yang Ruiying. Identification of the island-arc magmatic zone in the Lianghe-Raofeng-Wuliba area, south Qinling and its tectonic significance. Science in China (Series D), 2000, 43(Supp.), 69-81
19 Lai Shaocong, Liu Chiyang, S Y O’Reilly. Petrogenesis and its significance to continental dynamics of the Neogene high-potassium calc-alkaline volcanic rock association from north Qiangtang, Tibeten Plateau. Science in China (Series D), 2001, 44(Supp.), 45-55
20 Lai Shaocong, Yi Haisheng, Lin Jinhui. Discovery of the granulite xenoliths in Cenozoic volcanic rocks from Hoh Xil, Tibetan Plateau. Progress in Natural Science, 2003, 13(9): 712-715
21 Lai Shaocong.Ophiolite from the Mian-Lue suture zone in the Qinling orogenic belt: implications for the tectonic evolution of the central .Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2007, 18(Special Issue): 443-445
22 Lai Shaocong.Partial melting of the mantle-crust transition zone, northern Tibet: evidence from the Cenozoic volcanis. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2007, 18(Special Issue): 446-448
23 Lai Shaocong. Genesis of the Cenozoic Sodic Alkaline Basalt in the Xiahe–Tongren Area of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau and its Continental Dynamic Implications. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2016, 90(3): 1047-1048
24 Zhu Renzhi, Lai Shaocong(通訊作者), Qin Jiangfeng & Zhao Shaowei, Santosh M. 2019. Petrogenesis of high-K calc-alkaline granodiorite and its enclaves from the SE Lhasa block, Tibet (SW China): Implications for recycled subducted sediments. Geological Society of America Bulletin 131(7-8):1224-1238.
25 Zhu Renzhi, Lai Shaocong(通訊作者), Qin Jiangfeng & Santosh M., Zhao Shaowei, Zhang Encai, Zong Chunlei, Zhang Xiaoli, Xue Yuze. 2020. Genesis of high-potassium calc-alkaline peraluminous I-type granite: New insights from the Gaoligong belt granites in southeastern Tibet Plateau. Lithos 354-355, 105343.
26 Zhu Renzhi, Lai Shaocong(通訊作者), Qin Jiangfeng & Zhao Shaowei, Santosh M., 2018. Strongly peraluminous fractionated S-type granites in the Baoshan Block, SW China: implications for two-stage melting of fertile continental materials following the closure of Bangong-Nujiang Tethys. Lithos 316, 178-198.
27 Zhu Renzhi, Lai Shaocong(通訊作者), Santosh M., Qin Jiangfeng & Zhao Shaowei, 2017. Early Cretaceous Na-rich granitoids and their enclaves in the Tengchong Block, SW China: magmatism in relation to subduction of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethys ocean. Lithos 286, 175-190.
28 Zhu Renzhi, Lai Shaocong(通訊作者), Qin Jiangfeng & Zhao Shaowei, Wang Jiangbo.2017.Late Early-Cretaceous quartz diorite-granodiorite-monzogranite association from the Gaoligong belt, southeastern Tibet Plateau: chemical variations and geodynamic implications. Lithos 288, 311-325.
29 Zhu Renzhi, Lai Shaocong(通訊作者), Qin Jiangfeng & Zhao Shaowei.2018. Petrogenesis of late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic granitoids and metagabbroic rocks of the Tengchong Block, SW China: implications for the evolution of the eastern Paleo-Tethys. International Journal of Earth Sciences 107, 431-457.
30 Zhu Renzhi, Lai Shaocong(通訊作者), Qin Jiangfeng & Zhao Shaowei. 2015. Early-Cretaceous highly fractionated I-type granites from the northern Tengchong block, western Yunnan, SW China: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 100, 145-163.
31 Zhu Renzhi, Lai Shaocong(通訊作者), Qin Jiangfeng & Zhao Shaowei.2018. Early-Cretaceous Syenites and Granites in the Northeastern Tengchong Block, SW China: Petrogenesis and Tectonic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition) 92(4),1349-1365
32 Zhu, Y., Lai, S.C(通訊作者), Qin, J.F., Zhang, Z.Z., Zhang, F.Y., 2019. Late Triassic Biotite Monzogranite from the Western Litang Area, Yidun Terrane, SW China: Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 93(1): 1–4
33 Zhu, Y., Lai, S.C(通訊作者), Qin, J.F., Zhu, R.Z., Zhang, F.Y., Zhang, Z.Z., 2019. Geochemistry and zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopes of the 780 Ma I-type granites in the western Yangtze Block: Petrogenesis and crustal evolution. International Geology Review 61 (10), 1222–1243.
34 Zhu, Y., Lai, S.C(通訊作者), Qin, J.F., Zhu, R.Z., Zhang, F.Y., Zhang, Z.Z., Gan, B.P., 2019. Petrogenesis and geodynamic implications of Neoproterozoic gabbro-diorites, adakitic granites, and A-type granites in the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block, South China. Journal of Asian Earth Science 183, 103977.
35 Zhu, Y., Lai, S.C(通訊作者), Qin, J.F., Zhu, R.Z., Zhang, F.Y., Zhang, Z.Z., Zhao, S.W., 2019. Neoproterozoic peraluminous granites in the western margin of the Yangtze Block, South China: Implications for the reworking of mature continental crust. Precambrian Research 333, 105443.
36 Zhu, Y., Lai, S.C(通訊作者), Qin, J.F., Zhu, R.Z., Zhang, F.Y., Zhang, Z.Z., 2020. Petrogenesis and geochemical diversity of late Mesoproterozoic S-type granites in the western Yangtze Block, South China: Co-entrainment of peritectic selective phases and accessory minerals. Lithos 352–353, 105326.
37 Zhu, Y., Lai, S.C(通訊作者), Qin, J.F., Zhu, R.Z., Liu, M., Zhang, F.Y., Zhang, Z.Z., Yang, H., 2020. Genesis of ca. 850–835 Ma high-Mg# diorites in the western Yangtze Block, South China: Implications for mantle metasomatism under the subduction process. Precambrian Research 343, 105738.
38 Shaowei Zhao, Shaocong Lai, Xianzhi Pei, Zuochen Li, Ruibao Li, Jiangfeng Qin, Renzhi Zhu, Youxin Chen, Meng Wang, Lei Pei, Chenjun Liu, Feng Gao, 2020. Neo-Tethyan Evolution in southeastern externsion of Tibet: Contraints from Early Paleocene to Early Eocene granitic rocks with associated enclaves in Tengchong Block. Lithos, 364-365, 105551.
39 Shaowei Zhao, Shaocong Lai(通訊作者), Xianzhi Pei, Jiangfeng Qin, Renzhi Zhu, Ni Tao, Liang Gao, 2019. Compositional variations of granitic rocks in continental margin arc: Constraints from the petrogenesis of Eocene granitic rocks in the Tengchong Block, SW China. Lithos 326-327, 125-143.
40 Shaowei Zhao, Shaocong Lai(通訊作者), Jiangfeng Qin, Renzhi Zhu, Jiangbo Wang, 2017. Geochemical and geochronological characteristics of Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene granitoids in the Tengchong Block, Southwestern China: Implications for crust anatexis and thickness variations along eastern Neo-Tethys subduction zone. Tectonophysics 694, 87-100
41 Shaowei Zhao, Shaocong Lai(通訊作者), Liang Gao, Jiangfeng Qin, Renzhi Zhu, 2017. Evolution of the Proto-Tethys in the Baoshan block along the East Gondwana margin: constraints from early Palaeozoic magmatism. International Geology Review 59(1), 1-15.
42 Shaowei Zhao, Shaocong Lai(通訊作者), Jiangfeng Qin, Renzhi Zhu, 2016. Petrogenesis of Eocene granitoids and microgranular enclaves in the western Tengchong Block: Constraints oneastward subduction of the Neo-Tethys. Lithos 264, 96-107.
43 Shaowei Zhao, Shaocong Lai(通訊作者), Jiangfeng Qin, Renzhi Zhu, 2016. Tectono-magmatic evolution of the Gaoligong belt, southeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau: Constraints from granitic gneisses and granitoid intrusions. Gondwana Research 35, 238-256.
44 Shaowei Zhao, Shaocong Lai(通訊作者), Jiangfeng Qin, Renzhi Zhu, 2014. Zircon U-Pb ages, geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic compositions of the Pinghe pluton, Southwest China: implications for the evolution of the early Palaeozoic Proto-Tethys in Southeast Asia. International Geology Review 56(7), 885-904.
45 Gan Baoping, Lai Shaocong(通訊作者),Qin Jiangfeng, Zhu Renzhi, Zhao Shaowei, Li Tong. Neoproterozoic alkaline intrusive complex in the northwestern Yangtze Block, Micang Mountains region, South China: Petrogenesis and tectonic significance. International Geology Review, 2017, 59(3), 311-332
46 Baoping Gan, Shaocong Lai(通訊作者), Jiangfeng Qin, Renzhi Zhu, Yu Zhu, 2018. U-Pb zircon geochronology, geochemistry, and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic composition of the Late Cretaceous monzogranite from the north of the Yidun Arc, Tibetan Plateau Eastern, SW China: petrogenesis and tectonic implication. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11:794
47 Min Liu, Shaocong Lai(通訊作者), Da Zhang, Renzhi Zhu, Jiangfeng Qin, Guangqiang Xiong, 2019. Middle Permian high Sr/Y monzogranites in central Inner Mongolia: reworking of the juvenile lower crust of Bainaimiao arc belt during slab break-off of the Palaeo-Asian oceanic lithosphere, International Geology Review, 61:17, 2083-2099
48 Min Liu, Shaocong Lai(通訊作者), Da Zhang, Renzhi Zhu, Jiangfeng Qin, Yongjun Di, 2019. Early-Middle Triassic Intrusions in Western Inner Mongolia, China: Implications for the Final Orogenic Evolution in Southwestern Xing-Meng Orogenic Belt, Journal of Earth Science, 30:5, 977–995
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