[5]Jiang, Ping; Xiong, Jia; Wang, Fei; Grace, Mary H.; Lila, Mary Ann*; Xu, Rui.alpha-Amylase and alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities of Phenolic Extracts from Eucalyptus grandis x E-urophylla Bark.JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2017, 8516964.
[6]He, Qiyang; Reis, Cristiano E. Rodrigues; Wang, Fei; Hu, Bo*.Phytate extraction from coproducts of the dry-grind corn ethanol process.RSC ADVANCES, 2017, 7(9): 5466-5472.
[7]Chen, Dengfeng; Feng, Qingyuan; Yang, Yunqin; Cai, Xu-Min; Wang, Fei; Huang, Shenlin*.Metal-free O-H/C-H difunctionalization of phenols by o-hydroxyarylsulfonium salts in water.CHEMICAL SCIENCE, 2017, 8(2): 1601-1606.
[8]Long, Lingfeng; Shi, Hao; Li, Xun; Zhang, Yu; Hu, Jinguang; Wang, Fei*.Cloning, Purification, and Characterization of a Thermostable beta-Glucosidase from Thermotoga thermarum DSM 5069.BioResources, 2016, 11(2): 3165-3177.
[9]Qiyang He; Hao Shi; Huaxiang Gu; Gilda Naka; Huaihai Ding; Xun Li; Yu Zhang; Bo Hu; Fei Wang*.Immobilization of Rhizopus Oryzae LY6 onto Loofah Sponge as a Whole-cell Catalyst for Biodiesel Production.BioResources, 2016, 11(1).
[10]Wenqian Li; Hao Shi; Huaihai Ding; Liangliang Wang; Yu Zhang; Xun Li; Fei Wang*.Cell Surface Display and Characterization of Rhizopus oryzae Lipase in Pichia pastoris Using Sed1p as an Anchor Protein.Current Microbiology, 2015, 71.
[11]Li, Xun; Shi, Hao; Ding, Huaihai; Zhang, Yu; Wang, Fei*.Production, Purification, and Characterization of a Cellulase-Free Thermostable Endo-xylanase from Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum DSM 571.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014, 174(7): 2392-2402.
[12]Shi, Hao; Zhang, Ying; Xu, Baiyun; Tu, Maobing; Wang, Fei*.Characterization of a novel GH2 family alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase from hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga thermarum.Biotechnology Letters, 2014, 36(6): 1321-1328.通訊作者
[13]Shi, Hao; Ding, Huaihai; Huang, Yingjuan; Wang, Liangliang; Zhang, Yu; Li, Xun; Wang, Fei*.Expression and characterization of a GH43 endo-arabinanase from Thermotoga thermarum.BMC Biotechnology, 2014, 14: 35
[14]Shi, Hao; Zhang, Yu; Zhong, Hui; Huang, Yingjuan; Li, Xun; Wang, Fei*.Cloning, over-expression and characterization of a thermo-tolerant xylanase from Thermotoga thermarum.Biotechnology Letters, 2014, 36(3): 587-593.SCI 通訊作者
[15]Shi, Hao; Zhang, Yu; Wang, Liangliang; Li, Xun*; Li, Wenqian; Li, Xiangqian; Wang, Fei*.Molecular analysis of hyperthermophilic endoglucanase Cel12B from Thermotoga maritima and the properties of its functional residues.BMC Structural Biology, 2014, 14: 8. SCI 通訊作者
[16]Shi, Hao; Wang, Lili; Li, Xun*; Wang, Liangliang; Zhang, Yu; Li, Xiangqian; Wang, Fei*.Directed Evolution of a Hyperthermophilic Endoglucanase Cel12B from Thermotoga maritima.BioResources, 2014, 9(2): 3526-3535.
[17]Shi, Hao; Huang, Yingjuan; Zhang, Yu; Li, Wenqian; Li, Xun; Wang, Fei*.High-level expression of a novel thermostable and mannose-tolerant beta-mannosidase from Thermotoga thermarum DSM 5069 in Escherichia coli.BMC Biotechnology, 2013, 13:83-93 SCI 通訊作者
[18]Shi, Hao; Li, Xun; Gu, Huaxiang; Zhang, Yu; Huang, Yingjuan; Wang, Liangliang; Wang, Fei*.Biochemical properties of a novel thermostable and highly xylose-tolerant beta-xylosidase/alpha-arabinosidase from Thermotoga thermarum.Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2013, 6: 27.SCI 通訊作者
[19]Hao Shi; Yingjuan Huang; Yu Zhang; Wenqian Li; Xun Li; Fei Wang*.High-level expression of a novel thermostable and mannose-tolerant β-mannosidase from Thermotoga thermarum DSM 5069 in Escherichia coli.BMC Biotechnology, 2013, 13(83).
[20]Hao Shi, Yu Zhang, Xun Li, Yingjuan Huang, Liangliang Wang, Ye Wang, Huaihai Ding,Fei Wang*. A novel highly thermostable xylanase stimulated by Ca2+fromThermotoga thermarum: cloning, expression and characterization.Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2013, 6: 26 SCI 通訊作者
[21]Xun Li; Xiaoyun He; Zhilin Li; Fei Wang*.Conbined strategies for improving the production of recombinant Rhizopus Oryzae lipse in Pichia Pastoris.BioResources, 2013, 8(2):2867-2880. SCI 通訊作者
[22]Li, Xun; He, Xiao-Yun; Li, Zhi-Lin; Wang, You-Dong; Wang, Chun-Yu; Shi, Hao; Wang, Fei*.Enzymatic production of biodiesel from Pistacia chinensis bge seed oil using immobilized lipase (vol 92, pg 89-93, 2012).Fuel, 2012, 96(1): 611-611.SCI 通訊作者
[23]Hao Shi; Xun Li; Xiang Qian Li; Fei Wang*.Clone, expression, and purification of a hyperthermophilic endoglucanase gene cel12B from Thermotoga maritima.Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 518-523(2012): 5528-5532.
[24]Ye Wang; Wen qian Li; Xun Li; Hao Shi; Fei Wang*.Constructon of yeast suface display of ProROL by using Flo1p anchor system. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 512-515(2012): 356-360.
[25]Zhi-lin Li, Xun Li, Ye Wang, Youdong Wang, and Fei Wang*, Jianchun Jiang. Expression and characterization of recombinant Rhizopus oryzae lipase for enzymatic biodiesel production.Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102:9810–9813 SCI 通訊作者
[26]Wang, You-dong; Shen, Xiao-yong; Li, Zhi-lin; Li, Xun; Wang, Fei*; Nie, Xiao-an; Jiang, Jian-chun.Immobilized recombinant Rhizopus oryzae lipase for the production of biodiesel in solvent free system.Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic , 2010, 67(1-2): 45-51.
[27]Shen, Xiaoyong; Wang, Youdong; Wang, Fei*.Characterisation and biological activities of proanthocyanidins from the barks of Pinus massonian and Acacia mearnsii.Natural Product Research, 2010, 24(6): 590-598. SCI 通訊作者
[28]Li Fei*; Zhao Linguo; Li Guoqing; Yang Shiyi; Li Xun; Wang Fei.CLONING, EXPRESSION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF XYLANASE GENE XYNB FROM ASPERGILLUS NIGER IN PICHIA PASTORIS.International Symposium on Emerging Technologies of Pulping and Papermaking, China, 2010-11-08 to 2010-11-10.
[29]Zheng-ge Zhang, Xueyu Du and Fei Wang*. Biological Activities of Procyanidins from the Bark of Pinus caribaeaMorelet. Natural Product Research, 2009, 23(8) :696-703 SCI 通訊作者
[30]Chen Jun-Hua; Wang Fei; Cheng Nian-Shou; Ding Zhi-Jie; Fu Zhai-Hui; Yin Dong-Hong.Characterization and Antibacterial Ability of Copper-Modified Hexagonal Mesoporous Silica in situ.Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2009, 24(4): 695-701.
[31]Wang, Fei; Xie, Qi; Zhang, Zheng-ge.Improvement of Paper Strength by Partially Aminated Polyvinylformamides.International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology, China, 2008-11-04 to 2008-11-06.
[32]Liu Xia-rui,Wang Fei*. Investigation on Biological Activities of Proanthocyanidins from Black Wattle Bark. 林產化學與工業,2007,27(3):43-48
[33]Qi Peipei,Wang Fei*. Investigation on Preparation and Properties of Biodiesel from Rapeseed Oil with High Content of Erucic Acids. 南京林業大學學報(自然科學版),2009,33(1):87-91
[34]Martin A. Hubbe and Fei Wang, Chage-Related Meassurements – A Reappraisal. Part 2. Fiber Pad Streaming Potentia. Paper Technology, 45(9):27-34 (2004)
[35]Fei Wang and Hiroo Tanaka, Supramolecular structure and sizing performance of rosin-based emulsion size microparticles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 221:19-28 (2003) SCI
[36]Fei Wang, Takuya Kitaoka, and Hiroo Tanaka, Vinylformamide-based cationic polymers as retention aids in alkaline papermaking. TAPPI Journal, 2(12):21-26 (2003) SCI
[37]Fei Wang and Martin A. Hubbe, Charge properties of fibers in the mill environment 1: Effect of electrical conductivity. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 28(10): 347-353 (2002) SCI
[38]Fei Wang and Martin A. Hubbe, Development and evaluation of automated streaming potential measurement device. Colloids and Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 194: 221-232 (2001) SCI
[39]Martin A. Hubbe and Fei Wang, Where to add retention aid: Issue of time and shear. TAPPI Journal, 1(1): 28-33 (2002) SCI
[40]Fei Wang and Hiroo Tanaka, Mechanisms of neutral-alkaline paper sizing with usual rosin sizes and alum-polymer dual retention aids system. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 27(1):8-13 (2001) SCI
[41]Fei Wang and Hiroo Tanaka, Partially aminated Poly N-vinylformamide as a novel retention aid for alkaline paper sizing. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 78 (10):1805-1810 (2000) SCI
[42]Fei Wang, Hiroo Tanaka and Martin A. Hubbe, Distribution characteristics of rosin size and sizing features of paper in internal paper sizing. Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 15(5):416-421 (2000) SCI
[43]Fei Wang, Zonghua Wu, and Hiroo Tanaka, Preparation and sizing mechanisms of neutral rosin size Part 2: Functions of rosin derivatives on sizing efficiency. Journal of Wood Science, 45(6):475-480 (1999) SCI
[44]Fei Wang, Hiroo Tanaka, and Zhongmeng Wu, Preparation and sizing properties of neutral rosin size. Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products, 20(2):27-33 (2000)
[45]Fei Wang, Zonghua Wu, and Hiroo Tanaka, Investigation on the quantitative determination of various rosin size components in paper by pyrolysis-GC. Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products , 18(2): 39-45 (1998)
[46]Fei Wang, Martin A. Hubbe and Hiroo Tanaka, Dynamic Adsorption Behavior of Cationic Polymers on the Surfaces of Wood Fibers. Preprints of IUPAC World Polymer Congress -39th International Symposium on Macromolecules, Beijing, p423 (2002)
[47]Fei Wang, Takuya Kitaoka and Hiroo Tanaka, Preparation and sizing performance of cationic styrene polymer. Proc. 69th Pulp and Paper Research Conference of Japan TAPPI, Tokyo, pp158-161 (2002)
[48]Fei Wang, Hiroo Tanaka and Takuya Kitaoka, Vinylformamide-Based Cationic Polymers As Retention Aid in Alkaline Papermaking. Proc. TAPPI Technology Summit 2002, Atlanta, pp296-305 (2002)
[49]Fei Wang, Takuya Kitaoka, and Hiroo Tanaka, Distribution characteristics of rosin size and sizing features of paper in internal paper sizing. Paper and Coating Chemistry Symposium 2000, Stockholm, June 6-8 (2000)
[50]Fei Wang and Hiroo Tanaka, Novel retention system for neutral-alkaline sizing using acid rosin sizes. Proc. 66th Japan TAPPI Annual Meeting, Morioka, pp60-63 (1999)
[51]Fei Wang, Takuya Kitaoka, and Hiroo Tanaka, Functional mechanisms of cationic polymers in neutral-alkaline paper sizing with rosin size. Proceedings of Pre-symposium of the 10th ISWPC, Seoul, pp73-78 (1999)
[52]Fei Wang, Takuya Kitaoka and Hiroo Tanaka, Preparation and sizing mechanisms of neutral rosin size Part 4: Distribution of rosin size and sizing properties of paper. 49th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo (1999)
[13]蔡旭敏,陳新菲,張雪丹,黃元,谷文,王飛. Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Electrochemical Properties of Three Anhydrides Based on Ferrocenecarboxylic Acid and Dehydroabietic Acid[J]. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry,2020,39(03):579-587.