
1、Zhu FY, Chen MX, Chan WL, Yang F, Xie LJ, Zhou Y, Xiao S, Zhang JH, Lo C. SWATH-MS quantitative proteomic investigation of nitrogen deficiency in Arabidopsis reveals new aspects of plant nitrogen responses. J of Proteomics, 2018. 187:161-170
2、Zhu FY, Chen MX, Ye NH, Qiao MW, Gao B, Law WK, Tian Y, Zhang D, Zhang D, Liu TY, Hu QJ, Cao YY, Su ZZ, Zhang JH, Liu YG. Comparative performance of the BGISEQ-500 and Illumina HiSeq4000 sequencing platforms for transcriptome analysis in plants. Plant methods, 2018. 14:69-83
3、Zhu FY, Chen MX, Shi Lu, Ye NH, Yang JF, Cao YY, Zhang YJ, Yoshidae T, Fernie AR, Sui J, Liu TY, Fan T, Hao GF, Xiao S, Liu YG and Zhang JH. Proteogenomic analysis reveals alternative splicing and alternative translation elements of the abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Journal,2017, 91: 518-533.
4、Cao YY, Bian XC, Chen MX, Xia RL, Zhang JH, Zhu FY*, Wu CF.iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis in vernalization-treatedfaba bean (Viciafaba L.).Plos One. 2017. 12(11):e0187436 (*Corresponding author)
5、Zhu FY, Chan WL, Chen MX, Kong R, Cai C, Wang Q, Zhang JH, Lo C (2016) SWATH-MS quantitative proteomic investigation reveals a role of jasmonic acid during lead response in Arabidopsis. Journal of Proteome Research,2016. 15: 3528-3539.
6、Zhu FY, Chen MX, Su YW, Xu XZ, Ye NH, Cao YY, Lin S, Liu TY, Li HX, Wang GQ, Jin Y, Gu YH, Chan WL, Lo C, Peng XX, Zhang JH, Zhu GH. SWATH-MS quantitative analysis of proteins in the rice inferior and superior spikelets during grain filling. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016.7:1926-1937.
7、Zhu FY, Li L, Zhang JH, Lo C. Transgenic expression of a simple extracellular leucine-rich protein from sorghum (SbLRR2) enhances resistance against necrotrophic pathogens in Arabidopsis.Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2015. 91:31-37.
8、Zhu FY, Li L, Lam PY, Chen MX, Chye ML, Lo C. Sorghum extracellular leucine-rich repeat protein SbLRR2 mediates lead tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology 2013. 54(9): 1549-1559.
9、Chen MX, Zhu FY#, Wang FZ, Ye NH, Gao B, Chen X, Zhao SS, Fan T, Cao YY, Liu TY, Su ZZ, Xie LJ, Hu QJ, Wu HJ, Zhang JH, Liu YG. Alternative splicing and translation play important roles in parallel with transcriptional regulation during rice hypoxic germination. Journal of experimental botany. 2018. (# contributed equally).
10、Li QZ#, Zhu FY#, Lam PY, Liu HJ, Lo C. Young Leaf Chlorosis 2 encodes thestromal-localized heme oxygenase 2 which is required for normal tetrapyrrole metabolism in rice. Planta 2014. 240:701-712.
11、Li L#, Zhu FY#, Liu HJ, Chu H, Lo C. Isolation and expression analysis of defense-related genes in sorghum-Colletotrichum sublineolum interaction. 2013.Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 84: 123-130.