
在BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Genomics,等SCI源刊物發表研究論文20篇,參與編寫專著2部。
1. Hongxia Pang,…S.H.Tao, Statistical Distributions of Optimal Global Alignment Scores of Random Protein Sequences. BMC Bioinformatics 6:257 (15 October 2005)(SCI, IF =5.423)(通訊作者)
2. Jingfeng Chen,…, S.H. Tao. significant positive correlation between the recombination rate and GC content in the human pseudoautosomal region Genome 2006 Volume 49, Number 5, May 2006: 413-419(SCI, IF=2.1)(通訊作者)
3. Jingjing Li, …, S.H. Tao. A New Method for RAPD Primers Selection Based on Primer Bias in Nucleotide Sequence Data. J. of biotechnology 126(2006):415 -423 (SCI, IF=2.687)(通訊作者)
4. Li GL, Tao SH, Wang XJ. Sequence and epitope analysis of surface proteins of avian influenza H5N1 viruses from Asian patients. Chinese Science Bulletin 2006, 51 (20): 2472-2481(SCI, IF =0.783)
5. Li Mingkun,…, Shiheng Tao. Evolution of the Isochore Structure in the Scale of Chromosome: Insight from the Mutation Bias and Fixation Bias. J. of Evolutionary Biology. 2008 Jan;21(1):173-182. Epub 2007 Nov 12. (SCI, IF=3.92)(通訊作者)
6. Gong XD,…, Tao SH. Comparative Analysis of Essential Genes and Nonessential Genes in Escherichia coli K12. Mol Genet Genomics. 2007 Oct 18; Mol Genet Genomics (2008) 279: 87-94 :(SCI, IF=2.978)(通訊作者)
7. Yanhui Fan, … Shiheng Tao Patterns of Insertion and Deletion in Mammalian Genomes Current Genomics, 2007, 8, 370-378 (SCI, IF=0.782)(通訊作者)
8. Yanhui Fan, … Shiheng Tao The rates and patterns of insertions, deletions and substitutions in mouse and rat inferred from introns Chinese Science Bulletin 2008, 53 (18) (SCI, IF =0.77)(通訊作者)
9. Xia Shen, …Shiheng Tao, the correlations of the function and positional distribution of the cis- elements CArG around the TSS in the genes of the Mus musculus Genome, 2009 52:217-221(SCI, IF =1.76)(通訊作者)
10. Qi Shi, …Shiheng Tao, Chimpanzee and Human Intron Comparison Reveals Functional Constraints and Complex Evolution Genetica 2009 (SCI, IF =1.7)(in press) (通訊作者)
11. Wu WW, Huang XT, Cheng J, Li ZG, de Folter S, Huang ZR, Jiang XQ, Pang HX and Tao SH*. 2011. Conservation and evolution in and among SRF-and MEF2-type MADS domains and their binding sites. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28: 501-511. (SCI, IF="9.872)
12. Jiang XQ, Xu Z, Li J, Shi YY, Wu WW and Tao SH*. 2011. The influence of deleterious mutations on adaptation in a sexual population. PLoS one, 6:e27757. (SCI, IF="4.411)"
13. Li L, Guo Y, Wu WW, Shi YY, Cheng J and Tao SH*. 2012. A comparison and evaluation of five biclustering algorithms by quantifying goodness of biclusters for gene expression data. BioData Mining, 5(1): 1-10. (SCI, IF="2.624))
14. Cheng J, Wu WW, Zhang YW, Li XC, Jiang XQ, Wei GH and Tao SH*. 2013. A new computational strategy for predicting essential genes. BMC Genomics, 14:910. (SCI, IF="4.397)
15. Jiang XQ, Hu SJ, Xu Q, Chang YJ and Tao SH*. 2013. Relative effects of segregation and recombination on the evolution of sex in finite diploid populations. Heredity, 111(6):505-512. (SCI, IF="4.110)"
16. Mao YH, Wang WT, Cheng N, Li Q and Tao SH*. 2013. Universally increased mRNA stability downstream of the translation initiation site in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Gene, 517:230-235. (SCI, IF="2.196)
17. Mao YH, Li Q, Wang WT, Liang PQ and Tao SH*. 2013. Number variation of high stability regions is correlated with gene functions. Genome Biology Evolution, 5:484-493. (SCI, IF="4.759)
18.Mao YH, Liu HL, Liu YL and Tao SH*. 2014. Deciphering the rules by which dynamics of mRNA secondary structure affect translation efficiency in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Research, 42:4813-4822. (SCI, IF="8.808
19.Chang YJ, Hua Y, Jiang XQ and Tao SH*. 2015. Influences of dominance and evolution of sex in finite diploid populations. PloS one, 10(5): e0128459. (SCI, IF="3.534)
20. Meng XW, Wang C, Rahman SR, Wang YX, Wang AL and Tao SH*. 2015. Genome-wide identification and evolution of HECT genes in soybean. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(4):8517-8535. (SCI, IF="2.862)
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