摘要 繼文獻[1]對L形截面鋼柱的彎扭相關屈曲一般性方程研究,本文研究了L形截面鋼柱軸心受壓承載力實用計算方法,推導出了L形截面柱換算長細比計算公式,考慮了柱缺陷影響,給出了軸心受壓穩定系數 ,從而得出L形截面柱軸心受壓實用設計計算公式,并做了幾組L形截面柱軸心受壓承載力試驗,驗證了計算公式。
關鍵詞 L形截面鋼異形柱,柱初始缺陷分析,換算長細比,軸心受壓
Research on the Applied Calculation method
for Steel Abnormity-section Columns under Axial Pressure
Wang minggui1 Wang xiaoyu2 Chen zhanghua2
(1 China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100013)
(2 Science and Technology University of Beijing 100083)
[Abstract] Following the literature [1] about the general equations of torsional-flexural interactive buckling, this paper has been researched on the calculation method of load-carrying capacity to the L-section column under axial pressure for engineering applications. The equivalent slenderness ratio of L-section column has been derived. Considering the influence initial imperfections, the column’s steady coefficient is obtained under axial pressure. Thereby we have gained the applied calculation formula about L-section column under axial pressure. Eventually we have finished several groups of experiments about bearing capacity of L-section column under axial pressure so as to testify the computing formula.
[Keywords] L-section steel column, analysis of initial imperfections column, equivalent slenderness ratio, axial pressure
我們在文獻[1]中提出了鋼異形柱在住宅建筑中應用的思想,并利用薄壁構件理論建立了L形截面柱彎扭相關屈曲一般性方程,分析了理想直桿軸壓特征值問題。本文將進一步研究L形截面柱軸心受壓承載力實用設計計算公式,首先推導出L形截面柱換算長細比計算公式,再引入柱缺陷影響,給出了軸心受壓穩定系數 ,從而得出L形截面柱軸心受壓實用設計計算公式,再用試驗進行驗證所得計算公式。
1 引述
彎矩可以寫成: , ,其中偏心距 和 都是以主軸的正方向為正,負方向為負,這樣,方程(1)就可以寫為: (2)

為材料屈服強度,E為材料彈性模量,G為材料剪切模量,l為構件長度,A為構件截面面積,(x0,y0)為截面剪坐標。如圖1所示, o z為形心主坐標系,o為形心。
[1] [2] [3] 下一頁